"You guys are still too sweet——"

"There is no simple right or wrong in this world, and my actions have not actually harmed others."

"Furthermore, when it comes to collecting class cards, the other party may not be better than us."

The more Luvia talked, the more she felt that ‘it was not herself who was at fault, but others’,’ she said:

"If it were a magician like the original class card collector, would the opponent be able to deal with Tamamo Mae?"

"In other words, I saved the other person's life."

Illya and others don't know how to complain.

What the other party said made sense, but I always felt like something was wrong.

"That's right——"

As an accomplice, Tohsaka Rin rarely supported Luvia, saying:

"This is really not our fault. If it were someone else who could do it, would they be able to do it as well as we do!"

Xiaohei: "..."

"As long as you are happy."

"Of course, now is not the time to discuss right and wrong."

Tohsaka Rin continued to explain:

"Our two class cards, Archer and Lancer, were solved by the opponent alone. You must know that the opponent did not have the help of the highest-level magic gift such as rubies, and defeated the servants solely by their personal strength."

"In terms of personal strength, the opponent is very strong, not even weaker than ordinary servants."

Seeing that everyone was not too touched, Tohsaka Rin complained:

"Don't act like you don't care about your own affairs. You must know that it is Archer's class card that maintains Xiao Hei's existence. Based on my understanding of the other party, the other party's purpose is probably to take over the job of recycling class cards. If so, The first thing the other party has to do is to get the class card back from us."

"Since then, the class card in Xiao Hei's body can be one of the opponent's targets."

"Specially speaking, the other party is the designated executor of the seal. That kind of monster won't reason with you properly. Even if you are carrying out a mission, your relatives will not recognize it."


At this time, Illya, Xiao Hei, Miyu and other crowds could no longer maintain their calm expressions.

For Xiao Hei, taking away her Archer class card is equivalent to taking away her life.


Xiao Hei folded his hands and said dissatisfiedly:

"After all, I am now a Servant, and my existence represents the power of Onii-chan who has become a heroic spirit."

Everyone just felt a little more relieved when Luvia complained:

"However, the archer class card was originally collected by the opponent. In other words, the opponent personally killed the servant clone of the Heroic Spirit Emiya."

Xiaohei: "Uh (⊙o⊙)..."

Okay, now that I hear it, this is really the case.


"Xiao Hei——"

Although Xiao Hei is very annoying and always destroys his beautiful life, he only appears in his life for a few days.

But Illya absolutely cannot accept the fact that Xiao Hei was 'killed'.

That's right, after the class card is recycled, the existence named Xiao Hei will disappear due to the loss of its possession. After splitting from Illya's body, it will be a new individual and disappear. The other party will really never be seen again. He couldn't even stay in Illya's subconscious and observe secretly.

Illya's little mind started working rapidly. Although it was only a possibility that Xiao Hei was robbed of his class card, Illya was still very worried and thought about how to solve this problem.

Suddenly, when he saw Grandpa Mo Yi drinking the juice carefully prepared by Xiao Tamamo, he suddenly realized - when you are in doubt, ask Dabai!

"Dabai, what can you do?"

When Illya said this, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia's eyes met, and they showed a proud look that said they understood the plan.

Of course, none of this can escape the eyes of Grandpa Mo Yi.

Anyway, these two cunning adults, after fooling around for so long and wasting so many expressions, their ultimate goal is to get Illya to beg Grandpa Mo Yi to take action.

Of course they understand that Grandpa Mo Yi is their golden thigh at this time, but knowing that does not mean that the other party will help her.

First of all, they think that their relationship with Grandpa Mo Yi is not very good. Although according to Grandpa Mo Yi, he knows them in the parallel world, this 'them' is just them in the parallel world. Strictly speaking, they are not the same as them. Not really a person.

On this point, they were still very clear about it.

The second point is that before and after the recovery of Tamamo, after giving them the berserker and caster class cards, Grandpa Mo Yi once again said that too much power was used this time, and even the spirit base was seriously damaged, and the daily strength dropped to the usual ten. One percent will not be able to help everyone in a short period of time.

Well, the same is true for Kotamamo. After losing her class card, she can no longer display much strength.

This is not the first time Tohsaka Rin and Luvia have heard such words, but the opponent was not a blast before and could even defeat the legendary beast that could destroy the world.

Although it was not Grandpa Mo Yi who took action, but the beautiful girl summoned by the other party who claimed to be his disciple.

But even if the disciple is so strong, the teacher can be so weak!

You know, in the world of magicians, the accumulation of knowledge and mystery is power.

Therefore, unless the qualifications are too different, it is rare for a disciple to be stronger than his teacher. Therefore, there is a proverb circulating in the magic world——

"Your teacher is still your teacher, and your uncle is still your uncle!"

It can be seen from this that the other party clearly wants to fish in daily life

With them alone, it was unlikely that Grandpa Mo Yi would help them, so he had to guide Illya to speak out.

Judging from this period of time, there is a clear gap between the other party's attitude towards Illya and the attitude of others. They treat their friends casually, while Illya exclaims doting.

Don't look at the fact that the other party is always teasing Illya. In terms of the way a primary school student deals with things, this is obviously to attract the other party's attention. If you don't like the other party, why would you waste your precious time teasing the other party and attracting the other party's attention? !

Even though he knew that this was a conspiracy of two dirty adults, Grandpa Mo Yi was still willing to take action in the face of Illya's request and because it concerned Xiao Hei. It would be better to say that he had had such an idea for a long time.

"That's easy—"

Grandpa Mo Yi said:

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