Of course, the original creator, Red A, was also recognized. I usually use the energy of my pirated skills. I didn’t expect that I, the king of fakers, would one day be pirated.

Damn it, ‘Sword Comes’, this is clearly the Infinite Sword System.

After discovering that even the King's Treasure couldn't delay the opponent, Angelica had no choice but to use Kim Pika's strongest power, the Deviating Sword.

Without further ado, he took out the Deviation Sword from his back and freed his true name as quickly as possible.

"Heaven and earth are deviant, open up the star!"

A torrent of red magic power spurted out, but the expression on Grandpa Mo Yi's face did not change. The speed of the projection treasure phantom behind him accelerated. In an instant, the projection treasure phantom formed a torrent of steel and collided with the torrent of magic power released by the Guili sword. stand up.

"good chance--"

Angelica had never thought about defeating the opponent. She released the Sword of Disobedience in order to break up the space, so that she could use displacement magic that could replace two parallel worlds.


The collision between the Long Dragon of Noble Phantasm and the torrent of magic power caused a violent Noble Phantasm. In addition, Angelica forcibly opened the door of time and space that replaced the parallel world, resulting in violent space turbulence.

A burst of white light covered everyone's field of vision, and then they lost consciousness.

————The dividing line of the world of beauty travel——————

Others would fall into coma due to the turbulence in space, but it was naturally impossible for Grandpa Mo Yi to fall into this trap.

Looking at the scene of heavy snow falling all over the sky even though it was still summer, Grandpa Mo Yi muttered:

"Everything is going according to the original plan, probably..."

His original plan was to use Ainsworth and others to open the door to travel through time and space, so he did not directly kill the duo of Ainsworth in an instant, but turned Beatrice into a liability and forced the opponent to strategically retreat.

Although Illya, Chaldea and others seemed to be scattered to unknown places due to space turbulence, and even the time they arrived in this parallel world was different.

But it doesn't matter, it's all in Grandpa Mo Yi's plan, yes, that's it!

Grandpa Mo Yi looked around at the very familiar Fuyuki City and prepared to walk around to familiarize himself with the environment and see if he could find anyone else.

In other words, find the Ainsworth family's base and go directly to the boss.

Even if you know it from the "Magical Girl Illya" cartoon, Fuyuki City in the American World was exploded violently due to the Holy Grail War ten years ago, and one-tenth of Fuyuki City was blown away.

Of course, the official explanation to the outside world is that the natural gas pipeline leaked and exploded.

But where could a natural gas explosion be so powerful that it could create a crater several kilometers wide?

Fuyuki City is not a natural gas producing area. Anyone with an above-average IQ knows that this is a factory cover.

Therefore, since the big explosion ten years ago, most of the citizens in Fuyuki City have left Fuyuki City, and Fuyuki City has become an empty city.

The snowflakes falling in the sky naturally could not hinder Mo Yi's exploration. After walking a full thousand meters, Mo Yi finally saw the first store that opened - Mapo Tofu Restaurant.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

He could probably guess who owned this restaurant.


But when Mo Yi walked inside, he saw the man he expected, Mapo Father Kotomine Kirei.

In addition, there is an unexpected guy.


Sitting there, eating the noodles from Mapo Tofu Noodles with a look of disgust on his face was the young half-Gilgamesh, or Young Shan for short.

"I didn't expect to meet you, big brother, under such circumstances."

"It's really unfortunate——"

Grandpa Mo Yi was not surprised. As early as the beginning, he knew that although Illya, Gudazi and others defeated Gilgamesh, they were able to escape by giving up their class cards and part of their power.

Finally, everyone was transferred to this parallel world.

Youshan spoke of misfortune, but there was no panic look on his face, and he still ate the noodles calmly.

No matter whether the other party is the easy-to-get-together young Shen, the tyrant-like Jin Pika, or even the wise King Shen who died of overwork, he is essentially the arrogant and ancient king Gilgamesh. The strength of the enemy reveals the cowardly emotion of panic.

In his dictionary, there is no word fear.

See the world together as his private garden, where everything is just a game.

If he was afraid or cared, he wouldn't die every time he participated in the Holy Grail War.

"I have no interest in causing trouble for you—"

Grandpa Mo Yi glanced at him, then sat next to him and said to Father Mapo:

"Boss, what do you have to eat?"

Father Mapo did not show any interest in the conversation between Grandpa Mo Yi and You Shan. In this world, he was still an ascetic who had not been taught pleasure by Jin Shining and had no desires.

The only thing I'm interested in is Mapo Tofu.

Therefore, he opened a Mapo Tofu restaurant in Fuyuki City, where he stayed behind, and shared his love for Mapo Tofu with others.

Of course, because there are no customers in this shop, the menu is single, and the prices are expensive, so it often takes several days for someone to be fooled.

"Look at the menu yourself—"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the menu on the table and found that there were only three dishes, Mapo Tofu, Mapo Tofu Rice, and Mapo Tofu Udon.

Well, it’s actually all mapo tofu, you don’t even have to choose whether it’s spicy or not, or how spicy it is.

The other party's restaurant has not closed down until now, probably because the priest's salary is very high!

Chapter 421: Who is the peak at the end of invincibility? When I meet my grandfather, I will become nothing.

"Why did it become like this?"

Illya raised her doll hands in despair and could only murmur in her heart:

"Who can come and save me!?"

While traveling through the parallel world, everyone who encountered the turbulence of time and space was successfully transferred to Miyu's time, but they were also scattered.

When the white light shone through time, Illya subconsciously grabbed Miyu next to her, and the two fell into the same place, a certain room in Ainsworth Castle.

They had just woken up and before they had time to react, Illya and Miyu were effortlessly caught by Darius Ainsworth.

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