Grandpa Mo Yi, who was once a good student of Tianchao, instantly understood who the two people Xiao Tamamo was talking about and complained:

"Xiao Tamamo, you still say that you are not Da (beep)?"

Tamamo Mae: "..."

Although Grandpa Mo Yi's last word had a muffler effect, Xiao Tamamo understood it instantly.

It's like when you meet the right person, you can tell what the other person is thinking with just one look!

Because she accidentally exposed her own black history, Xiao Tamamo's pretty face turned red, the fur on her fluffy tail stood up, and she denied loudly:

"You actually confuse me with that extravagant fox!? Death penalty! Death penalty is confirmed!!"

Seeing the other party like this, Grandpa Mo Yi smiled unmoved and said:

"Xiao Tamamo, the way you look now reminds me of a word, which is 'angry from shame'."

Tamamo Mae: "..."

"I won't listen, I won't listen, you are dead anyway!"

It felt like the more the beeping went on, the more secrets were exposed. Kotamamo said directly that I had to say something more.

"Distinguish! Useless!! Extinguish the floating air!!! Alias, polygamy castration punch!!!"

While speaking, Xiao Tamamo's body had already moved. After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it turned into a sharp arrow and shot towards Grandpa Mo Yi.

"It is too sweet--"

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knows the power of the 'polygamist castration kick'. Although he believes in his own defense and dodge ability, Grandpa Mo Yi has no intention of accepting such a move that is a special attack on men.

Pull out Frostmourne from behind and insert it into the ground.

"Come out, Pipiha!"

Under the extremely cold light, Pipiha made a shining appearance.

"I hold it in my hand..."

Pipiha had just appeared, and the cold special effects around her hadn't dissipated yet, so she was just saying her lines.

At this time, Tamamo's Knight Kick, which was like a meteor, had arrived, and Pipiha, who was standing in front of Grandpa Mo Yi, became Grandpa Mo Yi's absolute iron wall of defense.


After eating the secret of Taijutsu from Kotamamo in the three-tailed state, Pipiha screamed and disappeared into magic power.


The onlookers in the distance were shocked. The husky who easily defeated them was kicked to death by the opponent?

Are you kidding me?

Can this still be played? !

After the polygamous castration punch was blocked, Xiao Tamamo calmed down and returned to stare at Grandpa Mo Yi from a distance.

His angry kick just now was actually blocked by a big dog summoned by the other party. Fortunately, he eliminated the dog immediately.

Dogs are one of the things Tamamo is afraid of. (Wang Jiang, you are lying on your back again.)

"Unknown Servant, as a Servant, why do you stand on their side?"

After calming down, Xiao Tamamo thought that the other party had such a strong soul and was definitely not an easy character to get along with. Even if the other party was currently in the status of a Servant, it was hard to tell.

If the other party also has skills as explosive as his own, wouldn't his vacation trip be aborted before it even begins?

I want to use words to fool the other party and see the situation. At least I can get some useful information.

Xiao Tamamo's wisdom is no joke, she can think of so many things in one moment.

"You don't understand such a simple truth?"

Following Pipiha's tragic defeat, Frostmourne collapsed and could not be used for a short period of time.

Grandpa Mo Yi put out the fire and said confidently:

"Of course because of love and justice!"

"Ma Shao Monkey Wine is cute, and cuteness is justice!"

Kotamamo: "..."

Xiao Tamamo couldn't accept it now and complained loudly:

"Impossible, no one in this world can be cuter than me, so you should be on my side now!"


Grandpa Mo Yi retorted:

"As a fellow from China, don't you understand Tamamo?"

"The people of the Celestial Dynasty cannot refuse the two attributes of silver hair and lolita!"

"Open your eyes and take a good look. Illya, with her two attributes of silver hair and lolita, isn't she the cutest in the world!!"


Kotamamo made a shouting gesture, shouted, and said:

"I don't believe it. Silver hair and lolita are all evil, evil!"


Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Xiao Tamamo with the look he was looking at, and complained:

"Yes, as you think, Tamamo-chan, you are already behind the times."

"Pink hair, childish face, European style, and animal-eared girls are already popular cute attributes a few years ago, and they have long ceased to be the trend in the past two years."


During the cannon battle, the Kotamamo was sunk.


Listening to the conversation between Grandpa Mo Yi and Tamamo Mae, Illya couldn't help but smile, pointing at Xiaohei with her finger, and asked:

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