Seeing that the other party was lost again and looked very cute, he went up to hug her and comforted her in her ear;

"It doesn't matter--"

"Even if you don't know how to fire a light cannon, Soujiro, you're still a very strong Saber!"


After being comforted by Gudazi, Okita Souji also returned to normal. Especially when he felt the murderous eyes of Heizhen and Hei Wumao, he said a little unnaturally:

"Can you let me go -"

"And don't keep stressing that I won't fire light cannons."

"found it--"

At this time, Ruby and Sapphire finally found Assassin's hiding place and said loudly:

"It turns out that there is another subspace inside this subspace. I was sad that I couldn't find the assassin before."

It's like a gift box inside a gift box.

The current situation is that the real world is the largest gift box, and this subspace is a small gift box contained in the real world, and within this smaller gift box, there is another even smaller gift box.

After learning about the situation, everyone discussed for a while and decided to go directly to Assassin's location and ignore him.

After the merger, Illya, Chaldea and others had eight heroic spirits.

Is it possible that eight assassins of the weakest class can still defeat each other?

Not to mention Gudazi, Illya and others, Master Hemashao Monkey Wine, exploded, but they have fighting power comparable to that of a servant!

"Then let's set off—"

After that, under the phase shift of Ruby and Sapphire, everyone moved to another subspace after more than ten seconds.

"This seems to be no different from the previous subspace -"

Illya looked around curiously.

"Everyone, please be careful——"

Gudazi reminded with great experience:

"The assassin might be hiding somewhere where we can't find it, watching us."

Then, everyone saw a brown-haired woman wearing a strange black dress in front of them, staring at them with dissatisfaction.

"Is it so difficult to be alone for a while?"

With an impatient look on her face, the brown-haired woman jumped down from the boulder she was sitting on, looked at Illya and the others, and said:

"If I broke into this place accidentally, as long as I leave voluntarily now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

The implication is that if you don't leave, you will be rude.

However, her warning had no effect.

"Hey, are you an assassin?"

The heroic spirit collector Gu Dazi's eyes were shining, and he looked at the brown-haired woman in front of him curiously.

Although there are no ugly heroic spirits, especially female heroic spirits.

But as an Oriental, Gudazi's own aesthetics are still more oriental, so the woman in front of her with an oriental classical temperament is the most beautiful female heroic spirit she has ever seen.

I couldn't help but become curious, what is the identity of the other party?

"If you don't wear a skull mask, that means you're not Hassan."


Hearing the other party comparing herself to a sneaky guy like Hassan, the brown-haired woman said unhappily:

"In terms of rank, I am indeed a so-called assassin."

"Since you are unwilling to leave, don't blame me for being rude."

"I have never had much patience with humans!"

Hiding behind Chaldea, especially behind the Shield Hero Mashu, Illya and others felt safe. So I didn't feel too nervous.

Illya poked Mo Yi's hand and asked curiously:

"Dabai, do you know the other party's identity?"

Unconsciously, Grandpa Mo Yi has become a know-it-all in Ilia's mind. If you don't know anything, just ask Grandpa Mo Yi.

Although Ilia's voice was low, the atmosphere was already very quiet due to the confrontation, and everyone immediately turned their attention to Mo Yi.

It is naturally the best thing to know the identity of the opponent before the battle.

As the ancients said, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Facing the eyes of everyone, Yu Ji was very irritable. Now after hearing Ilia's question, she complained disdainfully:

It seems that the timeline of Chaldea and others has not reached the Chinese Lost Belt, otherwise they would have recognized themselves long ago.

At this moment, Yu Ji came from the Lost Hearing Belt in China. After being defeated by Chaldea and Qin Shi Wang, she entered the Hall of Valor.

And because the Hall of Valor transcends the limitations of time, the past and future are meaningless.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible to see Chaldea and others who have defeated him here.

Yu Ji thought that she had been hiding among the crowd for all these years. Except for the allusion of "Farewell My Concubine" which told the love story between herself and Xiang Yu, there was no legend left behind.

How could anyone recognize his identity?

"I know--"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Yu Ji's somewhat shameless dress, but he didn't blame Yu Ji. Others, the true ancestors who existed here before humans had today's ethics, had always dressed like that, wearing whatever was comfortable for them.

Therefore, others do not dress like this out of shame, but they have dressed like this long before the birth of human beings.

Yu Ji: "??"

I do not believe!

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