Illya looked confused and asked in confusion:

"Rin, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"You don't understand this?"

Ruby took the opportunity to get close to Illya's ear and teach her some forbidden knowledge.

"Rin means, this...well, and that and so on."

"I'm not, I didn't-"

When Ilia was being educated, she finally understood and shouted loudly:

"Me and Miyu don't have that kind of relationship!"

At this time, Xiao Hei, who was having fun secretly, jumped out to cause trouble and said:

"Then what's the relationship?"

Illya hugged Miyu and said:

"Best friends of course!"


Hearing the word "friend", Miyu seemed to be greatly shocked in her heart. She couldn't help but think of her brother, Emiya Juha, who tried his best to send her from that hopeless world. She couldn't control her tears and wanted to stay. She murmured in a low voice:

"Illya is my friend."

"Miyu, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, everyone also noticed something strange about Miyu. They didn't understand why the other party started crying?

Grandpa Mo Yi had a few private conversations with the other party, and felt that the other party did not want the public to know her past, so he did not directly reveal the origin of Meiyou.

Anyway, when the plot develops to that point, everything will be revealed.

Revealing everything too early is not conducive to establishing new bonds with the other party and everyone.

In this small group, everyone is a talent, they speak very nicely, and they are sincere and interesting. When Emiya met EA, he made a wish to the Holy Grail - I hope my sister can reach a world that is willing to accept her. Meet new friends and gain a world of happiness.

Among so many known similar Holy Grail Wars, it seems that only the wish of the Giant Emiya has been correctly realized.

"Miyu, what's wrong with you?"

Illya looked at Miyu who suddenly shed tears in confusion and anxiety. She didn't know what to do. In the end, she had to hug Miyu, hoping to comfort her.

"I, I'm just too happy."

Miyu smiled and shed tears, looked at Illya, and said to everyone:

"It's great to meet Ilia and everyone."

Illya nodded and said:

"Me too."

——————The dividing line during daily meetings——————

"Rin, is there any latest instruction from the Magic Association?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Miss Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who had depressed expressions on their faces, and guessed that it was because of the Magic Association.

"That's what we were trying to say."

Tohsaka Rin looked at everyone seriously and said:

"The instructor did not give us updated instructions, instructing us to continue the collection of class cards."

"I accidentally revealed that strong reinforcements will appear in the near future, and the other party is an expert in dealing with human affairs."

I finally heard some good news. For primary school students like Illya, a few of them are suddenly required to save the world. Regardless of their ability, the pressure alone is not something that children can bear.

Hearing the reinforcements from professionals, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"That's good."

"Of course this is a good thing, but what worries Luvia and me is not this -"

Tohsaka Rin continued:

"I received news that the former collector of class cards seemed to have gone to Fuyuki City without authorization. His purpose was probably to obtain class cards."

Xiao Hei folded his hands and complained:

"This is still good news!"

"The more reinforcements, the better."


Luvia replied with some embarrassment:

"The other party's goal is also to get a class card, but that doesn't mean it's our reinforcements."

Illya, Miyu and Xiaohei: "???"

The adult world is still too mature for lolita like them.

Seeing Tohsaka Rin and Luvia moaning and groaning, Grandpa Mo Yi, who was lying on the sofa enjoying Kotamamo's massage, couldn't stand it anymore and explained:

"Because collecting class cards was originally someone else's job, but later Luvia took advantage of the family's power and used some small tricks to transfer this important task to them."

"If this happens, others will definitely be unhappy! Especially when they meet such a strong and proud person, they can't bear it."

"If others see Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, it would be better if they don't do anything, let alone help."


Luvia reluctantly turned her head away, avoiding everyone's subtle and contemptuous glances, and said:

"That's about it."

The relatively precocious Xiao Hei couldn't help but complain:

"It's really a dirty adult world."

Then, everyone’s eyes became more and more subtle, and Luvia couldn’t help but defend herself:

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