
The fan in her hand fell to the ground, and Qingji didn't bother to pick it up. She gently wiped the bright red at the corner of her mouth with her right hand, so that she could maintain her most beautiful look in the end.

The pair of snake eyes had also returned to normal round pupils, and the flaming snake chasing Miyu gradually dissipated. Only the slightly red scorched earth along the way and the still hot and twisted air in the air proved the disaster just now.

"Lord Anzhen...failed...to keep...the promise..."

After saying that, Qing Ji turned into a white spirit and disappeared, leaving only a lone class card scratched from the air and falling to the ground like a fallen leaf.

"My friend——"

Just as Tamamo Mae was about to come over to help, he saw Kiyohime being shot through and then dissipating.

"You...she obviously works so hard...why?"

Tamamo stood there blankly, clenching his fists, looking at the panting Miyu, and muttered without sadness:

"Could it be that this world can't even accommodate a girl who simply longs for love?"

Because of the warming effect of the previous flame snake, after the flames dissipated, it actually started to rain heavily.

"Tick tock, tick tock,..."

Big raindrops fell on the face of Kotamamo, who was rarely silent and serious, but maintained an optimistic attitude towards life at all times.

Then it flowed down her pretty face. For a moment, looking at Miyu in front of Tamamo, she couldn't tell whether the drops of water dripping down her face were tears or rain.

"Why does it feel like we are the bad guys?"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who unknowingly moved the lying Luvia and Tohsaka Rin to a safe place, and prepared to watch the beautiful girls fight, could not help but complain:

"I also know that Qing Ji is very hard-working and very simple, but the love she desires is too hot, and probably no one can bear it."

"And I remember that the rumored An Zhen is a philosopher and a handsome guy who likes boys. Qing Ji just fell in love with someone else after seeing her face."

"No matter how tragic her feelings are, it cannot change the fact that she is wishful thinking and forcing others to do something difficult. The most important thing is that the so-called love at first sight is just falling in love with someone else's handsome appearance."

"If Anzhen didn't have that handsome appearance, would you, Qingji, still fall in love with her? No, no, you are just a believer in the Appearance Association. Do other people have to like you if they are handsome?"

"The other person rejected you at the beginning, and then you were pestered so much that you postponed it with a comforting 'good guy card' like agreeing to meet next time. This kind of thing can be heard by anyone with a passing IQ and EQ. "

"So, An Zhen, you died miserably!!"

"If you want to blame it, it's because you're handsome. You have to sing all the songs -"

"If you are handsome, you will definitely be a scumbag and definitely bad! If you are handsome, you will die very quickly!"

In the distance, Illya, whose battle plan was successful, couldn't help shouting, ready to go back and fight with everyone.

Ruby stopped him in time and said:

"Ilia, this is a good opportunity."

"Tamamo Mae's weakness is arrows, don't waste your time!"


Illya suddenly remembered such a thing, and then once again extracted a large amount of magic power from her body, projecting the pseudo-spiral sword that earned Red A the name of the 'Nuclear Bomb Swordsman', and then drew it to full capacity again, aiming at the silent figure who raised his head. Tamamo-mae.

"I can!"

Then, another blue electric light shot out, piercing the sky and stabbing Tamamo in front of standing there.

Tamamo Mae, who was still in mourning before, seemed to have a feeling in her heart. When Illya fired the pseudo-spiral sword, she turned to look at Illya's position, with a seductive smile on her lips, and said to herself:

"Even as a good wife, I occasionally think about making a scene!"

Then, a strong magic storm erupted with her as the center, blowing away the scorched earth that had not yet been extinguished.

At this time, the blue electric light, just like when it killed Kiyohime before, penetrated the magic storm without any hindrance and stabbed at Tamamo standing there.

Then, Xiaodama-chan stretched out her right hand at a seemingly slow but extremely fast speed and grabbed her chest.

The blue electric light dispersed, leaving only the pseudo-spiral sword in Tamamo Mae's hand.

"How can this be?"

Tohsaka Rin, who struggled to stand next to Mo Yi to watch the show, looked at the process of Tamamo Mae taking the sword with his bare hands in disbelief, and said to himself unbearably:

"It's too exaggerated."

"Actually, this is normal -"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who had already seen through everything, pointed at the three tails swaying behind Tamamo and said:

"Tamamo Mae is obviously not a conventionally summoned servant. It's not what I said before. It's just a mutilated state with only one tail."

"If the combat power of the top servant is 100, then the combat power of the previous Tamamo-mae is 9. But if Tamamo-mae's combat power can be doubled with the increase of tails, two tails are 9 to the square, and three tails are 9 The tail is nine raised to the third power, and by analogy, when the opponent’s tail is nine, it is nine raised to the ninth power.”

"Nine to the ninth power, how many should that be?"

Obviously, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were frightened by Grandpa Mo Yi's statement. To mentally calculate the ninth power of nine is obviously not something ordinary people can do. Anyway, it has a combat power of over 100 million.

"That's too foul!"

Luvia said with a gloomy expression:

"How can a being of this level be a heroic spirit?"

"Tamamo Mae is not dead in the first place, and registering on the Heroic Soul Seat is just a game the other party uses to kill time."

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"The complete Tamamo Mae is one of the seven beasts that can destroy humans."

"You may not understand the concept of beasts. You should know about Amaterasu Omikami in District 11. Tamamo-mae is the profile of Amaterasu Omikami, and this is only part of her essence. Going back to the earliest period, the other party is In the age of gods, there is a famous existence."

Tohsaka Rin, Luvia: "..."

Teacher Mo Yi, you explained it very clearly, but this will only make us more desperate! !

"It doesn't matter--"

Seeing the two people turning gray and giving up on treatment, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly comforted them:

"It's not time to give up yet. The opponent is just three tails now. No matter if the combat power is 729, which is about the same as Seven Little Suns or Golden Pika, can you still win this game (probably)!?"

It seems that Tamamo Ko is the real ceiling among heroic spirits.

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