It's really tragic. Illya's A-level luck was probably neutralized by his lucky E when she met Grandpa Mo Yi.

Then, as the Little Holy Grail, Miyu was locked up in the room on the top floor of the castle, while Illya's soul was extracted by Angelica, leaving only a body like a puppet, left to the big boss Julian Ay Indsworth's sister, Erica Indsworth, manipulates the play.

Erica Eiinsworth, a little lolita with a golden single ponytail and an extremely cute appearance, has evil words and deeds, and can say duplicitous words.

Although he often seems to show off his strength, he will soon start to cry, and he will do things that most people think are quite cruel. However, he has no malice at all and does not understand the cruelty of his actions.

The prototype is probably the crooked Illya in fate stay night.

Although she doesn’t know why, Erica, a twisted loli, inexplicably loves and admires Miyu, calling her sister.

With Miyu's pleading, Illya avoided the fate of being killed directly. Instead, her soul was extracted by Erica and used to make Miyu happy.

Illya's body turned into a doll, and her extracted soul was trapped on a lion-like doll.

Thus, there is a scene where Illya, turned into a doll, desperately begs for salvation.

"No, I can't wait for others to save me!"

Illya, who collapsed for a while, finally got back on her feet. At first, she couldn't move the body of the lion doll at all, because when Angelica initially transferred Illya's soul to the doll, it was just for convenience. I found a container to hold Illya's soul.

Because the medicine keeps Illya's body immortal, her soul will not dissipate, so it doesn't make much difference to find a doll, a rice cooker, or an iron can to hold Illya's soul.

However, Illya, who is Mahou Shochu, especially an ordinary person who was born as a Little Holy Grail, has unlimited possibilities and potential.

After various attempts and hard work, Illya was finally able to control the body of the lion doll. Although it only moved a little, as long as she continued to work hard, she would soon be able to completely control its body, which seemed to have been hollowed out and had no strength at all. lion doll body.

"Try harder..."

Although after turning into a lion doll, Illya can no longer feel the fatigue and sensation from the body, but she mobilizes her mental power in rounds. After losing her body, the mental fatigue is more directly and clearly reflected in Illya's body. in consciousness.

"But, I'm so tired..."

"Meiyu, you're still waiting for me..."

Half complaining and half encouraging herself, Illya gradually fainted from exhaustion.

————The dividing line at the other end——————

"Then let's have a spicy mapo tofu rice."

After reading the speechless menu, Grandpa Mo Yi said to the dazed Mapo priest Kotomine Kirei:

"Add two eggs, thank you!"

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's order, Kotomine Kirei's expression instantly darkened, and he immediately exuded the aura of choosing people to eat. He stared at Grandpa Mo Yi and emphasized every word:

"Ma Po Tofu has always only had three options: devil spicy, hell spicy, and deathly spicy. Slightly spicy or something like that is simply heresy!"

"Also, we don't accept side dishes like adding eggs here. Only the original Mapo Tofu is perfect!"

"Excuse me, guest, do you want to reconsider your order?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

With Father Mapo looking so scary, Mo Yi had no doubt that if he refused, the other party would take out eight black keys and shoot at him in the next second.

Well, in fact, this other party does not open a restaurant or sell food, but Amway.

"Then let's have some spicy mapo tofu rice."

"Please wait a moment, guest——"

After hearing this, Father Mapo walked to the kitchen. After a while, various strange noises of "bang, bang, bang" came from inside, making people wonder whether the other party was cooking or doing something weird. .

After dealing with Father Mapo, Mo Yi finally had time to get some information from the sweaty young flash next to him, and asked casually:

"Gilgamesh, have you seen anyone else?"

"I've seen it before, quite a few——"

Gilgamesh had no intention of hiding anything and directly told Grandpa Mo Yi about his experiences in the first few days.

After arriving in this parallel world, Gilgamesh stayed in Father Mapo's shop except for wandering around at first. With his money power, Father Mapo naturally would not refuse.

First, three days ago, Gilgamesh came to the Mapo Tofu shop. While eating Mapo Tofu, he met Xiao Hei who walked in from the door.

Xiao Hei was not Grandpa Mo Yi, so he naturally didn't know that this was the young version of the boss Gilgamesh they had played before. He only thought that the other party was a familiar-looking native.

When Young Shen introduced himself, he did not reveal his name, and asked Xiao Hei to call himself Mr. Jin, an enthusiastic citizen of Fuyuki City.

Although Xiao Hei was a little surprised that the other person looked similar to his neighbor and actually asked him to call him Mr. Jin. It was so strange, but he did not go into details.

After all, in the real world, everyone has their own story. If you have to ask everything clearly, then there is nothing you need to do.

Without using all kinds of clichés from Xiao Hei, Mr. Jin, an enthusiastic citizen, directly told Xiao Hei the information about the world and the Ainsworth family.

For example, there was the Fuyuki City natural gas pipeline leakage explosion ten years ago, and there was also information that the location of Ainsworth Castle was probably at the center of the crater caused by the explosion.

The information came so easily that Xiao Hei even suspected that it was a trap, but in the end she went to the location of Ainsworth Castle to investigate with the attitude that she would rather believe it than believe it.

Even when she was about to leave, Youshan treated Xiaohei to a luxurious meal of mapo tofu.

Xiao Hei, who was filled with tears, couldn't help but believe that there were more good people than bad people in this world.

After sending Xiao Hei away, about two hours ago, You Shen met Chaldea and others here again.

Gudazi was naturally very curious as to why he would meet Gilgamesh here and there.

Fortunately, he is currently in the form of Young Shen. Among Chaldeans, Young Shen's reputation is still very good. Compared with the grown-up Jin Pika, he is simply a little angel.

So, Gudazi and others gave Youshan a chance to explain. Unlike when they met Jin Pica before, they didn't even give the other party a chance to speak, and just went up to him and started talking.

Who said that Kim Pika is always taunting people when he opens his mouth, and who wants to listen to his vulgar words?

Not to mention that if you don't accept anything, you will just do it.

After absorbing the previous education, Youshan first treated everyone to a luxurious meal of mapo tofu and then explained.

Now he is the Gilgamesh who was reincarnated by them before, but he can also be understood as him in Chaldea, because he has turned on the omniscient and omnipotent star and can obtain the memories of different servant clones, which can be directly equated with On the same golden card.

The purpose of his stay in this world is to challenge Grandpa Mo Yi who defeated him in another parallel world, so there is no conflict with Chaldea and others.

In this regard, Arthur, who was once beaten by Grandpa Mo Yi, expressed his deep sympathy. Grandpa Mo Yi is an opponent worth fighting.

After explaining his purpose, Young Shen began to tell Gudazi and others the information about the world and the Ainsworth family.

After learning that the other party was his Chaldean contractor, Gudazi naturally extended a royal invitation to him, hoping that the other party would clear the dungeon with him. After all, Gilgamesh was still a very powerful servant. If he did not commit suicide, The combat power is stronger than any servant she summoned at the moment.

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