From the moment the punch was thrown, Bazett knew the result.

Therefore, while breaking the barrier, her body and consciousness fully kept up with the changes in things. She rushed to Rin Tohsaka in an instant and said coldly:

"you are the first--"


Not to mention other people, even Tohsaka Rin himself did not react from the mutation, and was hit by Bazett's heavy punch in the softest part of the human body.

For a moment, convulsions and vomiting surged out, occupying Tohsaka Rin's entire body.

As a result, Tohsaka Rin immediately lost his ability to fight and fell to the ground!


Bazett didn't give everyone more time to react. After knocking down Tohsaka Rin, he used an instant and weird snakeskin move to arrive in front of Luvia in an instant.

The same heavy punch hit Luvia in the lower abdomen because she was unprepared because she cared about Tohsaka Rin.

Then, Luvia happily played GG!

He fell to the ground like Tohsaka Rin, waiting to be picked up by Grandpa Mo Yi for treatment.

After knocking down the two culprits, Bazett did not continue to pursue them, but looked at Illya and Miyu who were very nervous and on guard with sharp eyes.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi and Xiao Yuzao, they stood at a distance from the beginning and acted as a crowd.

"You two kids, aren't you willing to give up?"

Bazett fixed his gaze on the card slot on Illya's left thigh, and soon discovered the location of the class card, and said:

"I don't want to hurt outsiders. If you hand over your class card, I can leave directly, regardless of your previous attacks on me."

Illya: "I don't want it!"


Miyu looked worriedly at Luvia who was lying on the ground and trying to get up, but couldn't.

When she first came to this world, it was Luvia who took her in and took care of her as her own sister. She didn't usually say it, but in Miyu's heart, Luvia was her sister.

Seeing Luvia being knocked to the ground and not knowing the extent of her injuries, how could Miyu calm down? She looked at Bazett hatefully and said:

"I will never let you go!"

"It seems that reconciliation failed——"

Bazett sighed. To be honest, she didn't like to attack children, but if they hindered her, there was nothing she could do.

"I have no choice but to use necessary means to defeat you and then collect the class cards!"


At this time, Miyu had already taken out the class card belonging to berserker, and then shouted loudly:

"Dream Summons!"

Immediately, the Miyou version of Kiyohime wearing a cyan kimono appeared in front of Bazett.

"I see--"

Bazett was initially confused and surprised by Xiao Hei's ability to use the red A, but after seeing Miyu perform the second transformation in person, he realized it.

It turns out that by using the class card and himself as a support, he summoned the heroic spirit to descend on himself, thereby transforming into a servant and obtaining the corresponding heroic spirit's abilities and treasures.

"It seems that this is the correct way to use the class card."

The method of use that Bazett knew was a method developed by the Magic Association, which was the "Limited Summoning" method of liberation at the beginning of the American game. The corresponding heroic spirit's arms were summoned through class cards.

To be honest, Bazett still admires the little girl in front of him. The class card that even the Magic Association can't understand was developed by the little girl in front of him. Even if he told it, no one would believe it.

"It's just that this can't change the huge disparity in strength between us -"

Believing that fists are justice, if you have time to do some fancy magic or moves, why don't you just use one hand to strengthen it and blow past the melee magician Bazett, his face is still so confident and indifferent.

Miyu, who had become familiar with Kiyohime's power in the past few days, slapped Bazett with the fan in her hand.

"Stop it!"

When Miyu used Dream Summoning, Sapphire frantically stopped Miyu and shouted:

"Don't use any tricks on her!"

However, Miyu, who was in anger, obviously didn't listen. What should he do?

"Turn around and fire will give rise to samadhi!"

As the true name of the Noble Phantasm was released, the fan in Miyu's hand fanned out a sea of ​​fire. As it flew towards Bazet, it formed a huge flaming snake with a huge mouth and bit its enemy.

"Unknown Noble Phantasm——"

Even before it hit him, Bazett felt the heat of the flame snake. If he was hit by it, Bazett had no doubt that he would be burned directly to ashes.

However, as a melee magician, she naturally has special means to counter this long-range ultimate move.

That is the treasure phantom 'Reverse Light Sword' that has been passed down from generation to generation in her family, from the age of gods to her. It has the ability to reverse cause and effect and can only be activated when the opponent uses the secret!

As long as the conditions are met, the backlight sword can reverse the cause and effect time, go back to the second before the opponent releases the ultimate move, and hit the opponent.

"Reverse Light Sword——"

Bazett threaded a dark stone ball in her hand, and then, wrapped in magic power, she knocked the stone ball out!

Casually, Grandpa Mo Yi observed a partial time rewind. The stone ball, with its magic power, hit Meiyou who was holding a fan in her hand!


Fortunately, Ruby has its own A-level magic defense, and the main effect of the backlight sword is to reverse cause and effect and defeat the opponent's ultimate move, rather than in terms of lethality.

Miyu, who was pierced by the backlight sword, just let out a breath and fell to the ground. The injury was not too serious.

As long as he undergoes Mo Yi's magic-replenishing treatment, he can stand up again in one minute and fight for 300 rounds.


Illya's cry can be said to make those who hear it sad and those who listen to it cry.

However, Bazett could not move Mo De's feelings. She still looked at the enemies Illya and Xiao Hei who were still standing on the field with a cold face, and said lightly:

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