
Everyone who was pulled up to the sky by Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva when they saw Siegfried's Noble Phantasm creating a large arc-shaped crater that was more than a thousand meters long!

Although they had seen the Kyuubi Tamamo-mae with even more exaggerated combat power before, Grandpa Mo Yi had dealt with him at that time, but they were still a little scared when they had to face Siegfried with such exaggerated combat power later.

In Illya's mind, Bazett, whom she had just met today, was a typical bad guy, but seeing the messy battlefield in front of her, she still started to worry about him.

Dead people and so on, for Ilya, a supporter of Mahou Soju in the old days, the impact of three views is still too exaggerated.

Before, Grandpa Mo Yi and Tohsaka Rin always emphasized that they should be careful, this is very dangerous, and someone will die if they don't do it right. But it’s just talk, nothing can be as impactful as seeing it with your own eyes!

It was obvious that the hateful guy had defeated them not long ago, but Illya was still thinking about how to vent her anger after defeating him.

I didn't expect that the other party would just disappear, maybe not even ashes.

I couldn't help but said sadly:

"Isn't Bazett dead?"

It's not just Illya who feels this way. Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, two people who know each other, feel the sadness of the rabbit's death and the fox's death far more clearly than Illya.

How can this person not exist anymore?

"Not dead, but probably close."

Grandpa Mo Yi, whose perception was fully activated, quickly searched for Bazett's weak aura in a small mound and asked:

"Do you want to save her?"

Grandpa Mo Yi is not a saint, so how can he save people whenever he sees them?

The Bazett he knew in his own world was not the Bazett in this world.

Moreover, Grandpa Mo Yi would not believe it even to his death when a designated executor of the seal like Bazett said that he had never done anything against his will.

Even if Bazett is not the kind of person who does evil things, the Magic Association that issues tasks to her is not a good thing.

If you see a magician, just kill him. Anyway, at most one out of ten will be wronged.

"Everyone, I want to save her——"

After hearing Mo Yi's question, everyone hesitated.

After all, the other party was an enemy not long ago, and he was still the kind of enemy who tortured them. It had only been less than twenty minutes, but he went to save the other party. It was strange to think that.

Until the kind-hearted Illya expressed her decision to save her.


Everyone who was still a little hesitant was infected by Illya's kind smile.

Miss Tohsaka Rin snorted in displeasure and said:

"Although the other party is hateful and useless, their attitude towards collecting class cards is the same as ours.

"After we deal with Siegfried, we can teach each other a lesson."

"That's right——"

Luvia suddenly thought of a good idea, and whispered it in Tohsaka Rin's ear for a while, and then their eyes glowed horribly.


"Louvia, you are really evil, you actually want to see such an evil plan!"

"Bazette, a violent woman, should be treated like this -"

"Let each other become our slave, Wahaha!"

Illya and Miyu, who were still children, were frightened by the evil and treacherous smiles of Luvia and Tohsaka Rin.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi, who has read the script, can probably guess the evil plan of the two of them.

He was probably planning to carve a curse of shared pain on Bazett's body to blackmail him.

————The dividing line that saves Bazett————


With Grandpa Mo Yi as a master of gynecology, Bazette, who was dug out by everyone, was almost healed in just one minute without using it.

Bazett, who was lying on the ground, reacted quickly, slowly opened his eyes, and coughed.

What surprised her was that as soon as she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by people looking at them, and the looks were quite strange, especially Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who simply showed strong malice that they did not even cover up.

"Tohsaka Rin, Luvia? Did you save me?"

"That's right——"

Miss Tohsaka Rin unceremoniously took the credit and said:

"We spent a lot of effort and took great risks to rescue you."

Bazett, who had clear grievances, bowed and apologized and said:


This was an apology for what happened before. Although she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, she was saved by the other party anyway.

That alone was enough for her to apologize.

"And thank you."

"You're welcome--"

Luvia said with an elegant smile:

"As long as you remember to repay us well."

Bazett: "..."

It’s just so direct!

"I will thank you properly after the collection of class cards is completed."

"Haha, this is easy to say-"

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