As a result, Illya felt that her family status was slipping lower and lower. First, she was shared half of the favor by Xiao Hei, and then she was surpassed by Grandpa Mo Yi, a hateful showman.

——————The dividing line several days later——————

A few days passed by.

Even though Xiao Hei and Grandpa Mo Yi are now in the family, they still have to live their lives the same way.

Not long ago, Tohsaka Rin once again found another abnormal magic node. Obviously, this was the location of another servant summoned by a class card.

Therefore, everyone who had been gearing up for a long time sounded the rally call tonight and prepared to start a group to defeat the boss tonight.

However, everyone who arrived at the designated location found another short-haired woman wearing a black suit appearing at the scene.

"Is that you, Bazett Fraga Macramis?"

The moment he saw the other party, Tohsaka Rin's pupils dilated and he said in surprise:

"Why are you here?!"

"Tohsaka Rin and Luvia Edelfeldt——"

Bazette, who was waiting again, naturally saw everyone. Of course, her attention was on the two people she knew.

The other party used despicable means to steal the job of collecting class cards from him, and Bazett couldn't remember them both.

"Of course I'm here for the job of collecting class cards."

Luvia folded her hands and said:

"But the Magic Association has handed over the collection of class cards to Tohsaka Rin and me."

"I have long been disgusted with some people in the Magic Association."

Bazett said unhappily:

"And why should I obey your orders?"

Tohsaka Rin looked serious and said to himself;

"As expected——"

The speculations that had been made for several days came true, and the collector of the original class cards was really looking for trouble.

"What's your purpose?"

"Continue the work of recycling class cards."

Bazett said without much fluctuation in his tone:

"Of course, first of all, I will recover the class cards from you."

"This thing is too dangerous to be put on amateurs like you."

"Amateur, you think too much of me!"

At this moment, Miss Tohsaka Rin couldn't bear it anymore. The other party's words were obviously questioning the abilities of herself and others. They only know how to fight those blackened servants who have no IQ and only brute force. How could they understand the bosses we fought these two times? , how awesome it is!

Although she and Luvia, these two useless adults, have been fighting each other all the time, it is undeniable that they have gone through a lot of hardships and risked their lives to surpass the two of Grandpa Mo Yi and Xiao Tamamo. copies.

Of course, Bazett is the designated executor of the seal. He can be called the frontline combatant of the Magic Association and a fighter among magicians.

She is naturally qualified to despise Rin Tohsaka and Luvia, magicians who are just starting out and are still pursuing traditional research lines.

Luvia was also very unhappy. She looked at Bazett and said:

"After all, Bazett, do you still want to fight us?"

"I hope you can take the initiative to teach it-"

Bazett glanced at Illya and other people she didn't know, and the most conspicuous one, Kotamamo, who had a pair of fox ears on her head, and it was impossible not to notice them, and said:

"Moreover, you have implicated unrelated people, even people who are enemies, what else can you say?"

After hearing their conversation, Illya could no longer bear it. Before leaving, she looked at Bazett and said:

"You don't know anything. We have put a lot of effort into these class cards, which bear witness to the bond between us. How could we just hand them over to you casually!"

"Is it Lord Zelrich's Kaleidoscope Staff?"

Bazett instantly recognized the ruby ​​floating next to Illya and said:

"The real world is very cruel, and it is not a place for children to play house."

Xiao Hei, who transformed into the red A state, was also annoyed by Bazett's cold attitude and said harshly:

"You guys are so annoying!"

"Is it Archer's class card?"

Bazett instantly recognized Xiao Hei's Servant Transformation. After all, Black Transformation Red A was the guy she personally defeated after a hard battle.

"It seems that Archer's rank is stuck on you——"

"Then I have no choice but to use coercion to make you teach the class cards.\

,"After saying that, Bazett clenched his fists and began to use various runes. The various buffs that strengthened, accelerated, and hardened were instantly applied, and he rushed towards Xiao Hei.

"Who's afraid of whom?"

"Durex, on——"

Three red archers, fearless in close combat——

Xiao Hei projected his black and white swords to face Bazett!


Tohsaka Rin reminded loudly:

"The opponent is very strong, and you must not use the 'ultimate move' against her!"

When she reminded him, Xiao Hei and Bazett were already fighting.

"What kind of gloves are these made of? It can't even destroy Mo Xie, the go-getter with the 'evil-destroying' effect?"

The black and white swords and Bazett exerted their fists with runes. In just a few seconds, they fought dozens of times, with constant sparks and sounds.

"It's just that-"

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