"In fact, the same heroic spirit can be divided into different classes according to its own abilities. Cu Chulainn has Lancer, caster and berserker. After you become proficient in the abilities, you can even use the differences of the same heroic spirit to directly dream at the same time. By summoning, the abilities obtained are much stronger than those obtained by a single class."


Miyu carefully took it away, then looked it over, studying one side's abilities.

"The burning flame cage?"

Meiyou read out the introduction to the Noble Phantasm with some confusion——

‘“Summon a burning Zhou Shuren, trap the enemy inside the body, and inflict huge fire damage?”

"Onii-chan, who is Zhou Shuren?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

The other party asked a very in-depth question. For a moment, he really didn’t know how to explain it. He was silent for a while and said:

"Zhou Shuren is a kind of Ultraman. He has the ability to know and tell everything. In short, this Noble Phantasm has the function of binding and harming."

Meyou: "···"

Although she couldn't hear it, Miyu thought it was very powerful.

Compared with great heroes like Cu Chulainn on Caster, the Loli Magician on Archer is confusing.

"Her real name is Megumin, a powerful magician from another world!"

Mo Yi handed Huihui's class card to Illya and said:

"Megumin is a magician who can only use explosion magic."

"The so-called explosion magic is a kind of extremely destructive magic that can destroy a large city in one blow."

"However, strong power also heralds serious consumption, so Megumin's own magic power can only be used once a day."

"So Illya, you only have one chance! If you use her well, you will have the possibility of defeating Siegfried."

"Looks so handsome——"

Illya was very curious and happily took Archer Megumin, and carefully looked at Megumin's portrait and various abilities and skills.

Then I discovered that, just as Grandpa Mo Yi said, except for the magic value of A, the other party was at the lowest level and had no useful inherent skills. The only treasure he had was - 'Honkai Magic (ex)'.

Summon a torrent of destructive energy that falls from the sky, destroying everything in sight. (There is one chance of liberation every day. After using the Noble Phantasm, Megumin becomes paralyzed.)

In terms of overall strength, Megumin's card is actually not as good as Caster Wang Jiang. It can't be used once, but it's justice if it can't stand up to cuteness.

In fact, there is no difference between her and the great hero Arash, but Arash can also be used to level A, while Megumin is useless except for self-destructing as soon as she comes up.

Naturally, Illya, who enjoys horse-burning monkey wine, can't resist Megumin's class card that looks like a magical girl. (Magical girls should be cannons.)

While caressing the other person, I couldn’t help but read the lines above——

"When you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you - I am the one who controls the most powerful magic explosion magic, Megumin!"

After receiving the new class card, everyone gained some confidence in dealing with Siegfried.

The plan is also very simple, that is, everyone will attract Siegfried's attention, let the caster-shaped Miyu summon Zhou Shuren to briefly control and block Siegfried, and Illya will use explosion magic to destroy the opponent.

——————The dividing line of explosion magic——————

After some discussion, it was decided that Bazett and Xiao Hei would be responsible for attracting Siegfried's attention.

The 'seriously injured' Grandpa Mo Yi, the somewhat weaker Kotamamo, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were supporting from a distance, simply by calling 666 or looking for opportunities to hit the target.

This is also considering Siegfried's strength. If the opponent is serious and a magician like Tohsaka Rin rushes up to fight others in melee, he may be stabbed by the opponent and a monster will be troubled. Go save them.

The only ones who can confront Siegfried are Servants like Bazett and Black.

"Have you not left yet?"

Siegfried, who had been standing there with his eyes closed, wondering if he was asleep, opened his eyes and stared at Bazett who walked in front of him again.

The difference from before was that she found a lot of helpers this time.

To be honest, Siegfried did not want to hurt innocent people. He had discovered that there were other people before and did not deal with Bazett, nor did he choose to pursue them. He just abided by the requirements of the class card.

I thought that everyone would retreat in the face of difficulties, and the idea of ​​​​liberating the Noble Phantasm was to scare away Illya and others.

"It seems I can only end your lives. I'm really sorry."


Standing in front of Siegfried again, Bazett still felt the oppressive threat from the unmoving and emotionless man in front of him.

Looking at the short Xiao Hei next to him, even though he knew that the other party had obtained the same servant power, he still warned with some uneasiness:

"Be careful, the other party is very strong."


Xiao Hei obviously did not expect that the other party would say such a sentence, but thinking that he had been beaten to the ground by the other party not long ago, he was naturally not in a good mood, so he reluctantly snorted and responded:

"Our debt hasn't been settled yet, so don't die here."

After that, the two began to take action.

Bazett used his skilled snakeskin movement and rushed towards Siegfried in a weird and unpredictable route.

And Xiao Hei was not reckless this time. She remembered what Grandpa Mo Yi had taught her before, not to fight alone, but to unite and cooperate with her teammates.

Therefore, without eradicating Red A's combat experience, when he saw the enemy trying to project the black and white swords, he went up to him and made a bold move.

Instead, while cautiously approaching Siegfried, he used projection magic to continuously summon various Noble Phantasms to shoot at Siegfried.

Naturally, it has no effect when facing the opponent directly, and cannot even break the defense. However, as a copycat boss, she doesn't have to worry about it at all. She can directly detonate the precious phantom and produce a violent explosion.

Although it didn't do much damage to Siegfried, it successfully dragged and attracted Siegfried's attention.

As usual, Siegfried used the sword in his hand to block the numerous Noble Phantasms that flew away, and used his body to resist the ones he couldn't block.

In fact, it really doesn't hurt at all.

But just when Bazett came to Siegfried's side and punched with all his strength, Xiao Hei also detonated all the Noble Phantasms around Siegfried.


Siegfried, who was caught off guard, was completely concentrated and drowned in the explosion.

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