If you can meet someone with future vision and get help from them, the battle after Chaldea will be much more comfortable.

After learning that Grandpa Mo Yi's current rank was Rider, and he had never heard of such a person, he never felt that he was really as omniscient and omnipotent as the legend said.

He possesses the highest level of clairvoyance skills for future vision. The more he observes, the more he realizes his ignorance.

For example, he had no way of knowing what happened in the earlier era of ancient Uruk, and he did not know the specific situation of the Celestial Empire, which was separated from the world in various senses.

"That's a matter of my identity——"

Grandpa Mo Yi didn't expect that the other party's thinking was so quick. In just one sentence, he guessed such a guess that was close to the truth.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi is able to know their story not because of his observational ability such as clairvoyance (EX), but because he was once one of millions of players and is now the chief designer of the script. ,

As long as you think about it, the essence deep in the root can do anything.

However, these are meaningless things. The development of the world has its own choices and laws. Excessive interference will change other things while saving some people.

It is like a complete ecological circle that is allowed to develop. Only when serious problems arise that cannot be solved by one's own adjustment ability will external intervention be needed.

Mo Yi spread his hands and said with a smile:

"I'm just a rider-class servant clone now, and I don't have the ability to see the future."

"But I have a rough idea."

Doctor: Isn’t this a joke?

Although the other party does not have this ability now, based on past memories, there should be very useful information.

Listening to Grandpa Mo Yi and the doctor talking such nonsense, Gudazi was almost confused and asked:

"What on earth are you talking about?"


Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and did not continue.

There is still one last wild monster that has not been wiped out, so it is not the time to exchange information.

"Let's talk slowly after tonight's matters are settled, doctor."


The doctor, who probably knew the situation in this parallel world, nodded seriously and said:

"It's better to solve the class card problem you mentioned first. It won't be too late to discuss it in detail when we go back."

After the simple exchange of information, everyone cleared up their misunderstanding and formed a team to prepare for the last boss.

"In other words, all we need to do now is find the assassin hiding in this subspace and get rid of him?"

Black Jean has never been a perceptual detection hero. If it were Jeanne, she would have had the help of the 'Revelation' skill, but she was just a combat girl, responsible for output and daily arrogance and cuteness.

Gudazi took a look at the lineup of heroic spirits on his side: Hei Zhen, Hei Wumao, Mashu and Green Tea. It seemed that no one had the ability to find the assassin hidden by Yishin.

"Is there any way you can find Assassin?"

If not—

Gudazi held the Saint Crystal that came out of the last singularity in her pocket, and murmured excitedly that it was her favorite time to draw cards again.

"Sapphire and I have a way-"

At this time, Ruby, who had been floating next to Illya, said:

"We are originally a magic gift made by the second method. It has the ability to search for elements in space, but it takes a certain amount of time."

"That's good."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but become happy.

"very nice--"

Gudazi had a slightly stiff smile, and his heart was going crazy MMP, I don't care, I want to draw cards!

If you don’t even draw cards, what’s the point of this world! !

Masu, who knew the temperament of his senior, looked at Gudazi and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the Saint Crystal that was finally obtained. If you can save it, it is better to save it. Who knows when the Saint Crystal will be needed to save the situation.

While Ruby and Sapphire searched the space, everyone waited a little boredly.

Gudazi finally found an opportunity and suggested seriously to Mashu next to him:

"We don't know what enemies we will face later, so why don't we take advantage of this time to try to summon more heroic spirits."

"Do you want to yell or not, Matthew?"

Matthew: "..."

I knew it would be like this!

Senior, you just want to draw cards!

Facing Gudazi's expectant gaze, a girl like Mashu, a little animal type, didn't know how to refuse at all, and quickly gave in.

Then he placed the dining table in his hand on the ground and launched the positioning technique to summon heroic spirits.

Illya and others couldn't help but become curious. What was the purpose of inserting such a big uncle's dining table on the ground?

Could it be that dinner is about to begin? !

"This is the method we at Chaldea have developed to summon Servants, which is different from the Holy Grail system."

Matthew explained several sentences and said:

"In short, it is to summon heroic spirits to assist us in the battle."

The confused Illya sighed:

"You can actually summon servants. It's so awesome."

These days, Illya and others have been running around and working hard for so long. Isn't it all because of the servants' problems?

Grandpa Mo Yi, Tamamo Mae, and Siegfried who had just been defeated. Which servant didn't defeat them so hard that they finally won with great difficulty?

Now I heard that Chaldea actually mastered summoning servants, with such IMBA technology, I am not surprised.

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