Luvia pointed at Bazett's belly. Feeling something was wrong, Bazett opened his clothes and saw a red spell carved on his belly, and his face suddenly turned green.

"Your previous behavior made us very suspicious, so we had to take appropriate measures to self-destruct."

"Repaying kindness with hatred is not uncommon among magicians. I believe you can understand."

Bazett: I understand...what a ghost!

Who knows what you did to me?

Sure enough, I was still too naive to believe that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were both "notorious" weirdos in the Magic Association!

At this point, what else does Bazett have to say?

She is good at combat magic. She doesn't know anything about magic that is obviously a curse. She can only wait for the Magic Association to find someone to remove it.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"Don't worry. After all, we are not demons. This is just a small insurance for our own safety."

Tohsaka Rin chuckled and said:

"This is one-way damage sharing. As long as Luvia and I are hurt, you will suffer corresponding pain and damage."

"Don't talk about these little things——"

Luvia looked at Bazett very kindly and said:

"We will deal with Siegfried later, do you want to join us in alliance?"

Bazett: "..."

This is no small matter!

One-way damage sharing, you can tell from the name what kind of magic it is.

Bazett is reckless, but not stupid, otherwise he would not be a powerful magician.

After sharing the pain, you naturally cannot hurt the other person, otherwise it will be equivalent to hurting yourself.

You have to protect the other party, otherwise the other party will be injured and you will be shot inexplicably.

Moreover, we still don’t know what the limit of the opponent’s magic is. When the opponent dies, will he suffer similar pain and injuries from the opponent, or will he die together with the opponent.

Before the curse is lifted, she can only be a nanny. Otherwise, she really won't know how to die.

Bazett was not surprised to hear that Tohsaka Rin and the others were going to deal with Siegfried, but he didn't really agree with it.

How strong Siegfried is, Bazett, who had just been defeated miserably, showed it clearly.

He has enough fists to punch through the steel plate, but hitting the opponent has no effect at all.

Even the backlight sword passed down from his family has no effect when it hits such a vital point as the opponent's heart.

This person is so thick-skinned and thick-skinned that he can't break through his defense at all!

How could Tohsaka Rin and others, who couldn't even defeat themselves, defeat Siegfried, who was far more powerful than themselves?

"to be honest--"

After Bazett was silent for several seconds, he said:

"I don't think you are strong enough to defeat the legendary dragon-slaying hero Siegfried."

"Even if you add me, it won't help."

When Bazett said this, everyone fell silent, knowing that what the other party said made sense.

But many times, even if you know that the chances are slim for many things, you still need to move forward bravely, or you must not do it.

If Siegfried is ignored, this subspace will become bigger and bigger by absorbing the magic power of Fuyuki City's earth veins, and then the speed of absorption will become faster and faster.

If we leave it alone until the end, the entire Fuyuki City leyline will be absorbed by it.

The land of Fuyuki City will die in a sense.

This is only the most obvious consequence. There is also what Grandpa Mo Yi said about Goetia. Although he doesn’t know what the other party’s purpose is, if he leaves it alone, he will definitely let the other party succeed. By then, it will not only be Fuyuki City’s problem, but also Fuyuki City’s problem. It is a matter related to the safety of all mankind.

"There must be a way!"

Illya felt that it was time for her to step forward and encourage the lost people.

Bazett: "For example?"

Illya: "..."

This guy doesn't want to follow the usual routine!

According to Mahou Soju's script, everyone's lines should not be - yes, as long as you work hard, you will definitely have a way to reach the other party!

As for the solution, who knows?

Anyway, as long as you want to believe in love and justice, Mahou, as the protagonist, will definitely find the opponent's weakness halfway through the soju, or someone will assist, or with the belief of love and justice, he will use the best killing move in all worlds' Memories kill' to turn defeat into victory.

Ilia, who was confused by the question, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi pitifully and whispered:

"Dabai, do you know of any solution?"

Chapter 405: Explosion Magic

In fact, everyone has long placed their hopes on Grandpa Mo Yi, hoping that the other party can show off his power again, and at least give them the last ripple buff, otherwise they really can't think of how to defeat the theoretically invincible Brother Fei.

At this time, Bazett also began to pay attention to Grandpa Mo Yi who had healed him.

Half an hour ago, she was there when she was beating up Illya and others. Why couldn't she see him?

At that time, Grandpa Mo Yi was still in his Kewpie state, being held in Tamamo's arms and watching the show, watching how she beat up the elementary school students.

The atmosphere at the scene showed that this person he met for the first time seemed to be the central figure.

"Although Siegfried is strong, he is not without weaknesses."

As a qualified Kyubey, if Queen Soju is going to fight, she must provide corresponding help, fill up the buffs, and let the opponent deliver them. This is Kyubey's role.

"In mythology, Siegfried's back does not have a fatal weakness, and he also died because someone stabbed him in the weakness."

Illya, who suddenly understood, muttered with a confused expression:

"That seems to be the case."

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