"Bang, bang!"

Two seconds later, Xiao Hei and Ilia both fell to the ground with swollen and smoking blisters, unable to get up again.

Miyu, who became a hostage, also successfully escaped from the clutches of the kissing demon Xiao Hei.

Grandpa Mo Yi wiped his hands, looked at Xiao Hei and Ilia who were lying on the ground, covering their heads, and complained:

"No fighting between sisters!"

"Besides, who gave you the courage to blow my mouth? Subordinates are not allowed to blow their boss's mouth. Don't you know this basic common sense?"

Illya: "..."

After being hit by Grandpa Mo Yi's naughty correction punch, Ilia's strange switch in her body was turned off again. Ilia, who once again returned to her usual humanoid self-propelled mode, could only pity the weak in the face of Grandpa Mo Yi's power. He covered his head helplessly again.

Xiao Hei, who has a more stubborn personality, muttered in a low voice:

"Of course it was given by Liang Jingru!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

I learned very quickly, but is this the point of the problem?

After the violence shocked Xiao Hei and Ilia, everyone gathered together to listen to Grandpa Mo Yi's story.

The story to be told is naturally about the story between Xiao Hei and Illya.

The original Illya was born as the Lesser Holy Grail of the Fifth Holy Grail War. Then, in order to save Illya, Kiritsugu and Irisviel stopped the Fourth Holy Grail War and sealed the Holy Grail. The memory of Illya, who was instilled with distorted knowledge and personality as a child, is sealed, allowing Illya to live like a normal child.

But that part of the twisted personality did not disappear because of this. It has always been lurking in Illya's body, and she understands the world through Illya's eyes.

However, a life where you can only watch but do nothing will make people gradually crazy, and the original personality of a magician has become more and more aroused in this kind of life.

In the previous battle, due to the life and death crisis, Illya's personality's control over the body fell into a slump. Coupled with a series of coincidences such as archerization, the original personality appeared in the bronze drum class card, thus breaking away from the seal.

Grandpa Mo Yi finished the popular science in one breath and said:

"In a sense, you two are both Illya, but you are just different personalities born in the same body at different times and environments."

"I already knew that Onii-chan knew about my origin——"

Xiao Hei looked at Grandpa Mo Yi in surprise, and said with confusion and curiosity:

"I didn't expect it to be so clear. There are many details that I don't even know myself."


Regarding this question, do you mean that you have read the script and are you still planning to publish your book?

Grandpa Mo Yi deceived and said:

"My body has the clairvoyance to see through the past and the future, so I naturally foresee what I was summoned to do. It is normal to know the situation beforehand."

Yes, that's it, even Grandpa Mo Yi almost believed it.

After Grandpa Mo Yi talked about the setting of clairvoyance (EX) again and again, everyone gradually accepted this setting. Anyway, no matter how much the other party spoiled it, it was because he had read the script before coming.

"So, are you really Illya?"

Illya felt that her three views had been broken. She originally thought that the other party was just a fake that came out of nowhere, but in fact it was completely different from what she thought.

In a sense, the other person is still his sister.

No, I don’t have such a bad sister!

Moreover, I thought my family was just an ordinary family, but suddenly it was time to set it up. My father was a magician killer, my mother was the Little Holy Grail, and I was once a Little Holy Grail. This was so exciting.

In addition, Miyu was also shocked. Unexpectedly, Illya was also the Holy Grail. The difference was that he was a natural Holy Grail, while Illya was a man-made Holy Grail.

Getting to know each other must be destiny.


After hearing Illya's words, Xiao Hei snorted in displeasure and said:

"Yes, I am the real Illya, you are just the guy who stole everything from me."


Facing Xiao Hei's gaze, Illya was at a loss and could only simply retort.

"Don't think too much -"

Illya, who was in a depressed mood, suddenly felt someone touching the top of her head. When she looked up, she saw Grandpa Mo Yi's comforting smile.

"She is Illya, and you are also Illya, there is no doubt about it."


Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi comforting Ilia, Xiao Hei didn't want to continue to attack him, but said a little unhappily:

"Onii-chan, am I not the one who should be comforted?"

"I suffered so much and finally escaped and regained my body."


Grandpa Mo Yi, who has such a high emotional intelligence, could naturally tell that the other party was jealous, so he stretched out his hand and gave Xiao Hei a slap on the head, saying:

"Sisters should get along well with each other."

Xiao Hei said with a comfortable expression:

"As a sister, I will reluctantly forgive Illya."

"I don't want to, I am the sister——"

Ilya, who was full of crisis, and who had long wanted to have a sister, quickly retorted:

"According to Dabai, you have always been a personality before. Strictly speaking, you are the baby who is less than a day old, so I am the sister!"

When it came to fundamental issues, Illya's little mind started to work quickly, and she came up with such a reasonable counterargument so quickly.

If I let the other party become my sister, what dignity can I have? Will I be bullied to death by the dark guy?

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Xiao Hei definitely didn’t want to be a sister, so he argued rationally:

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