After hearing Mo Yi's words, Meiyou's tears not only did not stop, but more and more, and finally covered her cheeks like pearls.

But unlike the tears of self-blame before, the tears now were of relief and happiness.

"thanks, thanks···"

Miyou whispered gratefully to herself:

"It turns out that Onii-chan was not wrong—"

"Miyu, you and us—"

As a good friend, Illya saw the opportunity to pull the other person into her arms, and used her curveless arms to comfort the other person, and comforted her gently:

"We will all support you!"

Although they were represented, Tohsaka Rin, Oguro and others agreed:

"We will all help you, Miyu!"

"I have no confidence that the magic ritual of the Holy Grail War alone can save the world, especially since the founder is still the culprit."

"Even in other parallel worlds, I, Luvia Elfield, will not let my sister bully my Luvia off easily!"

Xiao Hei also comforted him and said:

"Ainsworth, it sounds like he's not a good guy at first glance."

Einzworth is the Einzbern of the parallel world, so it’s strange that Xiao Hei has a crush on them.

"thank you all--"

After feeling the support from everyone, Meiyou gradually calmed down, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, and asked with some anxiety:

"Moyi Onii-chan, do you know how my Onii-chan is doing now?"

Mo Yi thought for a while and felt that it would be better to tell the other person truthfully, although the answer was a bit cruel.

"Your brother was captured by the Ainsworth family. Although he is not doing very well, his life is not in danger for the time being."

"That's good-"

Miyu breathed a sigh of relief, at least his brother was not killed by the other party, but when he thought about his brother being imprisoned, he began to worry again.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei consoled him:

"Then let's go rescue him!"

"Onii-chan, what can you do?"

Although I don’t know how to save my brother Meiyou who is far away in another parallel world, isn’t there the almighty Grandpa Mo Yi here?

At least in Xiao Hei's heart, Grandpa Mo Yi is omnipotent.


Seeing Xiao Hei trusting him so much, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally couldn't let down the lovely lolita and said:

"The class card travels to this world with Miyu, the Holy Grail. Of course, this is not the point."

"The point is that the Ainsworth family will not easily let go of Miyu, the Holy Grail and class card that can grant all wishes."

"In other words, even if we don't look for them, they will take the initiative to go to this world to look for beauty, and they also have this ability."

Luvia nodded and said:

"Then let's just say that now we just have to wait and be ready and wait for them to come."

"Of course, you can also take the initiative to go to the parallel world where they are."

Mo Yi said:

"Of course, you need to collect the last class card. After all, staying in this world is also a trouble."

Tohsaka Rin: "Is there another class card?"

The Holy Grail War has seven classes, so Tohsaka Rin thought there were only seven chapter class cards.

"Well, it's near the nearest beach in Fuyuki City."

After hearing this, everyone in Chaldea was a little confused. So, the blame for the class card was all the fault of the Ainsworth family. What does it have to do with Goetia?

Gudazi couldn't help but ask the question in his heart:

"Then how can we contact Goetia about this matter?"

"I'm not too sure about this. After all, my current rank is Rider, not Caster."

Grandpa Mo Yi spread his hands and said:

"But it's easy to guess, there are only two possibilities."

"Goetia accidentally discovered the affairs of the Ainsworth family and secretly intervened in the class card incident to take advantage of it."

"Either directly joins forces with the Ainsworth family, or deceives the other party to do things for them to achieve their own goals."

"Goetia's goal is to burn humanity and gain massive amounts of energy to return to the past."

"Through the class card incident, he can connect this world with the world of Miyu, and then use unknown conspiracy methods to burn the human principles of the two worlds. In addition, your world has the energy of three worlds. No matter what he wants to do at that time, the probability of success will naturally be countless times higher than the probability of burning down a world alone."

The doctor in the communicator nodded and said:

"I also think this is very likely."

Gudazi clenched his fists and said:

"So, the enemy of our singularity is the Ainsworth family, or even Goetia behind it?!"

"But when you think about it, it's much simpler."

Looking at Gudazi who was full of energy, Ma Xiu felt that he needed to help her calm down the fire and said:

"But we still don't know what Ainsworth's specific abilities are, and Goetia, who possesses the power of Solomon, is very powerful at first glance."

"After all, Solomon is a legendary omniscient and omnipotent being, and he doesn't even know where the other party is hiding."

Hearing this indirect praise of himself, the doctor said with a little joy:

"Actually Solomon is not that strong -"

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