"Didn't Darius stay in Chaldea?"

Matthew: "..."

"Senior, you'd better accept the reality!"

"You are an African, and it is already good to be able to ship."

"That's right——"

Hei Zhen said in agreement:

"Summon me, Masta, you have exhausted your whole life's luck, don't waste your efforts in vain."

Hei Wumao nodded and said:

"Masta, everyone must understand their own limits. This is called fate."


Gudazi re-entered the magic power, activated the summoning array, and continued the next wave of summons. He said firmly:

"If a person has no dreams, what is the difference between him and a salted fish!"

"Today I am going to summon a six-star heroic spirit!!"

Illya was frightened by the scene just now.

We agreed to summon the heroic spirit, but why was it suddenly punched back by the big sister with a sudden change of style? Is there such an operation?

Besides, berserker and stuff like that, aren’t they great?

"Dabai, what's going on?"

Ilia, who was leaning next to Mo Yi, asked questions in a low voice.

"The other party is so scary."


Grandpa Mo Yi used a slap on the head to kill Ilia and comforted:

"Nothing more than the cry of an African."

"I'm not African—"

I don’t know how Gudazi heard it. Grandpa Mo Yi had obviously spoken very quietly, but Gudazi turned around in an instant, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, and said with an unusually serious expression:

“This is the moment to witness the miracle!!!”

Then, a burst of golden light emerged from the summoning array again——

Chapter 409: The grumpy old mustard

As soon as the golden light appears, you know it is about to be shipped.

Like a gambler, Gudazi just stared at the sound that gradually appeared in the golden light. After confirming the shipment, he didn't know whether it was a one-star war god or a five-star monster. The golden light lingering between the two was The essence of the card game.

"Rejoice, miscellaneous cultivator——"

Along with the appearance of the golden heroic spirit's voice, a proud voice sounded from the golden light.

Gudazi's red face suddenly turned green.

With this mantra, anyone who has seen Jin Pika will immediately recognize his identity.

Needless to say, the other party is Jin Shining, known as the Ancient King.

In terms of combat power and rarity, Jin Pika is indeed a real five-star heroic spirit. It is still considered the first of the three golden targets. It is said that as long as it is serious, it will be the strongest heroic spirit.

However, Gudazi, who regards drawing cards as the only way to entertain himself on his journey to save the world, summoned Jin Shining to Chaldea a long time ago, and has been with him, but he doesn’t like hearing about the other person’s devilish behavior all day long. Haha' non-stop.

At least Hei Zhen is still a cute girl, so let’s forget about Kim Pika and all that.

Especially the other party's annoying and arrogant temperament is even more unbearable.


Before Gilgamesh had finished his opening remarks, and while the magic spirit was still building the body of a servant, Gudazi once again transformed into a masta with a punch, and rushed into the golden light very skillfully!

Then there was a sound——


There was no more, and the golden light stopped overflowing.

"The world is finally quiet——"

Gudazi clapped his hands and sighed like an old man.

"There are still a lot of Saint Crystals. It seems that I can draw them twice."

Matthew: "..."


"The other party will cause trouble if we go back."


Gudazi said disapprovingly:

"I'm looking for a helper, not an uncle! It's not like you don't know how troublesome that guy is, Matthew. He talks vulgar words all day long."

Matthew: "..."

Well, actually Matthew thought so in his mind.

If it was the Wise King who survived the second phase of the Singularity in the previous Singularity, Mashu still wanted him to be a teammate, but if it was the second phase of the Flash, forget it.

He was afraid that he would stand up before he could hit the enemy.

Seeing Jin Pica being pinned down alive, Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know what expression to use to express his feelings.

The heroic spirit Jin Shining, who is said to be the most powerful in combat, has only been on the set of the Holy Grail War that Mo Yi knows, except for the epic masterpiece FA♂ by Magic East.

After all, only one Qi Aotian is needed on a set, and Jin Aotian, who has repeated attributes, can only rest.

Simply the most diligent!

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