"Next, it's up to me whether you want to kill or behead him!"

After saying that, a burst of golden light appeared all over her body, and in front of everyone, Tamamo Mae gradually grew in size, and in a few seconds she turned into a huge and beautiful giantess with a height of one hundred meters.

Yes, the other party is obviously so huge, which is obviously not in line with human aesthetics, but everyone's first impression is still-beautiful.

At this moment, the other party seemed to be a legend about the concept of 'beauty'.

At this moment, Tamamo Mae's appearance and attire were no longer the same as those of the miko fox before.

Not to mention the huge size, in terms of hair color, it has also changed from pink to gold, and the pair of clothes on her body has also changed from the ultra-short miko fox before to a long dress with mythical characteristics, and she has an environmental decoration on her head. ornaments, with a lazy expression on his face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, looking at everyone,

Of course, the nine golden tails swaying behind her are indispensable.

Obviously, she has now transformed into a nine-tailed demon fox, one of the seven evils of mankind.

There is a clear difference between Tamamo Mae who has transformed into the nine-tailed state and the previous state of the miko fox. What everyone can directly feel is her gaze. She is high above. She is not looking at the enemy at all. In her eyes, humans and people on the roadside Pebbles don't make much difference.

This is probably a god.

"Have you thought about how to apologize with death?"

Tamamo Mae looked at Mo Yi and said.

"Now, do you know what rank I summoned as a servant?"

Grandpa Mo Yi asked an unrelated question.

As for Tamamo Mae, he was not in a hurry to deal with Mo Yi who had offended him. After thinking for a while, he replied:


The opponent's Noble Phantasms are all swords, what else could they be besides Saber? Could it still be a caster?

Everyone was obviously confused by Mo Yi's question. What's the profound meaning of talking about this matter at this time?

Everyone who knew the details of Grandpa Mo Yi saw with their own eyes that Grandpa Mo Yi's horse Pipiha had been kicked to pieces by Tamamo Mae.


Grandpa Mo Yi sheathed the Joy of Fire in his hand, and then the Daoguanggege uniform disappeared and returned to his previous appearance in casual clothes.

He shook his head and said:

"I appear as a rider this time, and the Joy of Fire is just my regular Noble Phantasm."

"Now let me show you the real reason why I appear as a rider!"

After saying that, Grandpa Mo Yi made several handprints with his hands that his friends couldn't understand, and then pressed them on the ground.

"The third Noble Phantasm unfolds—the Princess of Roots!"

Countless black spell runes appeared on the ground, and then with a 'bang' sound, a burst of white smoke came out, covering everyone's vision.

"The third Noble Phantasm?"

‘What exactly is it? ’

If you don't think so, my friend, it must be a lie. Grandpa Mo Yi looks so confident, he must be enough to fight against the nine-tailed demon fox Tamamo Mae's mythical beast mount!

Xiao Hei boldly guessed:

"Just ordinary fantasy species or dragon species cannot be Tamamo-mae's opponent."

"It must be a famous mythical beast in the legend. Is it the legendary dragon that devours the world?"


Tohsaka Rin analyzed rationally:

"Mo Yi has already said that she is the 'Princess of the Origin'. Since she emphasizes the origin and women, combined with Mo Yi's understanding of the Celestial Dynasty, she is more powerful than the previous holy sword that is comparable to the sun. Among many myths, I only thought of 'her'!"

"It's just that it stands to reason that it is impossible for such a great being to become a heroic spirit, and it is even said to be the noble phantom of a certain heroic spirit, unless there is some close PY relationship between the two of them!"

Illya: "..."

"Rin, what on earth are you talking about?!"

Thinking of Tamamo Mae in the same place, the calm and lazy smile on his face had disappeared, replaced by a look of fear and anger, and he muttered with a somewhat absent-minded look in his eyes:

"Impossible, how could she appear here..."

However, she kept denying it, but the mere possibility of one in ten thousand made her tremble slightly, and she stared at the white smoke without blinking.

But because the white smoke was a special effect created by Grandpa Mo Yi and had the effect of blocking all perception, Tamamo Mae could only stare helplessly, waiting for the final judgment.

"Is it you, Lord Wa Huang?!"

Chapter 397: Ai Aotian: If I punch you, you might...

"Teacher, why do you make so much white smoke come out with all the fancy flowers?"

The figure gradually emerged from the haze. It was not the Emperor Wa, one of the creator gods of the Celestial Dynasty, with the head of a human and the body of a snake, as Xiao Tamamo had guessed.

Seeing this, Xiao Tamamo breathed a sigh of relief.


Grandpa Mo Yi said awkwardly:

"Isn't that to set off your strong figure, Ai Ge?"

Everyone knows about this kind of pretense, but no one will say it openly.

Lu Ge, why did you raise such a sharp question as soon as you came out? If you didn't do this, you would be beaten to death if you left the society, Kouya!

The reason why Shatiao Aige was summoned was, of course, that Grandpa Mo Yi was so pestered by the other party that when compiling the servant information, he very 'voluntarily' added the other party as his selected Noble Phantasm, and this became Mo Yi. Grandpa Yi is the most important qualification for being selected as a rider.

Shatiao Greene would have turned into a beast-level black, so becoming a mount seemed to be no problem.

Yatiao Aige, who stayed in the small room playing with Grandpa Mo Yi every day, naturally discovered that Grandpa Mo Yi sent his servant clones to play in other worlds.

As a qualified disciple (a yandere, a good wife?), it is natural to follow her like a shadow. If you log yourself into the Hall of Heroes as a heroic spirit, you may not necessarily be summoned to the same world at the same time, so your imagination will be opened. Tiao Aige attached the heroic spirit version of herself as a Noble Phantasm to Mo Yi's heroic spirit information.

No matter how the opponent directly summons her, as long as she uses the ability of the Root Vortex, she will be triggered and summoned as a Noble Phantasm.

Of course, when summoned as a rider, it is not the hidden Noble Phantasm, but the third Noble Phantasm on Grandpa Mo Yi's panel.


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