"Illya, you should call me sister, it's really rude."

"I really feel sad for having a sister like you."


Illya immediately retorted:

"I am the sister, Xiaohei!"


Xiao Hei said disapprovingly:

"When you say this, can you get up from my Miyu first, otherwise I will be really angry."

When did Meyou become yours?

Illya will definitely not admit such ridiculous things. Miyu clearly belongs to her, no, it belongs to everyone!

"Miyu is not yours, Xiaohei!"

"Is it?"

With a sly smile on his face, Xiao Hei walked up to Miyu who finally stood up, then hugged Miyu who was still blushing with one hand, and whispered in Miyu's ear:

"Miyu-chan, my magic power is not enough again, please."

When Meiyou heard this, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

But before he could react, he was fixed by Xiao Hei's hands and forcefully repaired the demon.

"This this--"

So, Illya could only watch helplessly, completely confused.

"Xiao Hei, how dare you do this kind of thing again and again!"

"Absolutely, I will never forgive you."

"Thank you for hospitality--"

After more than ten seconds, Xiao Hei let go of Miyu who fell limply to the ground, nimbly dodged the attack of Illya who had turned into a horse-shaking monkey wine state, and said sarcastically:

"I just did what you wanted to do but didn't dare to do, you perverted maid."

Then, he disappeared in front of Illya's eyes in one quick step.

It's the most fun to just show off and run away.


"Cheer up, Miyu!"

Illya did not chase Xiao Hei who fled back to the villa. Instead, she picked up Miyu and shouted loudly as she looked at Miyu who seemed to have been drained of energy.

"I will help you take revenge right away!"

"It doesn't matter--"

Miyu pulled Illya and said:

"I'll just rest for a while."

————Outside the mountain road in Fuyuki City——————

Illya's mother, Irisviel, was sitting in a newly purchased sports car with a gentle smile on her face, but her feet were firmly pressing on the clutch and accelerator.

The sports car was like a mad rabbit, trembling crazily and running on the mountain road. If it was of excellent quality, the car might have disintegrated in the vibration.

"Life is just as lonely as snow——"

A thirty-year-old middle-aged uncle was driving his Wuling Hongguang. There was a glass of water overflowing with no ripples in front of the window. He looked at the rapidly retreating scenery outside the window and sighed:

"Is there nothing in this world that can catch up with my Fuyuki City Car God, Fujiwara Takumi?"

Suddenly, a red phantom passed by, surpassing his Wuling Hongguang in an instant.

Fujiwara Takumi was immediately confused.

"How can it be!"

"This speed is probably 400 kilometers per hour. This is a mountain road with nine turns and thirteen bends! The other party is dying!"

Then, he saw the modified sports car in front of him, rushing out of the guardrail of the mountain road. The rocket launcher accelerator behind it was activated, pulling out a slender flame tail and flying out!

Then, he almost fell on another section of the mountain road going downhill.

When Fujiwara Takumi turned in fear, he even forgot to use drift.


A few minutes later, Fujiwara Takumi stopped on the top of the mountain, leaning on Wuling Hongmitsu, who had accompanied him in battles for many years. He held a cigarette with his trembling hands, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled,

Looking at the haze that gradually rose and disappeared, Fujiwara Takumi suddenly felt that his previous persistence was illusory. Facing Fuyuki City down the mountain, he patted Wuling Hongguang next to him and laughed at himself:

"Old man, we're all old."

At this moment, a very familiar smile suddenly appeared in Fuyuki City's car god's mind.

I haven’t seen each other for a long time. I wonder if she still lives somewhere?

Even though she recognized her father, she was a good girl, he thought.

Chapter 399: Illya: It turns out that I am not my biological daughter

When Illya finally settled Miyu and walked in, both of them had a strange flush on their faces, and it was difficult for others not to misunderstand.


Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but give a warm reminder:

"Illya, Miyu——"

"You are still children, and you have not fully seen the beauty of this world. You must cherish your body. Being so good at playing at such a young age will affect your development."

Meyou: "···"

Meiyou, who has rich extracurricular knowledge, instantly understood, but she didn't know how to refute it. It was obviously not like this!

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