"Things will work out."


Hearing what Ilia said, Xiao Hei felt a little better and returned to his usual nonchalant manner, saying:

"I don't want to pretend to be your unworthy sister."

"I'll go in through the window—"

After placing Grandpa Mo Yi on Illya's head, Xiao Hei disappeared in one leap.

"How many times have I told you, I am the sister."

Illya muttered dissatisfiedly and opened the door to go home.

"I'm back, Sera!"

"You're back, Illya."

After hearing Ilia's voice, Sera walked out, seemingly looking for something. After seeing Grandpa Mo Yi above Ilia's head, the smile on her face became more genuine, and she was ready to say a few words about Ilia. The words were swallowed back.

He took off Grandpa Mo Yi with one hand, held it against his chest, and observed it carefully. After a few seconds, he said in an angry and worried voice:

"Babai, how can you always go to other people's houses to play?"

"There are a lot of bad people out there who like to catch stray dogs. Next time you go out to play, remember to go home at night."

After Sayra said a few words, she walked away with Grandpa Mo Yi in her arms, leaving behind Ilia who looked like she was "accomplished by the plan". She was indeed not scolded, but she was not happy at all.

"Let me take a bath first and then eat."

"I'm preparing your favorite pork chop rice."

Listening to Sera's thoughts, Illya was once again convinced that she had fallen out of favor.

People are inferior to dogs, that’s probably what it means.

Sera, who had reached the corner, suddenly remembered something and turned back to Illya and said:

"My wife has just come back. She should be waiting for you in your room, Illya."

After that, he took Grandpa Mo Yi into the bathroom.

"Sela, I also want to take a bath with Dabai."

From a corner where Illya couldn't see, Ligelit's slightly lazy voice came.


Sera seemed to have been stepped on and retorted loudly:

"You are such a nuisance, and you don't know how to take care of others."

"Sela, you are so stingy——"

Lijie Lit responded:

"I don't want to either. As I grow up, my shoulders will be so sore just by doing a little housework."

Sera, who felt ridiculed, roared:

"Ligelette, don't squeeze in, I told you that you are too much of a hindrance!"

Normally, Illya would have collapsed and tried her best to defeat Grandpa Mo Yi and save him from the clutches of his maid demon.

But now, she can no longer take care of such trivial matters.

Because my mother is back, and she is still waiting for her in the room.

This is very much in line with my mother’s personality, and it’s not the first time this has happened.

However, Xiao Hei sneaked home through the window!

In this case, wouldn't it mean that my mother would catch her? !


Illya started running and returned to the room, preparing to close the window and remind Xiao Hei not to come in through the window.

————Xiao Hei’s dividing line——————


Xiao Hei, who had the ability Red A, easily opened Illya's window, jumped in, and then turned on the light in a familiar manner.

And then there’s——

A face very similar to his own, staring at himself who was stretching with strange and curious eyes.

Xiao Hei's teeth were trembling, and he couldn't control himself and said:


What the hell is this!

Why did mother appear in Illya's room?

I was very irritable just now and opened the video of "Little Apple".

When I watched it a few years ago, I couldn't stop laughing.

When I watched it tonight, I saw the reflections on life, theology, and destiny from the comedy. It can be summed up in four words: "fate" and "helplessness".

At the end, I even wanted to cry.

Chapter 401: Bazett is coming!


Without any mental preparation, Irisviel suddenly appeared in front of him. Xiao Hei said in a panic:

"When did you come back?"

"Are you surprised, Illya-chan?"

Irisviel couldn't help but hugged Xiao Hei, fixed him on her body, kneaded him, and said:

"I just came back."

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