Otherwise, why would Magic East Out arrange Fei Ge as Chigurh’s first plug-in?

Instead, it was Red A who gave his heart to Sieg, and Sieg who turned into Red A couldn't hold back the little sun.

Let’s not talk about whether Red A’s true strength can really beat the Golden Pika with the three golden targets. Even if he can beat it, it is because of the opponent’s arrogance and carelessness, plus his bad compatibility.

If it were Little Sun, even if he stood there and let Red A hit him with various skills, he would probably be dealing -1, -1 damage.

After all, the level of the Noble Phantasm projected by Red A will automatically drop by one level. The EX level Noble Phantasm cannot be projected, so the highest level Noble Phantasm is the A level artifact. After it drops to B level, all damage will be reduced by ten Nine out of ten Little Suns really lose almost no blood!

Red A's only moves that can cause damage to Little Sun are probably the Fantasy Collapse that detonates the Noble Phantasm, and the projected curry stick at the cost of his own collapse.

Through the example of hanging up the red A, we can see how IMBA Siegfried can be compared with Little Sun 50-50, and his real defense against high blood and thick attack power is strong.

Otherwise, Sieg would not have completed the Jedi counterattack by shouting "Siegfried's power is definitely more than this" when fighting against the God-killing Spear, plus the world shield on his heel.

As magicians, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia naturally know what B-level damage reduction means. Anyway, even if Fei Ge stood there and allowed Tohsaka Rin and Luvia to hit them casually and release magic at will, they still couldn't break it. The opponent's defense.

The reason why Bazett madly attacked Siegfried was because Siegfried was not originally high in fighting spirit. He only appeared here because of the request of the class card that summoned him, and Siegfried. Conventional defensive and counterattack fighting style.

Regardless of how brutally Bazett was fighting now, it was hard to say how much damage he could cause.

When Siegfried counterattacks, or her physical strength and magic power are insufficient, she will be defeated.

Of course, not everyone understands that there are many bugs in B-level damage reduction. After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi’s analysis, Illya asked in confusion:

"So, Siegfried is very powerful?"

"I knew you wouldn't understand -"

Xiao Hei said angrily:

"To put it simply, even if the opponent stands still and allows you to attack, you can't hit the opponent unless you use an attack that far exceeds B level."

"Anyway, the strongest attack I can use will probably only cause a small amount of damage to him. With the recovery power of a dragon, I'm afraid it will automatically heal in a few minutes."

"so smart!"

Through Xiao Hei's personal experience, Illya finally understood how terrifying the man in front of her, who was taciturn and endured the storm of Bazett's iron fist, was!

After getting rid of Grandpa Mo Yi, Xiao Hei's fighting ability is the strongest among all the people.

"I think it's not just that. In the legend of Siegfried, in addition to possessing a defensive power comparable to that of the evil dragon, his weapon Barumut is also very famous."

No matter how strong the opponent is, the opponent is destined to be a hurdle that they must overcome. As a magician, Luvia naturally has to thoroughly understand the opponent's abilities and find the possibility of defeating the opponent!

Reality is often cruel, but just because you are afraid to face it, like an ostrich, you will not look directly at the difficulties, and you will only be knocked down by the suffering. Only those brave men who dare to face the suffering can defeat what outsiders seem impossible to defeat. Dilemma.


Mo Yi continued:

"The true name of the holy sword in the opponent's hand is 'Fantasy Great Sword, the Demon Lost'. After the true name is released, the holy sword will release the twilight sword energy. As the opponent swings, the twilight sword energy will block everything. The thing was shattered."

"It's powerful and has a wide range of effects. Don't interact with the opponent unless necessary."

Speaking of this, Mo Yi looked at Meiyou and reminded him specifically:

"Miyu, when fighting Siegfried, don't use Qing Ji's power. The opponent is a dragon-slaying hero, and Qing Ji is a typical dragon-attribute heroic spirit. Whether it is the opponent's attack or defense, Qing Ji will be extremely powerful. Obvious restraint.”

As a good student, Meiyou has been working hard to take notes, memorizing the information provided by Mo Yi and analyzing how to deal with Siegfried.

"I understand, Onii-chan."

After hearing Miyu call him Oni-chan, Grandpa Mo Yi had to sigh. Sure enough, someone else's sister is cuter. Unlike Illya in this world, who always calls herself 'Dabai', which sounds like the shame of a pet. name.

Those who are favored are always confident!

Ilia, who was looked at by Grandpa Mo Yi's resentful eyes, tilted her head in confusion and asked:

"Dabai, what's the matter?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

In fact, when Grandpa Mo Yi and others came to this space, Siegfried, who was the center of the subspace, felt it.

Siegfried, who was summoned by the class card, although he also has his own will, he does not have his own ideas like Tamamo, always wanting to make some big news.

She was summoned as a Servant, and what she had to do was respond to the wish of the one who summoned her.

Because he was summoned by the class card, the criterion for his actions at this moment was to eradicate the requirements on the class card, protect this space, and repel anyone who invaded this space.

Siegfried, who constantly repays people's expectations, can be called another righteous partner. He is such a person who has no desires of his own and continues to fulfill other people's prayers for him.


After fighting with Siegfried for nearly ten minutes, Bazett was already feeling exhausted from his body, even though she was always using her full power to defend him.

"It's not going to be good if this goes on."

Bazett once again punched Siegfried's chest with all his strength, but it had no effect other than being knocked back by the opponent's body as hard as steel.

The conclusion that it had no effect was naturally evident from Siegfried's unwavering expression.

The defensive power is even more exaggerated than steel, the powerful martial arts, plus the sword in the opponent's hand that emits strong magic waves!

Such characters are not common in mythology!

Bazett had roughly guessed Fei Ge's identity at this moment.

However, even if he guessed Siegfried's identity, it would be of no use to the current battle situation.

Not to mention that her physical strength and magic power are already insufficient, even if she knows that the opponent's weakness is in the back, it is meaningless even if it is as small as a leaf.

Even an enemy like her knows Siegfried's weakness, doesn't Siegfried himself know it?

Siegfried was a dragon slayer who defeated evil dragons with all his strength. Even without the dragon armor, he was still a first-rate warrior. How could he allow others to attack his weaknesses?

Bazett, who was well aware of this, stepped back, wary of Siegfried who was still standing there, seemingly not moving a step since the beginning of the battle.

The only way to win that comes to mind is the backlight sword passed down from her family.

If even the Reverse Light Sword fails to defeat Siegfried, it proves that she alone has no chance of defeating him!

However, if you want to use the Backlight Sword, you need the opponent to use a unique move!

From the battle just now, we can see that to deal with yourself, you don’t even need to move your feet. You can just stand there and fight. Why would the opponent have to use bigger moves?

What should I do now? Do I want to retreat?

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