"It's not that simple -"

As a magician, how could Bazett not know the legend of Siegfried and the fatal weakness behind him because he was blocked by the bodhi leaf and did not bathe in the dragon's blood.

She had just fought against Siegfried, but she had a deep understanding of how tough Siegfried was and how slippery he was in defensive skills!

Moreover, the power of the opponent's Noble Phantasm is so terrifying. If the opponent is serious, they will not let you hit the place where the legendary Bodhi leaf sticks.

"The opponent's own strength is very strong, and it is impossible for him to reveal his weaknesses. I understand this very well."

"Is that so?"

After hearing Bazett's words, Illya, who was very happy, shrank and said:

"I see--"

"There are so many of us here. As long as we plan the perimeter and cooperate well, we have a great chance of getting Siegfried's back."

Grandpa Mo Yi encouraged:

"Of course, it's a trick."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Hei asked curiously:

"Is there any other better way?"

Grandpa Mo Yi said seriously:

"Haven't you heard that there is no wall that cannot be broken through?"

"If the firepower is enough to penetrate the opponent's armor, then you can defeat the opponent!"

Everyone: "..."

Who doesn’t know this?

The problem is that we don’t have enough output, and we can’t even penetrate Fei Ge’s armor.

"Ilia, give me the blank class cards of Caster and Archer."

Because Xiao Hei and Xiao Tamamo were disconnected from the class cards, the two class cards became useless cards with blank content, but it does not mean that they cannot be used.

In the parallel world where Miyu lives, Hero Emiya relied on his resonance to connect to the red A on the Heroic Soul Seat, and thus re-transformed and defeated Matou Sakura, the purple-haired passerby who killed the worst heroine on the entire set. Kiri Shinji.

Why is Matou Sakura miserable?

There are too many studios to talk about, so let’s briefly talk about Sakura Matou in Miyu Sekai.

First of all, the other party still likes Emiya Juhao who is determined to become a partner of justice.

After learning that the Holy Grail War was about to begin, he first persuaded the other party to leave, confessed to the other party, and expressed his willingness to give up everything and elope with the other party.

Then he was rejected by Juha Emiya. The reason was that Juha Emiya's sister was kidnapped by a good friend. Without his sister, the whole world would be meaningless. With girlfriends and other things, they would all go aside. He would have to risk his life to go there. Save my sister.

Then, Matou Shinji attacked. In order to protect the sweetheart who had just rejected her, Sakura Matou decided to resist her brother. Immediately, Matou Shinji, who had been assassinated because the class card was a waste card, instantly killed him and directly crushed his heart!

Then, stimulated by her death, the giant Emiya finally awakened! (Is it because I, Sakura, are still cheating and killing me?)

After awakening, the giant Emiya finally understood what he was really thinking, which was that between his sister and saving the world, he chose his sister! (Isn’t it because of Sakura’s death that the cheating broke out? Why is there no role for her anymore?)

And from Shinji Matou's lines, he seems to have done some unspeakable evil deeds to Sakura Matou.

In short, it is not a miserable word to describe it.

In the end, after being stimulated by his own death, Hero Emiya succeeded in cheating. After defeating all the enemies, even when he got the chance to make a wish, he directly used his wish on his sister.

She didn't even think about saving Sakura who just died for her!

Even if he hesitates a little, whether to resurrect Matou Sakura or send his sister Miyu to a safe world, that is the choice he wants most.

Looking at it this way, even if Matou Sakura sacrificed for him, the importance in the heart of his younger sister, Gong Juxia, is so far away that he can't even think of it.

This is not the most tragic thing. What is even more tragic is that after she finished her script and offered a sacrificial salute for the birth of the Emiya Giant, she was finally made into a puppet by the villain Julian and asked to go to the person he liked.

It can be said that this is so malicious. Even in a cute show like Magical Girl Illya, Sakura Matou cannot escape the tragic end.

Well, rather, she is the tragedy of this world on the entire set, and she alone bears most of the tragedy of the story.

Grandpa Mo Yi took the class card handed over by Ilia and explained:

"As long as the attack power is strong enough, it will be enough to defeat Siegfried along with his defense."

"I am now going to use these two empty cards to reconnect to the Hall of Valor. If I connect to a heroic spirit with a super destructive power, it will be no problem."

Xiaohei complained:

"Isn't this a matter of luck?"

"Don't worry, I have special card drawing skills!"

Grandpa Mo Yi showed a bewildered smile. He is the operating father and has his own unique skill of ‘printing cards on the spot’.

Then, the groups on the two class cards in Mo Yi's hand began to change, and soon there was a blue-haired man wearing a coat, and a black-haired man wearing a magician's robe and a pointed witch hat. Beauty loli.

"Is this Cu Chulainn?"

I originally had a photo of Lancer Wangjiang, and I immediately recognized Caster Wangjiang and said curiously:

"Why is there even a Cu Chulainn?"


Bazett, who was equally surprised and almost couldn't help but grab it, looked at the magic dog in Mo Yi's hand like a puppy.

In fact, a large part of the reason why Bazett hates Tohsaka Rin and Luvia who took away her class card is that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia took away the Lancer class that she got from Wang-chan who she personally defeated. Card.

Now that I see another version of Wang Jiang, why aren’t I moved? !

However, what made her even more curious was what Grandpa Mo Yi had just done, connecting new heroic spirits through blank class cards.

Isn't the next step to make the class card you want?

Who is the other party, and what is its relationship with the class card that mysteriously appears in this world?

"This is for you, Miyu."

Mo Yi handed caster Wangjiang to Meiyou and explained:

"Caster's direct Cu Chulainn has a lot of abilities that overlap with Lancer's. After all, they are the same heroic spirit, but they are the embodiment of two professions."

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