In just a few seconds of fighting, Bazett recognized that Xiao Hei's fighting style was not much different from the blackened Archer he dealt with.

Therefore, Bazett, who had the experience of defeating the blackened red A, seized a gap in Xiao Hei's body under the burst of magic power, punched out hard, and sent the blocked black and white swords and Xiao Hei flying away.

"It's not over yet—"

Being knocked away like this, Xiao Hei, who was still a child, was naturally in great pain, but being more aggressive, she just controlled her body's center of gravity in the air and launched a counterattack.

"Durex, on——"

More than a dozen projected long swords appeared in the air, and they were thrust at Bazett who was about to pursue him.

"Pseudo Spiral Sword——"

When projecting other long sword attacks to block the opponent, Xiao Hei used Red A's most proud move, 'Nuclear Bomb Sword Fairy'.

"I'm tired of seeing this way of fighting!"

When Xiao Hei summoned the long sword, Bazett would think about the previous battle experience in his mind. He did not block or dodge like ordinary people, but rushed forward, sprinting in a strange curve, relying on Moving along the snake skin, he neither wastes time in blocking nor hinders the purpose of blocking.

Even the pseudo-spiral sword was shaken by her snake-skin movement, and the place where Xiao Hei landed instantly appeared.

Make a fist and prepare to kill Xiao Hei with one punch.

But, are all Xiao Hei’s friends fake?

They might not have reacted at first, but it had already been several seconds before everyone naturally reacted.

One-on-one or something?

does not exist!

It's not a competition, so how can there be a one-on-one situation with other people watching and enjoying the melons?

"Maximum firepower, launch!"

The sapphire in Miyu's hand fired a thick magic cannon towards Bazett.

"Magic defense, max——"

Illya was responsible for defense, flying to Xiao Hei and unfolding the magic defense wall.


Under the heavy punch, Bazett's blows opened several cracks in Illya's magic defense wall, and it looked like it was about to shatter.

However, she had no time to spare, because if she didn't dodge Miyu's magic cannon, she would be hit.

Therefore, Bazett had no choice but to miss the good opportunity to defeat Xiao Hei in one fell swoop.

"Double barrier——"

However, after she dodged Miyu's magic cannon, a burst of light shone around her, enveloping her.

"Got you, you bastard."

The people who said this were naturally Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who had already squatted down and worked together to set up the magic barrier.

I spent a day writing about Gensokyo's version of the Holy Grail War, a side story about another world, completely blackened, with Mo Yi determined to destroy Gensokyo and not accepting whitewashing. Later, I remembered that not many people like to read oriental stories. There's no motivation left.

Things like imagination are indeed like love, they come and go quickly.

By the way, does anyone like "Zhu Xian"?

Chapter 402: Victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. Please come again, heroes.

Bazett, who was attracted by the magic barrier jointly cast by Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, did not show any fear or panic as they expected.

The other party remained calm, stood quietly, looked at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, and asked:

"Is this your confidence?"


Luvia laughed loudly and said:

"So what?"

"Poor guy, he was caught——"

Tohsaka Rin seemed to be talking about the cross talk show with Luvia, and laughed together with Luvia:

"Can't you be fierce anymore?!"

"These two women——"

Seeing Rin Tohsaka and Luvia laughing at Bazett, Grandpa Mo Yi lowered his head in embarrassment and expressed the feelings of Illya and others.

"Finally crazy!"

We are obviously the righteous side, but with the performances of Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, we look like the evil side, just like the hunters sent by the evil queen in Snow White.

As for the vicious and ugly queen, they are naturally Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, two crazy women.

But, is it really that simple?

Grandpa Mo Yi thinks it’s impossible!

Although he was not familiar with the Bazett in front of him, he was very familiar with the Bazett in his parallel world. After all, he was enlightened by Grandpa Mo Yi and became an excellent BL under the name of Yakumo House. The book painter.

Although the opponent's fighting power is not strong, it is still very strong for Illya and others!

Perhaps in terms of various abilities, he is not as good as the Blackened Servant, but compared to the Blackened Servant, Bazett has a keen sense of combat, rich combat techniques and skills, and a modern Noble Phantasm specifically designed to counter big moves.' Backlight Sword'.

Illya and others, in terms of combat experience, skills, and mental awareness, are simply incomparable to combatants like Bazett who have been on the front line of battles all year round!

"Strengthening, speed, restraint..."

Under the barrier, Bazett silently used the amplifying runes, and in just a few seconds, he completed the superposition of more than ten different effects.

"it's useless--"

Tohsaka Rin 'kindly' advised the other party not to do such useless work!

However, just in the middle of his words, he saw an ordinary-looking fist hitting the magic barrier hard.

Immediately, the magic barrier was like thin glass, cracking with a bang.

"You are too careless."

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