
As a mother, Irisviel finally discovered Hua Dian, let go of Xiao Hei who was about to suffocate, looked at her strangely, and said doubtfully:

"Ilya, haven't you always called me 'Mom'? Why did you change it to such a righteous title as 'Mother'?"

"Besides, what has little Ilia been doing lately? First she jumped in from the window, and then she got so tanned."

Xiaohei: "..."

Although Xiao Hei always comforts himself that his blackness is just because he does not understand the darkness of night during the day. In recent years, healthy blackness has become popular. Unreasonable Bai Jiu like Ilia has not kept up with the development of the times.

However, when his mother, whom he had thought about so much, said this, Xiao Hei still felt as if he had been hit by someone, and was very unhappy.

I don’t want to be so dark!

Can you please stop bringing up the issue of being dark?

Facing Irisviel's questioning words that sounded concerned, Xiao Hei accidentally felt that his tear glands were about to secrete something.

"Mother is just mother, there is no reason why."

"You are the mother, why did you come back so suddenly?"

"Hey, little Illya, what you got is right——"

Irisviel did not dwell on the previous problem, she just hugged Xiao Hei and said:

"Because my mother suddenly missed little Illya, and she also had an inexplicable feeling in her heart. She felt that Illya needed her mother, so she came back alone."

"I'll go back to find your dad in a few days."


For a moment, Xiao Hei didn't know what to say anymore, so he just said "oh" and enjoyed being rubbed by Irisviel like a doll.


The door suddenly opened, and the real Illya rushed in from outside the room and shouted inside:

"Are you in there?"

Instantly, Irisviel and Xiao Hei looked at Illya who rushed in.

"Eh? There are two Ilia?"

"Mom, you may be too tired and may have made a mistake."

Illya, who was confused by what she saw after entering the room, replied seriously:

"After I close the door, mom will find that there is only one Illya."

After that, Illya was about to close the door.

Xiao Hei couldn't help but looked at Illya who was about to close the door and complained:

"Illya, you idiot, are you here to make fun of me?"

"Bai Ilia, if you don't come in quickly, mom will be angry."

Naturally, the sinister Irisviel will not be easily fooled by Illya. In other words, except for the cute guy, who would believe Illya's nonsense that as long as the door is closed, it will return to normal!


Illya was like an eggplant beaten by frost. She could only walk in with her head down and muttered:

"Mom, I'm not Bai Ilia. I'm always like this and I haven't changed."

Irisviel hugged Illya over, with Illya in one hand and Xiao Hei in the other. Irisviel didn't even know what was going on. When did she get another biological daughter? Instead, she was very happy to rub him with her. , enjoy double the happiness.

It was this kind of behavior that made Xiao Hei, who was nervous and even resentful of Irisviel at first, gradually relax and accept Irisviel.


After rubbing for several minutes, Irisviel, whose face was flushed with excitement and happiness, finally stopped petting her pet, looked at Xiao Hei and Illya in her arms, and asked:

"Now you can say, what's going on?"


Forced to do anything, Illya and Hei had no choice but to tell Irisviel what happened in the past few days, including Illya becoming a horse-monkey soju, saving the world, and a series of events about Hei's birth. .

"So that's the case--"

Irisviel is also a magician after all. Although she was very surprised by this unfolding, she could not accept it. Moreover, she was very clear about the things and logic inside.

She looked at Xiao Hei with some love, full of apologies, but she didn't expect that her actions to protect Illya would actually end up hurting him.

"Mom, I'm sorry for you, Xiaohei."

"No matter what, you and Ilia are both mother's biological daughters."

"I hope you can forgive me for being such a neglectful mother."


In fact, when he met Irisviel, Xiao Hei had already forgiven him. The resentment he felt at the beginning was just to vent his obsession.

Anyway, after a night of whispering, Xiao Hei officially joined the Emiya family.

Of course, the external identity description is that she is the child brought back by Irisviel from her natal Einzbern family, and she is Illya's cousin (sister).

One night later, Alice completed the transfer procedures and entered Illya's elementary school. Coincidentally, she was in the same class as Illya, and she fell in love with Illya. Interesting primary school student life.

Of course, the new members of the Emiya family are not only Xiao Hei, but also Grandpa Mo Yi who joined earlier.

Facing the sinister Irisviel, Grandpa Mo Yi brought Dacheng's cuteness skills to the extreme and easily conquered another stupid earthling Irisviel.

Because she chose to conceal it from the beginning, Ilia had no choice but to continue concealing it in the end, but she did not reveal Mo Yi's true identity.

Otherwise, if Irisviel knew that Grandpa Mo Yi was not a pet picked up on the road, but a heroic spirit, Sera and Ligelit would soon know this cruel fact.

The two people who take great care of their master, Grandpa Mo Yi, might cause some trouble. After all, they have to take Grandpa Mo Yi with them when taking a bath, let alone such trivial things as sleeping with Grandpa Mo Yi in their arms.

At this time, Illya understood what it means to make one mistake and regret it for eternity. There are some mistakes that cannot be made, otherwise you will not be able to look back.

It's like adopting Grandpa Mo Yi into your home and letting him pretend to be a pet.

Because now it is not just Sera and Lijie Lit who dote on Grandpa Mo Yi in the family, but also his mother Irisviel and Xiao Hei.

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