Fei Ge is such a man!

Why doesn't FA use Fei Ge as the protagonist?

Siegfried, the messenger of justice in the mythical age, isn't he the twisted male pig's foot that Fate likes to describe the most?

Siegfried: I'm sorry. I had no choice before and was always a good person. But past experience tells me that good people are not rewarded! So, this time I want to live for myself.

Isn't this much more interesting than having a magical teammate's wife who only relies on the author to give her to Sieg?

Chapter 404: Illya: Mahou soju is not easy to make

"How about I try to escape?"

Bazett, who was unable to advance or retreat, thought of such a solution after several seconds of thinking!

And she also made such a gesture.

In fact, since Grandpa Mo Yi and others came to the subspace, Siegfried's mentality has become a little more impatient.

His first mission when he was called here was to protect the subspace.

He was a warrior in front of him and had no knowledge of magic, so he didn't know the significance of the existence of subspace.

But this does not prevent him from complying with the requirements of the class card that summoned him.

Seeing Bazett with an unknown target, and the second group of people arriving who had been observing secretly, Siegfried felt that he could not let Bazett run away at will, but he did not want to pursue him, otherwise he might be sneaked by others. fish.

He really doesn't understand magic, and he doesn't know everyone's goals, and the only thing he can do is to repel everyone, so that he can protect this subspace.

"Excuse me, what is your name?"

Siegfried asked, looking at Bazett.


Bazett obviously didn't expect that Siegfried would ask such words, or that the other party could actually speak?

Aren’t the summoned blackened servants all berserkers and unable to speak? !

However, this is a good opportunity. If you know how to speak, it means you can communicate.

If Bazett can beat the opponent, he will naturally not fight with the opponent. After beating the opponent to the ground, what can he want to say or do?

But the problem is that it can't be defeated. Since the other party wants to beep, it's perfect. This is a good time to collect intelligence.

If you don’t need it today, it might come in handy next time.

"Bazett Fraga Macramis."

"very good--"

Siegfried nodded and said:

"Miss Bazett, your martial arts skills are the best among the women I have ever seen."

"But in order to protect the safety of the stabbing space, I can only use more powerful force."


Bazett: "..."

Bazett was very surprised by Siegfried's humble attitude. The opponent's appearance was obviously so ferocious, but his way of speaking was not as violent as his appearance. Instead, it was like the opponent's previous fighting method, which was solid but strict.

It was just the words 'I'm sorry' at the end that gave Bazett an unpleasant feeling.

Siegfried apologized, raised Brumut in his hand, and then a strong wave of magic power erupted from the sword.

"The great sword of fantasy, the demon fell!"

The moment Siegfried raised his big sword high, Grandpa Mo Yi guessed that the opponent was going to use the "Fantasy Sorry, Demon Kneel Down" move.

‘“The other party is going to release a treasure——”

Grandpa Mo Yi, who returned to human form, reminded:

"Hurry up and get away from Siegfried, or fly high into the sky!"

Everyone still believed Grandpa Mo Yi's words, so they acted instantly and used their strength to leave here.

"You actually used your Noble Phantasm?"

Different from the reaction of Illya and others, Bazett was secretly happy, so that he could use the ultimate suppressive move, the last move to come first, and he would definitely hit the enemy's backlight sword.

In just a few seconds, Siegfried completed his animal power, and the sword in his hand sprayed out a huge light cannon like dusk, sweeping towards Bazett.

"Reverse Light Sword——"

When the light cannon hit her, Bazett turned the backlight sword in his hand into a light bullet and fired it with all his strength.

Time stood still here. The backlight sword light bullet, which was very weak compared to the light cannon, broke through all obstacles and hit Siegfried first. Moreover, the location of the attack was the fatal heart position for both heroic spirits and humans. !


As a first-class warrior, Siegfried naturally noticed something was wrong. Time seemed to be rewound a little. Then he raised the holy sword and was about to release the light cannon when he saw the light bullet at his heart!


Even Bazett was a little nervous at this moment. How would the other party respond?

He may be the legendary dragon-slaying hero Siegfried!

After watching the backlight sword stab Siegfried in the heart, there was nothing more.

Siegfried felt a trace of pain in his heart. Without even blinking, he continued to swing the light cannon in his hand and swept towards Bazett!

"What a joke!"

To be honest, Bazett didn't think that the Backlight Sword was invincible and there was no way to break it, but she didn't expect that the opponent's way of breaking it was so fierce. He did nothing and continued to release the Noble Phantasm after taking advantage of her ultimate move.


With shock and regret, Bazett, who only had time to use the defensive rune, was swept away by Phineas' light cannon.

When Siegfried releases his Noble Phantasm, the battle ends.

Bazett, who was concentrated by the magic storm, has long since disappeared. It is not known whether he was directly strangled or knocked away.

But Siegfried did not choose to pursue the other party, because the place where he is now is the center of the entire subspace, and protecting this place is his most important task.

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