"Xiao Hei, am I really that cute? Am I the cutest in the world?"

Xiaohei: "..."

"No, get out!"

Illya: "..."

Rejected, Illya had no choice but to turn her gaze to Miyu. Feeling the hot desire in Illya's eyes, the expressionless Miyu could only nod her head and said:

"Ilia is the cutest!"


Xiao Tamamo, who had his head lowered, suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed horribly, looked at Illya who was smiling "Hey, hey," and said calmly:

"This is the only thing I will never admit!"

"This world full of silver hair and lolita is wrong!"

"I want to have it, but God can't have it. If I want to have it, God can't have it!"

"The world is sick and hopelessly changed..."

"Let me, Tamamo, save this world where evil is rampant!!"

After saying that, Tamamo Mae's aura increased greatly, and the three-day golden tail appeared behind him again, entering the six-tailed state.

Chapter 396: Xiao Tamamo: Is it you, Lord Wahuang?

When Tamamo transformed into the Six-Tails state, Tohsaka Rin and others, who were hiding far away and not facing Tamamo, felt the power of the gods.

Cannot be resisted, cannot be violated, and you will die if you touch it...

This is the only feeling everyone has.


Under Xiao Tamamo's pressure, Illya struggled to stay awake, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi in front of her, and called out his name.

Grandpa Mo Yi extended his thumb to the back thoughtfully, indicating 'no problem'.

Through a series of coquettish operations, he successfully made Tamamo go berserk, and the opponent also successfully showed more tail states than the three-tailed state.

Grandpa Mo Yi was finally sure that the opponent decided to continue exploding his tail and transform into the nine-tailed state.

Of course, this nine-tails state is also the nine-tails state of the heroic spirit, not the true body.

Let’s talk about Mr. Gai’s past methods of doing things. He once used Tima, one of the seven evils, in Uruk. In the joint plot, he also used another one of the seven evils, Kiara of Sesshōin, plus he himself He is also one of the Seven Great Evils who holds the principle of 'mercy'.

It can be imagined that the way he wants to cause trouble this time may have something to do with Tamamo Mae. After all, the heroic spirit Tamamo Mae in the nine-tailed state is also one of the seven evils, and the specific beast it is is ominous.

Thinking about it this way, why did Tamamo Mae, who was summoned by the class card, have a different style of painting? In other words, it was Ainsworth, the big boss of the Magical Girl Illya studio, who pretended to cause trouble in the beginning, so the previous plot Not much has changed, the back cover has always intervened.

Whether it was secretly intervening or working together with the Einzworth family, it all led to changes in the world line. In other words, from the moment Grandpa Mo Yi was summoned, the plot began to go crazy.

The current Tamamo is definitely not in a complete state, or did she escape from the parallel world where the Ainsworth family lives?

It is also possible that the other party deliberately used Tamamo Mae as a nail to drive into this world, thereby linking the two parallel worlds.

No matter what, the primary goal now is to beat Tamamo.

"You obviously don't like that me..."

Feeling the power emerging from her body, instead of feeling happy, Xiao Tamamo felt very unhappy. She seemed to have remembered something bad, and stared at Grandpa Mo Yi depressedly and said:

"It's all your fault, you damn guy!"

After saying that, an exquisite and classic fan appeared in his hand, and when he opened it to Mo Yi, it was a light cannon that was no weaker than the Daimao King curry stick.

Da Mao Wang: Damn it! You beast-level bosses always use curry sticks as energy units for your skills. Can you please respect the setting? The curry stick is obviously the most powerful anti-loyalty treasure besides the Sword of Oblivion. Why did it become a basic unit after arriving on the set of Futama!

The most outrageous thing is Mr. Gai’s Noble Phantasm, a light wheel composed of hundreds of millions of curry sticks and light cannons. Why don’t you say that you are in heaven?

Why do curry sticks represent the power of the planet’s own light? Could it be that just ten thousand years of human history can produce the power of billions of planets’ light?

No matter how nonsense you talk, you still have to follow the Basic Law!

Moreover, how do I know that the most powerful defensive artifact in Great Britain originally came from Avalon in Dalian, but was the dining table where the Knights of the Round Table ate together?

"Crescent Moon Celestial——"

Faced with the initial attack of the light cannon, Grandpa Mo Yi expressed that he couldn't bring himself to do it. In Futa Dog, the light cannon has long been a level A attack skill.

Fire's Joy slashed with the force, and the crescent-shaped light blade directly cut open the light cannon, and finally flew along the light cannon towards Kotamamo.

"Danger mikon——"

Beasts all have intuitions that humans don't have, and Xiao Tamamo's beast intuition is even more powerful. When Grandpa Mo Yi drew his sword, his tail felt like it was exploding, and he had already stepped aside.

The crimson crescent sky was naturally empty.

"Is this... the power of the sun?"

Kotamamo, who already possesses the divine personality of Amaterasu, instantly recognized the power essence of the Joy of Fire, and as she observed it, she became more and more surprised.

Because even the fully divine Amaterasu Omikami is just the sun god of District 11. There are so many sun gods in the world, and everyone only holds a part of the power of the sun.

But now, with the sword in the opponent's hand, Tamamo Mae felt the intuition of facing the sun.

It is precisely because she has part of the power of the Sun God that she can feel the terror and essence of the joy of fire better than ordinary people. This is simply the embodiment of the concept of the sun.

Those holy swords that represent the brilliance of the sun are just a joke.

At first, Xiao Tamamo, who was very confident because he had used his true power and casually killed Grandpa Mo Yi, had put away his careless thoughts and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi warily, trying to find the answer from him.

Could it be that he is a heroic spirit with solar authority that is more powerful than a god?

Who is it?

Xiao Tamamo's flexible mind started working quickly, trying to find the prototype from myths and legends.

"It's not surprising that you, who has a side of the sun god, can see through the true nature of the joy of fire."

Facing Tamamozamae's curious gaze, Grandpa Mo Yi was not in a hurry. Anyway, it was not impossible to defeat the beast class. He thought that the Sesshōin Kiara was killed by him with one punch. Even though he is now in the status of a Servant, but Tamamo Ko is also in an incomplete Servant state, and the car of an experienced driver is still not very stable.

And Illya and others were also attracted by the long sword in Grandpa Mo Yi's hand. The treasure that could surprise Tamamo Mae must be very famous, until they heard Mo Yi say the name "Delight of Fire".

Tohsaka Rin's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but complain:

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