"I know this--"

Now that the news has been revealed, it’s natural to make it clear.

"Ainsworth is good at replacement magic. Even the basic principle of the class card is to replace the power of the heroic spirit from the heroic spirit seat through basic magic such as replacement magic."

"The main application methods include space transfer, transferring attack displacement, and stealing power from heroic spirits."

Everyone: "..."

It sounds a bit strong. Even Chaldea was established with the help of the resources of the entire Magic Association and developed the magic system ability to summon servants.

But for Ainsworth to be able to do this kind of thing from just one family, in terms of talent, it is truly remarkable.

"As for Goetia, it inherited the ability of the Magic King Solomon. It is essentially a beast that governs with 'mercy' and looks at all this with arrogance."

"Has the ability to control the seventy-two demon gods, see into the past and future, and be immune to almost all magic."

"The main Noble Phantasm attack is on the Noble Phantasm of Humanity, 'The time has come to correct all phenomena' The power of the strongest holy sword, the Sword of Oath of Victory, after its liberation.”

Everyone in Chaldea: "..."

And beat the cat!

Even Gudazi, who has always been very confident, is not sure whether his transformed self has just defeated Goetia.

The doctor was surprised, even though he guessed that Mo Yi had the ability to see into the past and future similar to his own.

But even with my clairvoyance EX, I can only have a general view, mainly about those historical events. How can I know so clearly what abilities a certain person has!

Chapter 415: Watch Magical Girl Illya with Illya


Sitting on the beach, a very tired Tosaka Rin looked at the vast sea with dull eyes and sighed deeply.

Last night, during the joint combat meeting with Chaldea, although I got most of the information from Mo Yi, I roughly understood who the mini-boss was, who the mid-level boss was, who the final big boss was, and even what skills and abilities he had. .

But it was only after the arrangements were clearly made that I realized that this was not a boss that humans like me could defeat at all. It would burn human history at every turn, and time travel and other things were not things that should appear in modern society.

Only in those myths and all kinds of boastful myths can this kind of plot appear, and in myths there are also heroes who are cheated by all kinds of tricks and come out to turn the tide!

And what about them?

If you can't even sink Area 11, how can you talk about destroying the boss of the Earth?

We talked and talked, and finally came to the conclusion that if we do the current things well, as long as we stop the other party's current evil plan, we might be able to find the other party's weaknesses. As for whether it will be such a clearance script, we can only leave it to fate.

Just like the Sargeras who can blow up the entire galaxy, isn't he kneeling on the small continent of Azeroth, truly living a great life and dying a miserable death?

His younger brothers Archimonde and Kil'jaeden also suffered disasters one after another. They were clearly capable of defeating them all at once, but they were killed by various plots.

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia just hope that they will be the ones cheated by the author in the mythical story.

With no way to deal with Mr. Gai, everyone had to stop the other party's plan first. Simply put, they organized whatever the other party wanted to do.

For example, the current class card event.

Mo Yi speculated that Goetia wanted to use the servants and subspace summoned by the class card as nails to link the two different parallel worlds together.

Therefore, they decided to take action and quickly collect all the class cards.

So, with Grandpa Mo Yi's reminder, he went to the nearest beach near Fuyuki City the next morning to look for the eighth class card.

Then the scene of Tohsaka Rin sitting on the beach and sighing dejectedly appeared after he had been searching for it all morning to no avail.

"Girls, always sighing will scare away happiness."

Suddenly, a male voice sounded in Tohsaka Rin's ears. Tohsaka Rin was startled. Subconsciously, I want to impose an iron fist sanction.

However, her iron fist, which could shatter concrete slabs, was easily grasped.

"It's you, Mo Yi!"

After seeing that the person who caught him was Mo Yi, who was wearing beach pants, he changed back to his unmotivated look.

"for you--"

Mo Yi put a bottle of Coke in his hand into the other person's hand and said:

"It's rare to come to the beach, why don't you relax?"

"Who can relax after listening to what you said?"

Rin Tosaka opened the can of Coke and drank it in one gulp. After the Coke fell into his stomach, he shivered, and his exhausted body finally regained some energy.

"Look at them, aren't they having a great time?"

Mo Yi pointed to the Chaldean people playing beach volleyball on the beach in front, and Illya, Xiao Hei and Miyu holding lifebuoys and OB on the beach.

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

It's okay if I don't say it, but I get angry when I mention it.

At first, everyone was quite serious, but when Tohsaka Rin finished searching for the assigned task location, he found that everyone was already having fun.

Only he and Luvia were left, insisting on re-searching the places they had visited.

Looking at everyone having fun, Tohsaka Rin felt like several holes had been poked in his heart!

I also really want to play!

It's a pity that she didn't bring a swimsuit. She thought that everyone else had one. Only she and Luvia really thought they were just here to perform a mission.

Of course, you must buy swimsuits at the beach, but in this kind of tourist area, buying a bottle of water is five or six times the normal price, let alone things like swimsuits.

As a new-age woman with a diligent and thrifty spirit, Miss Tosaka Rin will definitely not be able to let profiteers in these tourist areas have their way!

In Tohsaka Rin's words, this is not a matter of money. Is Miss Tosaka Rin the one who lacks this little money?

She usually throws gems into fights, so she knows she is rich.

In the final analysis, this is a matter of principle. Spending money reasonably is her most important principle in life.

Of course, Luvia, who did not bring a swimsuit like her, said that anything that can be solved with money is not a problem.

At this moment, Luvia was wearing the most expensive and best swimsuit in the resort, lying on the most luxurious lounge chair, drinking watermelon juice, and enjoying the rare summer style.

After being exposed by Grandpa Mo Yi, Tohsaka Rin was a little embarrassed, so he changed the subject and said:

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