However, I have never seen that set where Kim Pika, who has the strongest theoretical ability, had the last laugh.

The Fifth Holy Grail War alone has countless parallel worlds on set. It seems that there is really no parallel world where Jin Pika won. After receiving the memory of the original clone, wouldn't its original body reflect on it? , seriously, fighting a cup-breaking war without any waste, winning once to prove that you are really that awesome?

"Let's not talk about that troublesome guy."

Gudazi once again input magic power into the dining table and continued the summoning of heroic spirits.

After a few seconds, golden light shone——

A heroic spirit in red clothes and white hair appeared in front of everyone.

"Am I still cooking?"

The Heroic Spirit Emiya, who was preparing lunch for the entire Chaldea family just a second ago, was suddenly summoned and said helplessly:

"Masta, what trouble are you in again?"

The moment Heroic Spirit Emiya was summoned and appeared, Chaldea and the others recognized him.

After all, he is the most indispensable chief chef in Chaldea. No matter how awesome you are, as long as it's meal time, you have to listen to him.

Even Jinpika, who dislikes the Heroic Spirit Emiya the most, doesn't dare to really offend him. If he dares to criticize Chaldea's chief chef, he is prepared to be hunted down by the Saber team.

Seeing that the summoner was Red A Roar, Mashu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was no need to worry about the food issue at the Singularity this time.

Moreover, Red A's combat effectiveness is still impressive.

The most important thing is that Gudazi did not take action like the previous two times and sent the opponent directly back to Chaldea.

Rumor has it that Gudako is the biological daughter of Emiya Shirou from a parallel world. I don't know if it is true. Anyway, the appearance of the two people, except for their hair color, is almost exactly the same.

Red A wanted to have a good exchange with his 'daughter' Gudazi and 'wife' Hei Wumao, but instead he saw several old friends.

The harem includes Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, god-sister Illya, and that troublesome man, Grandpa Mo Yi.


Hong A couldn't maintain his calm expression, and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi awkwardly, once again confirming that the other person was indeed the person he knew, and not Mo Yi from another parallel world.

And according to his eldest wife Alaya's inadvertent words, the other party is the only one in the endless parallel world, and this uniqueness is often the standard ability of those big guys who can't offend even his eldest wife Alaya.

After finally escaping from the oppression of the unscrupulous boss Alaya, I sneaked away to Chaldea for a vacation to make soy sauce, but why did I see Mo Yi, this cheater again.

But Red A couldn't forget that the parallel world before was almost unrecognizable to him because of Mo Yi's appearance.

For example, Tohsaka Rin who likes to read books, Illya who likes to teach others, who likes mature women, and finally his other self Shirou Emiya who fell into the hands of the Medea Demon.

"Mo Yi, why are you here? And you're still a servant?"

When Red A recognized Mo Yi, Mo Yi also guessed from the twitching corner of the other person's mouth that the other person was Red A from his parallel world.

Seeing the other person's expression of constant pain in his balls, Grandpa Mo Yi felt inexplicably better and said with a smile:

"The main body is busy with work, so I made a Servant clone and sent it to other parallel worlds to kill time."

Red A: "···"

This is very embarrassing!

The world of the boss is indeed not something that a wage earner like me, who does not have any holidays, can understand.


The conversation between Mo Yi and Red A naturally aroused everyone's curiosity.

Mashu: "Emiya-senpai, do you know him?"

Red A: "We met during a certain Holy Grail War."

As for Mo Yi's side, it was similar, and everyone discussed it with great interest.

"Babai, why does the other party look familiar?"

Illya felt that it was very familiar, but she just couldn't remember it.

Xiao Hei looked at the opponent's red clothes, and then at his own combat status. He couldn't recognize that the opponent was the source of his cheat.

"Idiot Illya, he is the heroic spirit version of Onii-chan!"

Ilia, who suddenly realized what she was doing, stared at Red A curiously and said:


Because Xiao Hei borrowed the power of the Red A class card to appear, Illya has not seen the Red A class card for a long time.

Of course, Illya is not the only one who is curious.

Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, and Bazett, who had only played Red A a few days ago, were all very interested in Red A, but the occasion was not appropriate and there was no chance to go up and chat.

"This is the last shot today!"

After Red A returned to his position, Gudazi started the last shot of the day, and the remaining Saint Quartz was melted into the Heroic Spirit Summoning Formation under the influence of magic power.

Another burst of golden light lit up, and then a blond woman wearing a cherry-colored kimono appeared in front of everyone.

"Saber Okita, General Secretary, I'm here to take part -"

Okita Souji was very happy and made a traditional samurai salute to Gudazi and said;

"Nice to see you again, Master."

"It turns out to be the director-general."

Gudazi was a little frustrated and muttered:

"A Saber who can't fire a light cannon is not a good Saber."

The smile on Okita Souji's face gradually stiffened, and his bright pupils began to lose their brightness, and he said to himself:

"I don't know how to fire light cannons. I'm really sorry——"

"I told you I'm a saber, not an assassin——"

"I'm not the only Saber who can't fire a laser cannon. The Marshal (Giles de Rais) can't fire a laser cannon either. Why target me? Who said that Takeuchi's face will definitely fire a laser cannon!"


In fact, Gudazi and Okita Souji have a very good relationship, after all, they are cute girls. The previous complaints were just jokes.

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