Chapter 406: Arrival of Chaldea

Unprepared, Siegfried was broken by Xiao Hei's self-destruction attack, which broke his perfect defensive rhythm. Under the impact of the explosion, although he did not suffer any actual damage, his center of gravity was suddenly lost, creating an opportunity for Bazett to attack.

Otherwise, according to the normal script, even if her snakeskin moves are cool and no matter how fast her attack speed is, she will not be able to attack Qi Weifei who is focused on defense.

"My back?"

Siegfried felt the woman who was good at using close fist attacks come behind him, and he even felt the strong wind brought by the fist on his back.

The opponent wanted to attack his back because he obviously recognized his identity, the famous dragon-slaying hero Siegfried!

It's no surprise then to know that your weakest point is your back.

However, the back is the back, but the weakness the size of a Bodhi leaf is too small compared to the entire descendants of Siegfried, and no one knows the more specific place at all.

The opponent's attack like this is almost like gambling on luck.

What's more, the fact that there is no weak point protected by the Noble Phantasm 'Evil Dragon's Blood Armor' does not mean that as long as it hits that location, Siegfried will explode and die on the spot.

In fact, that place is just to deal with the weakness. Even without the protection of the Noble Phantasm 'Evil Dragon's Blood Armor', Siegfried's own endurance is A level, which is the highest level of endurance under normal conditions.

Unless it's a fatal blow, even if it hits Siegfried's weak point, it won't have much effect.

"Fantasy Great Sword: The Demon Lost!"

However, Siegfried is not just a thick-skinned enemy. His frontal combat effectiveness is also quite strong. He is a qualified saber. Only the highest level of abilities in all aspects can make a competent saber.

It's not like a certain emperor who likes to sing awkwardly and uses his own abilities to cheat and become a saber.

Siegfried, who missed the first move, was very angry. In other words, his warrior side was finally brought out.

Facing Bazett's backstab, he did not choose to greet him as before, but directly released the Noble Phantasm. The cursed holy sword in his hand exuded powerful magic, and instantly released a huge arc-shaped magic slash at Xiao Hei in front. The whole person is like a top, spinning while releasing the Noble Phantasm.

The dusk sword energy released in his hand naturally rotated, forming a sword energy vortex.

Yes, this move is the basic move that all sword masters know - Blade Storm!

"Reverse Light Sword——"

Bazett was also prepared for Siegfried's move. When he was hit by the dusk sword energy, the backlight sword he had already held in his left hand was activated and shot at Siegfried's back.

Of course, Siegfried was spinning on the spot at the moment. It was hard to say whether he could hit the back or the weak point of the back.


Bazett was knocked into the air and saw his backlight sword turning into a light bullet and shooting at Qi Fei's shoulder.

Although it did not focus on Fei Ge's weakness, it also prevented the subsequent output of "Fantasy Sorry·The Demon Kneels".

Although it is a pity, Bazett's goal has been achieved!

The moment Siegfried stopped outputting his Noble Phantasm, Miyu, who had already used caster Cu Chulainn to transform into a druid, had been waiting for this opportunity created for her.

The purpose of paddling before was to use Caster's best position-building ability, arrange a suitable position, and increase his own abilities.

As for Cu Chulainn's magic ability, it is actually not worse than many casters. After all, his master is the beautiful purple-haired girl Scathach who is both skilled in magic and martial arts.

Moreover, before becoming a disciple of Scathach, Cú Chulainn himself possessed considerable magic ability and was a powerful druid known as the Forest Sage.

Later, under Scathach's education, his magic ability improved again. Combining the original runes taught by Scathach, plus various unmodified spells, Wang Jiang became a powerful caster!

He can defeat Red A with crazy wand spells, bombard with low-combat spells from a distance, melee, output, control, strengthen, positive and negative buffs, he can do all kinds of abilities, he can be described as a versatile boss.

Therefore, although caster Wangjiang's various abilities are much worse than those of Lancer and Berserker, in actual combat, he has the highest victory rate in caster state.

The most important thing is that Cu Chulainn of the caster class can get rid of the Lancer class skill "Lancer's Ancient Lucky E" and greatly increase his luck value to Lucky D, which can be described as an extremely powerful enhancement.

Wang-chan transformed Miyu, wearing a blue robe, pressing her hands hard on the ground, using the large amount of magic power accumulated in the previously established position to use Caster Wang-chan's Noble Phantasm——

‘Burning cage of fire! ! ’

Siegfried, who had just defeated Xiao Hei and Bazett, was entangled and captured by the trees that were growing rapidly on the ground.

At this time, Siegfried struggled, using the sword in his hand to cut off the wood that was growing fast and binding him, while quickly scanning the battlefield, looking for the caster.

Soon I spotted Miyu in the distance.


Preparing powerful magic from a distance and killing the enemy with one blow is the most traditional and correct way for a magician to open it.

Siegfried's Noble Phantasm 'Dragon's Blood Armor' is very powerful. It is immune to all B-level damage. Even attacks beyond B-level can greatly reduce the damage. But in the end, it is just a damage reduction tool. The skill is not like Little Sun's Sun Armor. In addition to reducing damage, it can also reduce various curse interference effects. If necessary, it can also spontaneously ignite and turn into an attack.

In the continuous attacks of 'Wood Release - Arrival of the Tree Realm', Siegfried, who had missed the first move, was still completely captured and tied up by the endless wood that grew into two pieces after cutting off one section.

Siegfried, who was tied up like Jesus suffering, was trapped in the air by the trees and couldn't move for a while.


Miyu, who felt her magic power draining away quickly, called out to Illya.

Naturally, Illya also knew that this was a good opportunity. Illya, who had also used the archer class card to transform into the one-hit magician Megumin, began to chant a spell loudly——

“Blacker than black, darker than darkness, please entrust me with the true red golden light here!

When the time of awakening comes, the fallen laws of the absurd church will appear as invisible distortions!

Dance, dance, dance!

The collapse of the wish that is the origin of my power, the collapse that no one can match, will burn everything in the world to nothing. Come down from the abyss. This is the most powerful attack method of mankind. This is the ultimate attack magic - Explosion! "

As Illya sang, a huge and complex magic circle appeared in the subspace, and then a huge red light pillar fell from the sky, shooting down Siegfried below like a divine punishment.

Let me briefly explain here why Megumin’s rank is archer instead of caster.

Megumin is a magician of intelligent explosion magic. Her only attack method is to summon a huge magic cannon like explosion magic to shoot, and then she will lie down and become useless. It is easy to understand that her class is Archer.

After all, he is a soju who likes to solve all problems by having sex.

At this time, Miyu also cooperated with Illya's final blow to release the second stage of the Noble Phantasm's Wood Release - Wooden Man's Technique. After drinking the wood, the wood grew like gold, entangled with each other, and instantly transformed into It became a giant wooden man that trapped Siegfried inside.

Finally violently then up.


The explosive magic, which was like a punishment from heaven, hit the burning wooden man and exploded violently.

After a full minute, the explosion storm caused by the explosion magic officially stopped.

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