"Are you still unwilling to give up?"

Illya clenched her wand and shouted at Bazett:

"How are you doing with Miyu!"

I didn't know whether to be wary of Bazett who might attack at any time, or it would be better to walk to Miyu's side and see how he was doing.

Xiao Hei, who was equally angry, stared at Bazett fiercely and said:

"If something happens to everyone, I will never let you go!"

"Can't you see?"

Naturally, Bazett would not be frightened by Xiao Hei's rage, and said coldly:

"It's hard to say what the consequences will be if they don't receive treatment and delay the best opportunity for treatment."

"This is what fighting is all about. Either you die or I die. If you don't even have this awareness, why do you dare to stand in front of me?"

"I advise you to just hand over your class card and then take your friends for treatment."

"A dangerous job like collecting class cards is not suitable for naive guys like you!"


For a moment, Illya was shocked by Bazett's words and didn't know what to do.

Undecided, she subconsciously looked towards Grandpa Mo Yi, who had helped them through crises many times.

Then, he saw Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, and Miyu lying in front of Mo Yi, and he seemed to be treating them.

Grandpa Mo Yi noticed Ilia's gaze and gave her a thumbs up, indicating that there was no problem.

Sure enough, among his friends, only Dabai is the most reliable!

It's a pity that Dabai's spiritual base is now damaged and he can't move.

Of course, this was Grandpa Mo Yi's deception, and only Ilia believed it.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

Bazett, who was about to lose his patience and was about to deal with Illya, was interrupted by sudden changes in his surroundings.

"This is a fluctuation in subspace, actually connected to real space!"

Bazett quickly judged the situation, then looked at Illya and said:

"I'm going to deal with the servants in the subspace first. I hope you can figure it out when I come back."

After saying that, Bazett stood there and made preparations for the transfer magic.

Half a minute later, the other party disappeared with Illya's confused expression.

Illya: "???"

When in doubt, ask Dabai!

So, Illya walked to Grandpa Mo Yi, and while watching everyone's situation, she asked Grandpa Mo Yi what was going on and why the other party ran away suddenly.

"This is the point where the real world and subspace meet. Your battle just now destroyed the already fragile spatial balance here."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Ilia and Xiao Hei who were walking over. While continuing the treatment work with both hands, he answered their questions uncertainly:

"As a result, subspace and real space are intertwined. If left alone, it will not only have a great impact on the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City, but will even cause servants in subspace to appear in Fuyuki City."

"So the other party gave up on dealing with us and went to the subspace to eliminate the source of the subspace, those servants summoned by the class cards."

"In this regard, the other party is indeed a responsible task executor."

After listening to Mo Yi's explanation, everyone didn't know whether to sigh about good luck or bad luck.

After treating Tohsaka Rin and others, Mo Yi waved to Xiao Hei and asked him to come over.

"There is nothing wrong with them. Now I will help you treat them."

After treating everyone, Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the depressed people and said:

"While there is still some time now, I will summarize the battle we just had."

"There may be a tough battle to be fought later!"

"First of all, Rin and Luvia, you two are too careless. Fighting is no joke. You can't be careless until the winner is determined."

"Xiao Hei, please don't act alone. There are obviously so many teammates on the field, and one person gets on. If the teammates can't keep up, we have to kill one of them first. Moreover, the timing of starting the battle is wrong, which may even lead to the annihilation of the entire army. "

"Then there's Miyu. You're usually so calm, but why are you so impulsive when you need to be calm the most? Sapphire has warned you, but you didn't listen! You must not do this next time, otherwise it will only lead to something worse. result."

"The last one is Illya. After all the teammates have finished fighting, where are you still standing? This kind of combat awareness is really poor. Ilya, you need to pay attention to this aspect. When it's time to take action, take action without hesitation." !”

After counting everyone, Grandpa Mo Yi concluded:

"Actually, with our strength, as long as we give full play to our team strengths and complement each other's strengths, we can definitely defeat Bazett."

"So, do you have any questions?"

"We understand our mistake and we won't make the same mistake next time."

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's analysis, despite being scolded by Mo Yi, they felt better inside.

Tohsaka Rin said with great momentum:

"Wait a minute, I must teach that violent woman Bazett a lesson!"

"That's right——"

Luvia also adjusted the atmosphere and said:

"That guy must know how powerful the Elfield family is!"

Under the leadership of Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, the atmosphere among everyone finally recovered and was no longer as lifeless as before.

"Now that everyone is almost rested."

Tohsaka Rin felt the surrounding space gradually changing and said:

"Then we'll almost leave for subspace."

"Everyone, please keep your spirits up, there is still a tough battle waiting for us."

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