"The other party is an elf of the world, a being similar to a true ancestor. In the words of the Celestial Empire, he is an immortal immortal."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Yu Ji with a ghostly look on her face and continued to popularize science:

"My destiny is poppy——"

"Well, it was the Concubine Yu in "Farewell My Concubine" during the period when the Celestial Empire, Han Dynasty and Chu Dynasty were fighting for hegemony. She was also known as Mustache Child, also known as Beauty Under the Red Moon. She was a guest for generations."

"Of course, I prefer to call him Grumpy Old Mustard."

"shut up!"

Hearing the other party giving her random nicknames, Yu Ji could no longer care about being shocked that the other party really knew her identity, and shouted angrily:

"If you give me another random nickname, I will kill you!"

"Now, you also understand what the other's nickname is, the grumpy old mustard."

Grandpa Mo Yi ignored Yu Ji's threat, spread his hands and complained:

"Because the other person is really cranky."

"Even though I have lived longer than the history of human existence, I never think about strategies or anything like that. I just say whatever I want. If I encounter something I don't like, I just do it."

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's explanation, everyone couldn't help but look at Yu Ji with strange eyes.

The other party looked so young, beautiful and quiet, but I didn't expect that he was older than the history of mankind and was so irritable.

As expected, people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Yu Ji: "..."

"Who the hell are you?"

After her true identity was revealed, Yu Ji gritted her teeth and stared at Mo Yi, as if she would be rash at any time and kill this Hun Dan who dared to slander her.

Chapter 410: Yu Ji: Don’t mess with me, I will explode!

“Although it’s far from the history I know, I really want it—”

Listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's complaints, Gudazi looked at Yu Ji with eyes that became hotter and hotter, and murmured:

"I don't want to smoke Hassan anymore."

Facing the increasingly weird atmosphere, Yu Ji, who was not good at, or had long been tired of, getting along with humans, had no patience to continue chattering.

If you don't care about life and death, do it if you don't accept it!

Chatting and chattering is a waste of time.

So, without saying anything, she directly summoned two flaming swords.

With the release of the ability as a world spirit, every tree, sky, and earth that replicates Fuyuki City in the subspace is changing violently.

Endless magic power pours out from the inside of the world, and rewrites the world according to Yu Ji's wishes.

"Tick tock, tick tock -"

Yu Ji was in a bad mood at the moment, so it started to rain heavily.

As the enemies of Yu Ji, Illya, Chaldea and others are naturally not afraid of things like heavy rain, changes in weather and environment, and more essentially, the negative impact of the world on them.

For example, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia found that their connection with the source of the world was cut off, and they had no way to draw any magic power from the outside world.

To the magician, this strange situation is like a fish that has left the water source and is stranded on land, unable to breathe, and can only rely on the oxygen in the body to maintain its life.

There is no problem in a short period of time, but over time, the fish will eventually die.

Of course, the situation of Tohsaka Rin and Luvia is not so exaggerated, but they cannot borrow the magic power of the big source. Any magic must rely on the small source in the body. The so-called small source is the vitality of the human body.

Therefore, every use of magic is tantamount to slow suicide.

Others, such as Illya who relied on rubies and the servants who contained a lot of magic power in their bodies, were better off, but the malice of the world that was everywhere and coming from all directions still deeply affected and constrained them.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

If they don't agree with each other, they will do it. The grumpy old mustard does not deserve his reputation.

"Our opponents have all taken action, so we have no choice but to take action."

Seeing Gudazi looking at Yu Ji longingly, Hei Zhen had long been unhappy. Now that the other party was obviously going to take action, how could he endure it.

Hei Zhen's temperament is similar to that of Yu Ji. She is also the kind of woman who will do anything if she disagrees. She walked up holding the battle flag.

Seeing that Hei Zhen was about to take action, everyone also took out their things and prepared to swarm him and kill him.

Although they don’t know what abilities the other party uses and can even affect the world, they have more than a dozen combatants here. Even if there is no magic power supply, a swarm of them is enough to kill one of them!

Even the simple Illya thinks so.

Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to continue his work as a commentator and briefly explain Yu Ji's abilities and moves, but Hei Zhen had already taken action.

Holding the battle flag in his hand, he rushed forward and struck with a set of 'Xia Ji Ba Da'.

As soon as he made a move, others followed suit.

They are now doing a just cause and working hard to save the world. Even if it is a group fight, it is a just group fight.

Everyone can understand it!

Do we need to send them all up one by one so that the other party can gain experience and equipment?

This is something only a despicable and arrogant villain would do.

A righteous partner would naturally disdain this!

Therefore, Red A, the most experienced partner of justice, was the first to react, projected a long bow, and fired directly at the 'Nuclear Bomb Sword Immortal', cooperating with Hei Zhen to block the space for Yu Ji to dodge.

Then people with long-range attacks came to their senses.

Xiao Hei used the same move, while Illya, Miyu and others actually used the magic wands in their hands to shoot powerful magic cannons.

However, Hei Wumao and Souji Souji used their strengths as sabers to launch a reunion with Hei Zhen, and cooperated with various long-range attacks to surround and kill Yu Ji.

Although Yu Ji's fighting style highlights the word "reckless", her fighting style can be seen from her dual-wielding flaming swords. She just slashes at the opponent regardless of defense.

But no matter how reckless she is, it is impossible for her to defend herself from the dense siege without damage if this body only inherits most of her strength.

The first attack to arrive was naturally Heizhen's battle flag wrapped in flames.

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