Yu Ji didn't show any signs of weakness. She slashed at Hei Zhen with the long sword in her hand, ignoring Jeanne's battle flag and the various attacks that followed.

Hei Zhen obviously did not expect that the other party would respond in such a 'suicidal' way, and the battle flag in his hand successfully hit Yu Ji.

Yu Ji's double swords also hit her. By the time she reacted, she could not dodge and could only avoid fatal injuries.

Immediately afterwards, various long-range attacks, arrows, magic cannons, and the swords of Hei Wumao and Okita Souji hit Yu Ji one by one.

"it's over?"

Gudazi obviously didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

But will it really go so smoothly?

Everyone can see that the expression on Yu Ji's face has not changed at all. It seems that the person with the dick all over her body is not her.

"The Song of Cursed Blood Corpse Explanation——"

Yu Ji, who was wounded all over her body, activated the magic power in her body and used her Noble Phantasm.


Yu Ji exploded directly, and along with the blood-red magic power, it exploded into a beautiful mushroom cloud!

How could anyone imagine that the other party would suddenly self-destruct, and it would be so powerful.

Illya, Gudazi and others from Far EasTone were relatively far away, had sufficient reaction time, and were protected by the human shield Mashu, but they were only blown away by the blood-red magic storm.

Hei Zhen, Hei Wumao and Okita Souji who were next to Yu Ji were not so lucky.

Except for Kuromo, who has his own A-level anti-magic power, Kurosada and Okita Souji didn't even have time to leave any last words, and were sent directly back to Chaldea to be reborn.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

One second, everyone was thinking of swarming up to deal with each other, but the next second, they were killed by Yu Ji's self-destruction, and the rest were injured to some extent.

Especially Hei Wumao, who was blown up into the sky by Yu Ji's in-situ explosion, and fell heavily to the ground after several seconds.


Hei Wumao coughed out a breath with some difficulty, supported the ground with a curry stick, and then managed to stand up.

But Zhibai's face showed that she would not be able to fight in a short period of time.

"I didn't expect the other party to be so loyal. He blew himself up and fell into a big somersault."


Hei Wumao looked around, surrounded by a rain of blood, but Hei Zhen's voice was not found.

He laughed happily:

"What a useless tsundere."

Hun Dan Heizhen, just count the seconds in Chaldea and watch me continue to be cool!

Okita Souji: Woo hoo (┭┮﹏┭┮)

Why doesn't anyone remember me? Is my sense of existence so low?

I didn't do anything, I just drew an A and then left the game. It was too miserable!

"Is everyone okay?"

Mashu, who was holding a large shield and blocking most of the impact from everyone, looked at herself a little tiredly. The key task was of course her favorite senior Gudazi, and Illya and others were also included.

Red A and Green Tea were blocked by the seven-layered blazing sky circle projected by Red A, and they were not seriously injured.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Yu Ji's self-destruction is relatively far away. Naturally, the closer she is to such a crude self-destruction attack, the greater the damage she will suffer.

Even though Yu Ji’s treasured phantom ‘The Cursed Blood Corpse Reveals the Song’ is only rated C+, its strength and power are quite a lot.

With the blessing of infinite magic power and environment, Yu Ji's self-destruction power has long surpassed the level of the power of the Noble Phantasm itself.

Otherwise, Kurosada and Okita Souji would not have been bombed home directly.


After seeing that Tohsaka Rin, Xiao Hei, Miyu and other friends were all okay, Illya said happily:

"Thank you for your help just now."

Illya was referring to the fact that Mashu released the Noble Phantasm to help everyone block the impact.

"Need not--"

Matthew said with a sad face:

"It's a pity that Miss Joan of Arc and Miss Souji's spirit base collapsed immediately."

"Don't be too sad——"

Gudazi, who was perfectly protected by Ma Xiu and was not harmed, put his right hand on Ma Xiu's shoulder and comforted:

"Repair the singularity and return to Chaldea. We can meet again."

"That's right, senior."

Mashu also thought that Kurosada and Okita Souji had left spiritual information in Chaldea, and they could just summon them again after returning.

"Just deal with the other party."

"Tick tock, tick tock..."

Ever since Yu Ji blew herself up, the heavy rain in the sky turned into a rain of blood, which seemed to be dyed red by Yu Ji's blood.

The blood rain is getting heavier and heavier.

"Let's go back first and find a place to talk about the next thing."

Gudazi turned to look at Tohsaka Rin and others and said.


Everyone who wanted to leave was stopped by Grandpa Mo Yi who was watching the show.

"The battle is not over yet."


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