"It's really boring——"

Yu Ji looked at Gudazi with some disappointment. She was a woman who had defeated her before. Finally, she waved her hands to everyone and said with disgust:

"You go, leave this subspace."

"Stop wasting my time."


The person present is not an arrogant person, so he can bear it.

With the dragon blood factor, Hei Wumao, who had basically recovered his fighting power, couldn't bear it anymore.

No matter what you say, she is also a king, how can she be let off by others with a pity attitude.

She was so angry that she pointed the magic sword at Yu Ji and said coldly:

"The battle is not over yet!"

In fact, no one else had any intention of retreating.

Chaldea and the others had gone through a lot of hardships and been in life-and-death crises countless times, and finally got here through hard work and a little bit of luck. How could that person give up if he was not determined?

The same is true for Tohsaka Rin, Luvia and others. Although their minds are not as firm as Chaldea and others, they know that even if Yu Ji does nothing, her own existence will lead to the existence of subspace, thus threatening the existence of subspace. The safety of Fuyuki City,

Not to mention, her existence may threaten the safety of mankind.

This battle is unavoidable.

Chapter 412: Gudazi: Takizawa Lola!


Facing the infinite blood blue Yu Ji, everyone still stayed and had a good fight.

If you fight and run without trying your best, the result will not be much different even if you try again next time.

Just like when Jiraiya beat Pain, he could obviously run away, but he still stayed to collect information about the other party.

The current battle with Yu Ji probably has the same meaning.

Even if you can't defeat the opponent, you should try your best to collect information about Yu Ji, go back and make targeted enhancements, summon relevant heroic spirits, etc.

I thought so, but as the battle continued, Chaldea, Illya and others were still beaten by Yu Ji's rogue self-destruction tactics.

After another self-destruction, Hei Wumao and the insignificant Green Tea Robin Hood who always played soy sauce were also annihilated in the rain of blood.

Chaldea's all-star lineup, which was full of reinforcements and shining stars at the beginning, was finally defeated by the most ancient self-destruction Yu.

In the end, only the school girl Mashu is left, who will be with thousands of mastas from the beginning to the end.

There is also Red A, the instructor and political commissar secretly sent by the boss Alaya to lurk in Chaldea.

Regardless of the fact that Red A's lucky value is E, according to Xingyue World, he should be the first to pull the strings. In fact, as long as it concerns the survival of mankind, Red A can always survive until the end and complete the counterattack.

Just like King Dumao has a hidden true treasure phantom, the "Utopia far away from the world", Red A also hides a true EX level treasure phantom - "Alaya's Protection".

To be honest, Gudazi and others had a very difficult time in the seven singular points along the way, but it was not as miserable as today. They had strong soldiers and horses, but they were defeated when they met.

Making a comeback in a headwind situation, and being overturned in a tailwind situation, gives people a huge psychological gap.

The situation of Illya and others is not very good either. They were already playing Siegfried in a big battle. Even with Grandpa Mo Yi's wonderful hand to rejuvenate and restore their physical strength and magic power, it is due to mental exhaustion, coupled with the relationship with Yu Ji. They were already exhausted from the intense battle, which was always filled with explosions of treasures.

As for Grandpa Mo Yi and Xiao Tamamo, they were naturally paddling with tired faces.

This is not just because he wants to watch a show, but because he does not want to directly interfere with the fate of Ilia, Gudazi and others. If they encounter a strong enemy, someone will come out to help them solve it, and they will not get real growth. .


Miyu, who kept ejaculating and had already exhausted all his magic power, finally couldn't hold it anymore and exited the horse-monkey soju state. He couldn't hold on to the magic equipment in his hand and was about to fall down.

Fortunately, Ilia, who was beside her, caught her quickly with quick eyes and hands.


Looking at Illya who was supporting him, Miyu said with a smile in his eyes:

"I can't hold on any longer. I'll leave the rest to you."

After that, he fainted directly.


Yu Ji: "..."

Yuji refreshed her ultimate move again and gathered her body. She looked speechlessly at Miyu and Illya who were performing a painful love scene in front of her.

The other party is just dizzy, why don't you be so exaggerated?

He makes himself look like a heinous villain, doing something very bad that pleases people!

Huh? Well, he is indeed a villain.

"Leave it to me Miyu."

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia also looked like they could hardly stand and were emptying their bodies.

At this time, Grandpa Mo Yi could only go up and ask Illya to take the Miyou in her hand, comforted Illya who was about to cry and said:

"My physical strength and magic power were exhausted, and I fainted temporarily."

"Just take a good rest, don't worry."


Illya looked at Miyu with her eyes closed with some reluctance, her eyes became firm, and she asked:

"Please, Baymax."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "Okay, Yi Xiaobai."

Illya: "..."

The heart that had finally strengthened was lost due to Mo Yi's complaint.

"Ma Xiu, they are under your protection."

Gudazi, who attributed the responsibility for this defeat to himself and blamed himself for being complacent, said in a heavy tone to Mashu, who had been standing in front of him:

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