"Inherent barrier?"

The longer you live, the more you will know.

Yu Ji, who has been around for generations, naturally recognizes the essence of the infinite sword system. In particular, the inherent barrier is one of the few abilities that can restrain the world spirit.

"It's really a broken world——"

Looking at the desolate red world with only swords left, Yu Ji felt very emotional and said sarcastically:

"Ugly, twisted, void-"

"Why persist?"

The inherent barrier is the materialization of the inner world of the caster. It can be said that it most truly reflects the inner world of the caster.

This is not the first time Red A has heard taunts like Yuji's. First it was Mr. Jin, an enthusiastic citizen of Fuyuki City, and then Miss Sesshouin, who was dedicated to saving all mankind with love. Even herself when she regretted it had heard it. I mocked myself like this.

But what happened next?

Either Mr. Jin had his hands chopped off and his head shot off, or his wife Hei Ying had her legs broken off and eaten.

The Miss Sesshōin was beaten to death by his own hands, and eventually became Grandpa Mo Yi's godly pet Gungun who was responsible for being cute and hygienic.

Even though he regretted it, he was stabbed in the kidney by the young and ignorant Shirou Emiya, so he could use love to generate electricity again and continue on the road of being a righteous partner.

It can be seen from this that Red A is a ruthless person. Anyone who has ridiculed him will not end well. If he becomes ruthless, he will not even let himself go!

Can you, Yu Ji, be an exception and escape this terrible curse? !

Facing Yu Ji's ridicule, Hong A's face showed no signs of color, and she just replied lightly:

"I have long forgotten the reason."

"Isn't this what humans are?"

After that, Red A opened his hands towards Yu Ji, outputted all his magic power, controlled all the swords in the Unlimited Sword System, and launched an attack on Yu Ji.

Although the inherent result is powerful, the mana consumption is also exaggerated. Red A is a heroic spirit lacking mana, so there is no time to waste.

In an instant, endless, tens of thousands of swords shot down rapidly in the air in Yu Ji's direction.

"Curse the bloody corpse to unravel the sigh song!"

Although the plug-in is blocked, it does not mean that Yu Ji will become Hello Kitty.

Having lost her infinite magic power plug-in, she is still the True Ancestor with the ability to be almost immortal and regenerate. It is not like she has never encountered an inherent barrier. Even a heroic spirit cannot maintain such great magic for too long, and often only It can be used for a few minutes, and then it will be automatically released due to lack of magic.

Could it be that in just a few minutes, the other party could kill the extremely durable Yu Ji?

Even if you stand there and let the sword summoned by Red A poke you, Yu Ji's health bar may not be cleared!

However, clumsy defense and waiting for the enemy to run out of magic to defeat the opponent are not Yu Ji's fighting style.

So when Red A's Ten Thousand Swords Guizong hit Yu Ji, the grumpy Laoji directly used his Noble Phantasm and blew himself up again!


The self-destruction attack with the ability to rewrite the world directly destabilizes the infinite sword system!

All the replica Noble Phantasms that had attacked Yu Ji had been blown away, falling into the desolate world where blood rained all over the sky.

"Did I take a vacation and meet someone?"

Already prepared, Red A, who was hiding behind the seven-fold ring of Blazing Sky, complained helplessly:

"I want to have a good fight, is it so difficult?"

Under Red A's gaze, Yu Ji's body reappeared from the blood, and then she once again recited the true name of the treasure phantom 'The Song of Cursed Blood Corpse Release' -


Yu Ji, who had just gathered her body, exploded violently again!

A few minutes after Red A and Yu Ji disappeared in front of everyone——


Red A suddenly fell from the void and landed heavily on the ground.


Everyone immediately gathered around, including not only Chaldea's Mashu and Gudazi, but also Illya, Xiao Hei and others.

"Onii-chan, how are you?"

After Yu Ji's infinite self-destruction technique directly blew up the world of infinite sword control, Red A felt that all the magic power in his body had been drained out in the process of maintaining the infinite sword control. At this moment, he had no choice but to lie on the ground, wanting to be quiet and think. A little life.

Life is always so hard and hard, how tiring it must be.

Among all living beings, except for those who have just started working in society and a very small number of people who can always maintain the heart of actively striving and wanting to change the world, the vast majority of people will be washed away by the boring world and become an old fritter or a loser. Old salty fish, when he can lie down, he will never stand, and when he can paddle, he will never move.

If you rely on your own ability to paddle the water, why shouldn't you be lazy?

This was the mood of Red A at the moment. After trying his best, he just wanted to lie on the ground, close his eyes, pretend to be dead, and hand over the boss to others.

He knew that there was a big boss here, who had been paddling frantically to make soy sauce.

However, his act of pretending to be dead only lasted a few seconds before he was woken up by a sweet and worried voice.

There is absolutely no mistake, it is the voice of my god sister Illya!

And there are two different voices of Illya!

Facing twice the happiness, Red A couldn't help but open his eyes and look over.

Then he saw Illya and Xiao Hei standing next to him. Although he had seen two Illya before, one of them was dressed in a fashionable dress that imitated his own, and he was very curious.

At this moment, I could no longer hold back the curiosity in my heart and asked:

"Why are there two Ilia?"

"Could it be that Kiritsugu in this world gave birth to twins?"

Illya and others: "..."

If they didn't know what was going on, they would really think that Red A's guess was the truth.

"Onii-chan from other parallel worlds, you are right——"

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