At this time, the white smoke completely dissipated, and Shatiao Aige finally fell in front of everyone's eyes.

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

Where is the promised snail?

This woman in a light blue dress looks like the legendary boss Nuwa!

And after listening to the conversation between her and Mo Yi, everyone got important information, that is, the other party was Grandpa Mo Yi's disciple?

If the master can't defeat him, what's the use of summoning his disciples?

"Teacher, why do you have such a sweet mouth? Whether you are the main body or the avatar, you speak so nicely."

Shatiao Aige, who had long guessed that Mo Yi made the white smoke just to show off the answer, showed a proud smile as if he had succeeded in teasing him. He held Mo Yi's grandpa's left hand in one hand, and his coquettish skills that he had already used up were very natural. Use:

"After a man sneaked out, he deceived many ignorant girls."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

This time, Grandpa Mo Yi could confidently say that he denied Sanlian. He had always been in Kyubey's state with Illya and the others before, so he didn't do anything shameless.

Lu Ge, this is just your imagination and cannot be used as evidence in court!

Of course, I have been deep in the roots and secretly observed Grandpa Mo Yi's Shatiao Green Song whenever I had free time, so that I would not believe Grandpa Mo Yi's lies.


Shatiao Aige naturally ignored Grandpa Mo Yi's three consecutive denials and muttered in a slightly dissatisfied voice:

"Sure enough, teacher, you should stay at home and work wholeheartedly. I can just love singing. What more games do you need!"

"Playing games will only make you lose your fighting spirit!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"My love song, life is not only about the work at hand, but also games and distant places. If people live in an unchanging world, sooner or later they will be assimilated into the unchanging black and white by the unchanging world."

Grandpa Mo Yi preached with emotion, trying to distract Shatiao Aige from his petty thoughts of playing fish and playing games, saying:

"Besides, my body is always by your side. Don't you know how hard I work, Ai Ge?"

In fact, Grandpa Mo Yi is working hard every day. The only obstacle is that he has moved to live with Grandpa Mo Yi in a small room deep in the root.

I finally calmed down and coded hard. In a few hours, I will be dragged by Shajo Aige to play new games she collected from other parallel worlds. In addition to passing some, I also coded more than one. When I was a child, I would be called out by the other party to eat the dinner she carefully prepared (because there is no concept of morning and evening in the root, as long as you think about it, every meal is a rich dinner).

After dinner, a few hours later, I would be dragged to be a teacher again. In fact, it was just chatting and complaining, and finally it was time to go to bed late.

In the words of Greene, this is the life that normal people should live. Combining work and rest is conducive to high efficiency.

As for the time spent with her, can it be called a waste of time?

Of course not!

Balancing work and family is the secret to a happy life.

Well, what Lu Ge means is that she is trying to correct Grandpa Mo Yi's wrong concept of life.

"Is this your last resort?"

After confirming that the boss Mo Yi had summoned was not her immediate boss, Tamamo Mae breathed a sigh of relief, but the more she carefully observed Sajo Aige, the more she was attracted and shocked by the mystery of him.

First of all, the other party has a soul that is as bright as the sun, but unlike Grandpa Mo Yi, Lu Ge is naturally connected to the roots. By default, knowledgeable people can see her belongings. The root of 'nothingness'.

And Tamamo Mae also felt the aura of the root exuding from the other party, plus Grandpa Mo Yi's real name when he liberated the Noble Phantasm, the 'Prince of the Root'.

Kotamamo also roughly guessed the other party's ability - the ability to manipulate the source.

Of course, the type of ability is powerful, and the person's strength is usually also very powerful. How much power can be exerted depends on the individual's strength.

For example, it is also the ability to manipulate time. Shredded Rake can only control the time in his own body, but it can accelerate and decelerate to a degree of two or three times. It is acceptable to deal with ordinary people. If the opponent's speed, strength and defense are extremely There is not much difference between the existence of the human level and the ability to manipulate time at this level.

Xiao Meiyan, on the other hand, also controls time, but can pause time or even travel through time. Through the side effects of causal superposition, she can turn the round face of an ordinary elementary school student into a round god.

Therefore, although Xiao Tamamo was surprised that the opponent actually possessed this kind of ability, which could be called the strongest, he still needed to fight to know what the actual situation was.

After hearing Tamamo Mae's words, Sajo Aige also broke away from her entanglement with Grandpa Mo Yi, and instantly transformed from a little girl who was addicted to love and loved to act coquettishly to an elegant and heroic young lady. road:

"It seems that you are the reason why the teacher summoned me."


The more he confronted Sajo Aige, the uneasiness in Tamamo Mae's heart became more obvious. In the Celestial Empire, there is no such thing as the so-called whirlpool of roots. The similar term is 'Tao', whether it is immortals, gods or monsters. , the ultimate goal is to pursue the 'Tao', and Tamamo Mae is naturally the same.

According to legend, the Taoist ancestor Hongjun combined with the vortex of the source of fusion. Faced with such a legendary human being, Tamamo no mae naturally cannot muster the courage to fight. This has nothing to do with whether the opponent has merged with the way of heaven, it is just the opponent's own strength. Whatever Pulling out an armpit hair would be enough to kill her.

Shajo Aige, on the other hand, is born to be connected to this root, and is definitely not as good as a being like Daozu.

But even so, fighting against Shajo Aige is to fight against the end of everything.

This kind of pressure, in terms of strength, Tamamo Mae's countless enemies are better than Shajo Aige, but in terms of strength, they are not even comparable to the former Yellow Emperor.

"Can't wait any longer-"

The longer you wait, the greater your psychological pressure will be, the more fear you will have, your belief in victory will gradually be shaken, and your chances of winning will be reduced.


As Tamamo Mae cast the spell with all his strength, the entire Fuyuki City sky was torn apart. The stars, white clouds, and moonlight all disappeared, and the only thing that could be seen was endless darkness.


Everyone felt the sudden strong wind blowing in their ears, and it became extremely difficult to even open their eyes and observe the changes in the sky.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi is not among those who cannot open his eyes.

It was easy to see that Kotamamo created a huge black sphere high in the sky through spells, and the black sphere continued to emit huge suction, blocking the entire sky.

There is absolutely no mistake, this move is the secret that can make the world feel pain - Earth Explosion Star! !


Following Kotamamo's command, the black-moon-like earthburst star in the sky hit everyone where they were. To be more precise, Kotamamo's target of attack was not the people underground, but the entire Fuyuki City.

"Ai Ge, it's up to you."

Since Shatiao Aige is here, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally has to believe in his abilities.

"No problem, teacher."

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