Xiao Hei was the first to answer:

"I am sister Illya——"

After that, he pointed at Illya who looked like a magical girl and said:

"She is my sister Yi Xiaobai.\

,"For a moment, Illya was not shocked. How could she imagine that Xiao Hei would not let go of any opportunity to hack her?

Illya: "..."

Yi Xiaobai, your sister is called Yi Xiaobai. It sounds like the name of a pet cat or dog!

No, you should be called Yi Xiaohei! !

Seeing Illya's widened eyes, Xiao Hei smiled proudly.

"Onii-chan, don't listen to her nonsense!"

Even though she knew that Red A was not her Onii-chan, Illya still didn’t want to be criticized like this, so she quickly explained:

"I am my sister Ilia, her name is Xiao Hei, she is my sister!"

At this moment, Red A was a little confused and couldn't tell who was talking about it.

However, for Red A, this is no longer important.

Seeing how Illya and Xiao Hei can fight happily even when the battle is not over yet, Red A knows that Illya in this world definitely lives a happier life than Illya in his own world. More, this is enough.

It is worth mentioning that in fate stay night, apart from the bad endings in which Shirou Emiya dies, there are about three remaining endings. The fate line is the King's line, the Rin line and the Sakura line.

But in fact, there is a fourth ending, the Ilia line!

Among the above three clearance endings, only Illya cannot be saved. Even if she survived the Fifth Holy Grail War, Illya, who has been transformed in various ways and has overdrawn her vitality, will not survive for more than a year. .

How could Mushroom give up on squeezing out the remaining value from such a legal loli who is as beautiful as a snow elf but has a tragic fate?

Therefore, in the original ending, there was a fourth clearance route - the Illya route.

Just because of the release time of the game, Illya's line in Kingdom of Heaven was directly deleted, and Illya became the only heroine who must die in "Fit Stays Tonight".

Poor Illya, she clearly combines a series of cute elements such as sister style, younger sister style, silver hair, lolita, etc. but she will never get ahead.

It wasn't until the side story "Magical Girl Illya" appeared later that Illya was able to truly step onto the stage and become a real heroine.

As far as Red A is concerned, none of the three lines Fite left tonight belong to Red A's future.

The parallel world where Red A is located is exactly the parallel world of the missing Illya line in the legend.

In that world, Shirou Emiya learned of Illya's tragic fate, inherited Kiritsugu's last wish to become Illya's righteous partner.

It just failed in the end.

After everything ended, he embarked on the road of searching for justice, and finally fell on the road of justice.

Later, Alaya was moved by Red A's love for lolita, and through a series of deceptions, he tricked her into coming to the Hall of Valor and becoming her guardian.

You must know that in human history, there are absolutely no shortage of righteous partners.

No matter how rare the wonders are, if the quantity is enough, there will be no shortage.

So the question is, there are so many righteous partners, why does Alaya only love the red A? !

All the answers come from Red A’s heart of loving Lolita!

Because she loved Illya dearly but could not protect her, the shame in her heart caused Red A to spread her love for Illya to all lolita, and then to Ocang lolita, and to all mankind. .

Without humans, there would be no Lolita. If you want to protect Lolita, you must protect all humans and become a righteous partner!

There is nothing wrong with this logic.

Alaya, who is a lolita herself, will naturally fall in love with protecting lolita among many righteous partners, and then red A, who loves all mankind, is the reason for everything.

Listening to Illya and Xiao Hei quarreling or caring about themselves, Red A felt that her steely heart was about to melt.

Ilya is high, Loli is high!

Let Loli come harder! !

While Red A was enjoying the dream-like double happiness, Yu Ji, who used unlimited self-destruction to eliminate the infinite sword system, came online again.

Because there is no unlimited magic plug-in, Yu Ji is very tired from the previous self-destruction attacks.

After blowing up the Infinite Sword System and returning to the subspace, Yu Ji did not appear immediately. Instead, she floated in the sky of the subspace in a state of blood mist, connecting more closely with the world and quickly absorbing The magic power returns to its own state.

A few minutes later, Yu Ji, who was once again full of blood and full of magic, resurrected on the spot, appeared in front of everyone again.

Yu Ji did not rush to take action, but looked at the people who were very nervous and wary of her, and said:

"Who else?"

Dayou has the loneliest style of being invincible.

Yu Ji's tone was very calm, even tinged with impatience, as if she was annoyed by a swarm of flies, without any pretense.

But this tone made people even more irritated.

However, in just one fight, Chaldea took away the two servants Kurosada and Okita Souji. Black Hairless and Red A were seriously injured, and they were unable to display their full combat effectiveness in a short period of time. .

The only remaining combat power is Mahou Shaju, a weakened version of Red A's Xiao Hei, the late-stage Shield Hero Mash who currently has no equipment level, and the true archer Robin Hood who is good at sneak attacks and laying traps.

As for Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, their combat effectiveness can be directly ignored in the battle town against heroic spirit servants like Yu Ji.

Of course, Mo Yi has been observing the real boss Gudazi hidden in Chaldea.

In the ordinary FGO world, Gudazi is naturally just a master who needs to be taken care of by his followers, and his role is probably as a spiritual leader.

But in some extra chapters, the opponent is the legendary original magician, a boss who has existed since the beginning of human history, and is called the evil woman by thousands of mastas.

Punching Mom, kicking Mr. Gai, tearing apart the evil god Abi, and fighting the horse and monkey to burn the butler's brother in a night battle are all normal operations.

Although that is an extra story, for the Xingyue world, which has infinite possibilities to evolve into countless parallel worlds, it is not impossible for the existence of parallel worlds such as Chaos and Evil to exist.

What's more, Grandpa Mo Yi saw with his own eyes that Gudazi pushed back the summoned Darius III and Mr. Jin.

I want to ask, can other masters do it?

For a while, no one answered Yu Ji's question of 'who else', which made Yu Ji feel a little depressed.

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