"I wonder if everyone understands the magical ritual of the Holy Grail War?"

"of course I know--"

The first unique point in Chaldea is the burning Fuyuki City, which is about the Holy Grail War.

"Through the system called the Holy Grail, its followers are summoned to fight each other. The final winner can obtain the ritual of making a wish to the Holy Grail."

Although the Holy Grail War in this world was destroyed by Shred Rake ten years ago, Tohsaka Rin, a descendant of the Gosan family, still knows about this magic ritual.

"But wasn't the Holy Grail War destroyed ten years ago?"

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but feel depressed. The Tosaka family was one of the three imperial families involved in the Holy Grail War. A few years ago, his father died of depression due to the destruction of the Holy Grail War.

"What was destroyed was the Holy Grail War of this world——"

Grandpa Mo Yi explained:

"The Holy Grail War does not only exist in this world, but also in countless parallel worlds. For example, Fuyuki City in the world where I live has just ended the Fifth Holy Grail War!"

"The class card is the Holy Grail War in another parallel world."

"It is slightly different from the usual Holy Grail War in which servants are summoned to fight for the master. The specific form of the Holy Grail War in that world is to use class cards to summon heroic spirits to oneself, and the masters kill each other until the last one is left. win."

Xiao Hei, who knows a lot about the Holy Grail War, said:

"No wonder the class card can give you the power to summon heroic spirits. It turns out that this is its original purpose."

"The reason why class cards appear in this world has to tell the story of a brother and sister."

"Miyu, what's wrong with you?"

When everyone's attention was attracted by Mo Yi's words, Illya, who was sitting next to Miyu, suddenly realized that something was wrong with her good friend Miyu. She grabbed her hand and found that it was cold.

I can’t help but worry!

Is the aunt here?

That's not right. The other party is obviously a primary school student like me. Although Illya has not reached that age yet, she still understands the relevant knowledge.

Of course, Illya is still too naive. It is not strange for a primary school student to come to his aunt. After all, modern people eat hormone-fed food all day long, and human beings themselves are equivalent to taking countless hormones. In addition, They are quite rich in material, with plenty of fish and meat every day, and their physical development is much better than in ancient times. It is not strange to develop early.

Unexpected pregnancy among primary school students is no longer news.

"I didn't, Illya——"

Not long ago, Grandpa Mo Yi hinted to Meiyou that he knew about the world of Meiyou, but he was still not used to it, and the pressure accumulated in his heart in the past emerged again.

But Meiyou had already made her decision, her eyes became firm, she looked at Mo Yi and said:

"Onii-chan, please tell everyone the reason for the class card."

Everyone: "??"

Why does this sound strange?


After seeing Miyou finally overcome the fear in his heart, Mo Yi also nodded happily and said:

"Due to unknown reasons, the source of the entire world began to dry up. Simply put, that world began to die."

"So a family named Eiinsworth began to look for ways to save the world, and then they discovered a girl who was born with the ability to grant wishes."

"So I captured this girl and built a Holy Grail War like the Class Card with the other party as the core to save the world."

"However, the girl's brother resolutely participated in the Holy Grail War in order to save his sister. With his unyielding faith and various coincidences, he won the Holy Grail War."

"After he won, he promised to 'let his sister go to a world where she can be happy,' so his sister was sent to the parallel world we are in now."



A choking sound interrupted everyone who was immersed in Mo Yi's story. Illya took a look and saw that it was Miyu next to her.

"Miyu, what's wrong with you?"

Were you moved to tears by Dabai's story?

Of course, after adopting Miyu, Luvia, who was already curious about her origins, whispered:

"Could it be——"

"That's right——"

Miyu raised her head, looked at everyone and said:

"I am that sister."

"how come?"

For a moment, everyone was confused by Miyu's words.

Feeling everyone's surprised looks, Miyu said with great self-reproach:

"it's all my fault--"

"Obviously, as long as I accept my fate and cooperate with the Ainsworth family, I can save my world——"

"If it weren't for me, Onii-chan wouldn't be so sad and hurt, and her life and death would not be unknown now."

"it's all my fault--"

As he spoke, Miyu's tears fell to the ground little by little.

And for a while, everyone didn't know how to comfort Meiyou.

"A world that needs an innocent and unwilling girl to save, or not save—"

In the end, Grandpa Mo Yi took the lead and said comfortingly:

"Besides, are the Ainsworth family's words worthy of belief?"

"According to my speculation, the main culprit for the great source of your world beginning to dry up is Ainsworth."

"You and your brother are both right -"

"I have never felt that fighting for one's own happiness is a wrong thing."

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