"When I could talk, you were not born yet, sister!"

Illya: "I don't care, I am the sister anyway!"

Xiaohei: "..."

"Sure enough, this world only needs one Illya!"

Some people may not know what the shouting look is, the second picture is it.

Chapter 395: Goudan Nicholas von Einzbern

After Ilia and Xiao Hei argued for several minutes, they still couldn't decide who was the elder sister and who was the younger sister, so they had to put it aside in the end.

Later, under the arrangement of the will of the universe, everyone still talked about how to call Xiao Hei. They couldn't both call them Ilia, right?

It's as embarrassing as if you shout "beauty" casually on the street, countless people may turn around.

During a battle, it would be awkward to call out Illya and have two Illyas perform the same task at the same time.


Illya's witty little mind started to work, and she came up with a name for her sister. However, it was a sister's privilege, and she said with great interest:

"Is it called Black Illya?"

Everyone: "..."

This name is so insincere!

Xiao Hei complained: "Are you an idiot?"

Illya felt the strange looks from around her, and her heart suddenly wondered. Could it be that she really didn't have the talent for naming names? In fact, I think it's pretty good!

The other party is also Illya. Compared with my (white) Illya, isn't the biggest difference is that her skin is darker?

So what's the problem with calling it Black Illya?

No problem at all!

At this time, even Miyu couldn't help it. She had already fulfilled her wish in the original world by getting Illya as a friend. Now she has gained another Illya (Xiao Hei), which is double the legendary value. Happiness, superimposed on everything, brings more happiness, just like a dreamlike time!

How could something as important as naming be done so casually?

Therefore, Miyou's little mind, which had already received a college education on its own, quickly thought of a good name that met the requirements of both Illyas, that is -

"Helia, how are you?"

Everyone: "..."

What's the difference between this and Illya's strange name?

However, it is quite easy to read. At least it is more distinctive than Black Illya. People who don’t know it think that ‘Black Illya’ refers to Illya in a melanized state. Who would have thought that she has darker skin? Where is Illya?

"don't want?"

Under Meiyu's expectant gaze, Xiaohei complained mercilessly:

"Why does my name sound like a knockoff of hers!"

"Obviously I came first, whether it was birth or acceptance of the name Illya!"

As a result, the Miyu was sunk.

After a few seconds, Grandpa Mo Yi said with a wicked smile:

"In the Chinese dynasty, there is a saying that a cheap name is easy to raise. Or should we call him Goudan Nicholas von Einzbern?"

“This name is both down-to-earth and fashionable, and it’s so domineering!”

Everyone: "..."

Are you serious?

Seeing the smile on the corner of Grandpa Mo Yi's mouth, everyone knew that the other party's bad taste was showing up again.

Xiao Hei: "Onii-chan!!"

Xiao Hei stared at Grandpa Mo Yi in a state of collapse.


Grandpa Mo Yi, who was a little embarrassed by the other party, stopped his cheerful behavior and said:

"I'm sorry. Actually, I was just joking with everyone to liven up the atmosphere."

At this time, Xiao Hei finally realized that none of the guys Ilia knew were reliable. At this time, he could only rely on himself. After thinking for a while, he said:

"You will call me Chloe von Einzbern from now on, or Chloe for short."


Illya hammered her right palm with her left hand and said quickly:

"Isn't that just Xiao Hei? Your naming talent is not much better. After all, we are all the same person."

Chloe means "black" in Japanese.

Xiao Hei, who was exposed, was very unhappy and shouted:

"No, Chloe is much better than your strange name of Black Ilia."


Illya said with some guilt:

"Actually, Black Illya sounds nice and has a specific image. Can the name Chloe compare to it in this aspect?"

So Xiao Hei and Ilia started arguing again.

————The dividing line of Kotamamo——————

"Finally found you Mikon~"

At this time, a voice that everyone least wanted to hear appeared in the sky. Tamamo Mae fell in front of everyone, put on a cute and shameful orchid finger pose, and said:

"Ko Tamamo makes a gorgeous appearance again!"


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