
Hei Wumao was confused, or in other words, everyone in Chaldea was confused.

However, Black Hairless is the version of King Arthur after all. Even though he is in a blackened and manic state, his fighting qualities have not dropped much.

After seeing his Noble Phantasm being cracked in this way, he didn't let out an incompetent rage, yelled 'My King's Power ♂', or cursed 'Miscellaneous Cultivator' like a certain golden Pika, but He stepped back from Dao Gudazi with a solemn face, wary of Grandpa Mo Yi, a man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Why do people always ask me this question?"

Grandpa Mo Yi put down the treated Xiao Hei and said with a smile:

"Probably a rider out of interest——"

——————The dividing line between the two parties————————

After a good fight, everyone becomes good friends!

After a fight and finding out that the other party was a tough guy, the two evil groups, Mahou Shaju and Chaldea, also put aside their previous misunderstandings and began to communicate.

It soon became apparent that it was a misunderstanding.

Chaldea and others are what the Magic Association calls support, and Chaldea and others also know the current situation of Illya and others. There is a heroic spirit hidden in this weird subspace that needs to be dealt with.

"You guys are pretty awesome——"

After listening to the general story of Chaldea and others' journey to save humanity, Illya looked at Gudazi and others with admiration.

"Haha, really?"

It was probably the first time that Gudazi heard someone praise them in such an admiring tone, so she said with some embarrassment:

"Actually, I don't understand many things. It's only because of everyone's support and meeting many good people that I can get here."

Feeling Gudazi's grateful gaze, Hei Zhen felt very happy in her heart, but of course she couldn't show it. She turned away in disgust, snorted, and muttered:

"Those guys from the Demon God Pillar actually dare to take advantage of me. I will definitely bring trouble to them."

"I just reluctantly responded to your call. Don't get me wrong. I am not your partner."

"What does saving people have to do with me, the dragon witch?"

Illya: "..."

I remember that the other party seemed to be Joan of Arc, a very famous savior in history, but I didn't expect that she was such a tsundere.

After spending some time with Tohsaka Rin, Illya naturally knew that this was a terminal disease called "tsundere".

"Tsundere disease", if it is a low-level street, can greatly increase the charm of a girl, but once it becomes serious and reaches the advanced stage, it will become a "dead tsundere".

Not to mention whether it can increase one's own charm, but in the process of competing with other girls, being a tsundere is basically a dead end. After all, you like it but don't say it, but you still say you hate it, and always let others guess, that person Do you have so much energy to play repetitive guessing games every day?

If it's a tsundere and a childhood sweetheart, then you can go straight to GG without even looking at it.

Because getting along with a tsundere is already tiring, and on top of that, for boys, childhood sweethearts have no novelty or secret attributes for a long time. The result of being unable to make money and losing their love is simply reasonable.

Not to mention the resistance of the heavenly girls, even if there is no new opponent, the childhood sweetheart will eventually lose to other ordinary girls.

"Tsundere girl, stop being so arrogant, no one here likes to watch others perform."

In the entire Chaldea, the person with the worst relationship with Heizhen was Hei Wumao. Seeing Hei Zhen acting cute again, Hei Wumao naturally laughed at him.

"Cold-blooded woman, you are talking nonsense again."

Now Hei Zhen couldn't bear it any longer. He held the battle flag and was about to knock it on, saying:

"It doesn't matter--"

"Idiots like you are like a broken black and white TV. If I knock it hard for a while, it might get better."


After the quarrel started again in his harem, Gudazi laughed helplessly to cover up his lost small theater.

Seeing Gudazi looking so embarrassed and not knowing who to help, Grandpa Mo Yi smiled empathetically at him, and then talked about other issues to help Gudazi divert his attention.

"Gudazi, how many unique points have you modified?"

Chapter 408: Gudazi: Gentlemen, I like to draw cards

"What's the singularity?"

Gudazi was surprised by Mo Yi's sudden question.

It was obvious that the other party knew about his group, otherwise he would not have asked about the specific singularity.

"The seventh singularity was repaired not long ago."

The tragic battle not long ago came to mind, and Gudazi couldn't help but feel lucky. It was incredible and lucky to be able to defeat Temayat at that time.

If I were to do it again, I really don’t have the confidence to pass it as smoothly as last time.

"Huh? Haven't you beaten Goetia yet?"

Grandpa Mo Yi was a little surprised. According to the script, didn't he just finish the Ancient Uruk script and then directly clean up the Time Temple of Mr. Gai?

It seems that this parallel world is somewhat different from the fgo I know.

But think about it for a moment, assuming that a master is a choice for a parallel world. FGO with millions of masters has millions of different possibilities for the development of parallel worlds. Then compared with the standard plot world, different developments seem to be The most normal.

At this time, the doctor who had been listening to the communication between Grandpa Mo Yi and Gu Dazi through the Chaldean communicator across two parallel worlds became a little curious——

Why does the other party know so clearly?

The doctor, as Solomon's true form, was slightly aware of Goetia's matter, but the more specific matter was not yet clear.

When he lost his power and was still the Magic King Solomon, the doctor had the future vision that all the candidates for the title of Caster had. Therefore, he knew that many beings had the ability to see the future.

It can even be said that the series of events and final results that have occurred since he chose to give up the power of Solomon and be reborn has been known for a long time.

For them, saving humanity is an unfinished journey, and for some higher-dimensional beings, it is a story that has ended long ago.

Just like a storybook, the past, present and future are all recorded on the pages.

Through the screen, the doctor looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with curiosity and excitement that Gudazi and others didn't understand, and asked:

"Mr. Mo Yi, do you have the ability of 'clairvoyance (ex)'?"

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