You must know that the Three Kingdoms developed Gundam, the Qin Dynasty developed the Galaxy Battleship, the Shang Dynasty had such black technology as Nezha in the list of gods, and the Xia Dynasty defeated the general (the pseudo-Luoyancheng textbook in the hands of the marshal is just the original Italian translation of the Xia Dynasty), then the Celestial Dynasty The earliest sources, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, only had the old god of bubbles. As the Yellow Emperor's pet, it seems reasonable that Tamamo Mae, who is worthy of the Yellow Emperor's trustworthy task of guarding the tomb, has a combat power of over 100 million.

Chapter 393: Tamamo Ko: Marriage Fraud Execution Cannon!

After seeing her pseudo-spiral sword being caught by the opponent's bare hands in the distance, Illya said it was strange that she wasn't afraid.

I thought in my heart that it would be great if I could kill the opponent with one strike like before, but the reality still slapped Illya's little heart hard.

Normally, Illya would have been gray all over. She pressed her temples with her hands and complained in a broken voice.

But at this moment, she showed an unusually cunning smile. She herself didn't notice this, only Ruby noticed it.

However, now is not a good time to investigate Illya's abnormality.

If Ilya looked in the mirror at this moment, she would definitely be frightened by her strange smile in the mirror. When did she become so strange?

"It's not over yet—"

"Fantasy collapse!"

After seeing Tamamo-mae grabbing her own false spiral sword, Illya used her connection with the spiral sword to detonate the inner magic power of the projection Noble Phantasm.

Ordinary followers would naturally not do such a thing. After all, each follower only has one or two Noble Phantasms. The main combat power is reflected in the Noble Phantasms. Although detonating the Noble Phantasms can cause strong damage, losing the Noble Phantasms will They were also withdrawing from the battle.

However, this does not include Faker's Red A. Anyway, his Noble Phantasm is projected, just blow it up and project it again, so Fantasy Collapse has become one of his special skills.

Holding the pseudo-spiral sword, I wanted to throw the arrow that looked like a sword but not a sword back to the past.

But suddenly he felt the position of the arrow in his hand change. Xiao Tamamo, who had five thousand years of wisdom, had never seen anything before, and he suddenly realized that the other party seemed to want to detonate this precious phantom.

With a squeeze of her skillful hands, the pseudo-spiral sword was broken by her and dissipated before it exploded.

"I don't like fakes, Tamamo."


Illya, who was observing with clairvoyance from a distance, was frightened by Tamamo Mae's sudden operation. Although her Noble Phantasm was a copy, no matter how poor the quality was, it was still a Noble Phantasm, but it was crushed by the opponent's hands?

In particular, she felt the gaze of Tamamo Mae looking at her from a distance. The eagerness, almost like a fox looking at a fat chicken, made Illya feel terrified all over.

The other party has definitely seen him, and he will catch him soon.

If you don't run, you will die!

"What do we do now?"

Rin Tosaka looked at Grandpa Mo Yi who had just pulled Miyu back and asked.

In the eyes of Tohsaka Rin and others, only Grandpa Mo Yi, a heroic spirit who seems to know everything, can solve the current crisis.

Although I don't know how powerful the top heroic spirits are, it is definitely not a being that a magician can resist. According to Mo Yi, the combat power of Tamamo Mae at this moment is equal to that of seven top heroic spirits.

Although everyone is reckless, they will not rush forward without being strengthened.

Well, just now Miyu wanted to rush towards Mang, but was dragged back directly by Grandpa Mo Yi. Who knows why Grandpa Mo Yi in Kyubey state was able to drag a loli that was several times her size.

"Not urgent--"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the changes on the field and said calmly:

"Let's wait and see what happens. I still have the confidence to take you out safely."

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

You are the boss, you have the final say.

So, everyone hid not far away, looking at Tamamo Mae to see what the other party was going to do.

And Tamamo Mae didn't seem to notice where Grandpa Mo Yi and others were hiding. She raised her right hand, and the Kagura that kept echoing suddenly disappeared, and a mirror with a simple and gorgeous shape returned to her hand. This was her Noble Phantasm. 'Tamazao Zhenshi'.

"They are all hiding mikon~"

Tamamo Mae looked at the reflection in the mirror and muttered:

“Let me see where it is??”

Immediately, the scene in the mirror began to change. It was no longer Tamamo Mae's own reflection, but a scene overlooking the subspace. The vision began to change, and soon the scene of Illya appeared.

"Know one?"

"Then let's start with you."

After that, the whole person suddenly disappeared.

"Got you, girl."

Tamamo Mae suddenly appeared in front of Illya, looking at Illya with interest, as if he was looking at a precious collection.

"Artificial soul? Dual existence? What an interesting soul."

"I want to keep Tamamo."

Danger, danger, danger——

Facing Tamamo Mae who appeared in front of her, exuding an irresistible aura, Illya felt that her mind went blank. She knew clearly that if she didn't do something, she might not be subjected to strange things by the other party, or even be killed. Killed by the opponent.

But even so, his body just couldn't move.

This is a normal emergency response. Excessive fear will make people unable to control their bodies.

"It's really useless, Illya."

At this time, a familiar voice appeared in Illya's mind, teasing herself.

"Who are you?"

The situation was already bad, but now that other voices appeared in her mind, Illya was even more at a loss.

"Who am I? What a ridiculous question."

The voice in my mind sounded and said with a smile:

"I am the real Illya, and you are the faker who is occupying my body."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"It's getting more and more interesting mikon~"

Tamamo Mae saw through Illya's inner changes, and his interest increased greatly. He walked forward, as if he wanted to catch Illya, this interesting little prey.

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