Just like, in the movie version of Magical Girl Illya, you can even see Illya. Such a funny plot is really unbelievable.

"Everyone can tell lies——"

Xiao Hei, who cares about his own existence, hates the most when others question his own existence and significance.

Seeing the curry stick in King Da Mao's hand, the memory brought by the class card made her choose to project the genuine 'curry stick' that she had used once.

"Durex, on——"

"Sword of Vow of Victory"

Although it was very difficult, Xiao Hei successfully projected the most powerful Noble Phantasm 'Curry Stick' that can be copied.

"You guy-"

After seeing his precious phantom being copied, Hei Wumao was definitely in a bad mood, so he said nothing and slashed at Xiao Hei with the 40-meter-long sword condensed with magic power in his hand.

After releasing its true name, the original Curry Stick of King Da Mao condenses the power of light and releases a powerful light cannon to burn all evil, and finally forms a big star that shines in the sky.

The black and hairless curry version activates the dragon power in the body, condenses the magic power into the magic sword in the hand, and forms a forty-meter-long sword to sweep across the enemy.


The counterfeit holy sword and the demonic sword clashed, naturally attracting everyone's attention.

Hei Zhen stopped fighting and watched with some dissatisfaction as the Noble Phantasm hit Hei Wumao. After muttering "Damn cold-blooded woman", he gave up entangled with Bazett and returned to his own camp to watch what happened next.

Although Xiao Hei tried his best, he was already nine points weaker. In addition, in the previous battle with Siegfried, his condition was not the best. In the Noble Phantasm confrontation, he still fell behind and was defeated by Black Hairless Forty. The long sword split the light cannon.

In the end, the curry stick in his hand couldn't hold on anymore and was knocked out.

"Xiao Hei——"

Miyu couldn't help shouting out because of Illya who was making soy sauce in the back.


Xiao Hei opened his eyes and found that he had not fallen to the ground or been struck by a forty-meter-long knife, but had fallen into a very warm and secure embrace.

"Don't move, let me help you treat it-"

Grandpa Mo Yi blocked the 40-meter-long knife with one hand and hugged Xiao Hei with the other hand. He looked at Xiao Hei who was caught by him and said.


Xiao Hei nodded obediently, like a child who was bullied outside and went home to find a supporter to vent his anger, and said viciously:

"come on--"

"Don't stop until you beat her to tears."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What a hatred. No matter what the other party said, she is also your brother's sister-in-law.


Hei Wumao was in a bad mood when someone pinched the forty-meter-long sword with his hands. He was a first-class heroic spirit after all. How shameless was he to be caught by someone like this?

How can I ask Gudazi to feed me materials in the future? !

So, regardless of consumption, the magic power was poured into the curry stick.

Suddenly, the 40-meter-long sword in everyone's eyes became thicker and larger. Coupled with her roaring appearance, the momentum was amazing.

After seeing Xiao Hei being rescued by Grandpa Mo Yi, Ilia breathed a sigh of relief, but as Hei Wumao roared, Ilia remembered that the opponent's attack was not over yet.

The opponent's forty-meter-long sword, no, it should be said to be a hundred-meter-long sword now, was still pressing heavily on Grandpa Mo Yi's right hand.

"Is there no problem with Dabai?"

The kind-hearted and innocent Illya expressed her worry. Baymax was seriously injured, so how could he beat the opponent's group of guys who just looked powerful.

Tohsaka Rin breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: Our boss finally took action.

"no problem--"

Miyu held Illya's little hand and comforted:

"Onii-chan is very strong."


Kotamamo, who has been making soy sauce all the time, said with some pride:

"Master is the strongest!"

Since Tamamo-chan doesn't speak, everyone really can't remember that there is another Tamamo-monster at home.

Illya looked at the proud Tamamo-mae who was holding her waist and asked:

"Caster, aren't you worried and going to help?"

"I'm so weak, how can I do anything like fighting and killing——"

Kotamamo said matter-of-factly:

"As a good wife, the most important thing to do at this time is to trust the master, cheer him up by the side, and wait for the other party to come back victorious, and use the most enthusiastic service to comfort the master's tired body and mind."

Everyone: "..."

You, a vixen who can squeeze a black hole with your bare hands and punch polygamy at the slightest disagreement, can you still call it weak?

Do we have any misunderstandings about combat effectiveness?

This is the set of Xingyue, and not every battle involves breaking stars and destroying Mother Earth’s Dragon Ball set!

"it's useless--"

Don't think that Grandpa Mo Yi only does cuteness and fun in movies these days. He also works hard.

Thinking about myself as a rider, without summoning Green Song, my combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of a caster.

So I started independent research and development and re-made a lot of patches for myself.

"All mysteries and illusions will come to an end under my fantasy killer."

After saying that, he blocked the hundred-meter-long sword with his right hand and squeezed it hard. The captain-slaying sword condensed with dark black magic power turned into countless dark black magic light particles, collapsed and dissipated.

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