Kotomine Kirei's last words came from behind:

"I met that red-haired boy. Please help me ask a question. When will the balance of the props purchased from me be paid off?"

Chapter 422: Illya, charge the duck!

A rider who cannot infiltrate is not a good assassin!

Grandpa Mo Yi, who is full of self-confidence, is naturally confident. No matter what rank he is in, he will be the best.

A real man is so confident!

After opening a small opening in the great barrier that enveloped Ainsworth, he used Hassan's ancestral aura to block and sneak in.

Even though he walked blatantly, no one noticed Grandpa Mo Yi.


As soon as he approached Ainsworth Castle, Grandpa Mo Yi heard the sound of fierce fighting. While ensuring that he was in stealth mode, he took a closer look.

It turned out that Chaldea and others, plus a black one, were fighting with the Ainsworth family.

Chaldea and others are still the same, and no one appears. In addition to the duo of Beatrice and Angelica, the Ainsworth family also has the boss, Darius played by Julian. ·Ainsworth.

Darius Einsworth, the first generation of the Einsworth family, is also the cause of everything, the cauldron of the destruction of this world.

Although he has died long ago, with the replacement magic, he can be replaced with his concept through exponential descendants, which can be regarded as an alternative form of immortality.

The main combatants of Chaldea are Red A, Martha, Arthur and Arash. As for Mashu, he is guarding Gudazi as the commander. Of course, there is also Xiao Hei who always fights like Red A.

On Ainsworth's side, there is the young girl Angelica who is good at bombarding with broken Noble Phantasms and using displacement magic to move objects at will, the violent Lolita Beatrice who masters thunder and lightning, and finally He is like a poker king, Darius who can print out any Noble Phantasm he wants to put in it.

After the two sides fought fiercely for a while, Chaldea, who had a large number of people, fell at a disadvantage.

Of course, if it were to fight to the death, Chaldea's group of guys with full armor would have a greater chance of winning.

Although the Ainsworth family's abilities are powerful, they cannot reach the limits of human beings. Simply put, they have high power, low defense, and low health, and their endurance cannot be compared to those of servants.

Chaldea and the others had no intention of fighting to the death directly. This time they went to the Ainsworth family with the intention of investigating the truth.

But he just happened to encounter Xiao Hei who was being chased by the Ainsworth duo, so he had no choice but to help.

Xiao Hei, on the other hand, infiltrated the Ainsworth family two days ago to inquire about information. Although he was cautious, no matter how hidden he was, he would be discovered one day.

Xiao Hei was figuring out the situation of Illya, Miyu, etc., and was about to rescue Miyu who was imprisoned on the top floor of the castle, but was discovered by Angelica.

After Xiao Hei was severely suppressed by Angelica's simple and crude fighting method, he immediately screamed and it was very difficult to escape from Ainsworth Castle.

When Beatrice blocked the way forward and had no way to escape, Gudazi and others, who also sneaked in, had no choice but to rescue Xiao Hei.

The firepower of Gudazi and others was on par with Angelica and Beatrice, and even had a slight advantage. They kept watching the show, and kept Darius Ain, the big boss behind the scenes, Zworth couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the initiative and joined the battle group.

After careful observation, he guided Chaldea and the others that there should be nothing serious and they could retreat safely. Grandpa Mo Yi chose to continue sneaking in while there was no one in the castle to see if he could kill the Emiya Giant and those who might be killed. The hostages imprisoned in Ainsworth Castle came out.

"In the original plot, Illya, Miyu, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin were all caught."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the people who were swinging their precious phantoms and beating each other with joy, and muttered:

"The plot is so twisted, they should still be arrested, right?"

"Well, unless it is thrown into Ainsworth's base camp by the turbulence of time and space."

————Illya’s dividing line————

After unremitting efforts, Illya finally relied on her own mental power to fully control the weak and powerless body of her lion doll.

"Ilia, come on, you can do it!"

Illya shook her paws and encouraged herself.

Since there is no one around, now is the best opportunity to escape. Run away before no one notices what's wrong with you!

As for observing the activities of the Ainsworth family and coming up with a perfect escape plan, it was too difficult for a primary school student.

Moreover, in such a closed room where you cannot move, talking about a designated escape plan is a script that may only appear in American TV series. A hot-blooded kingly show like Mahou Soju must be reckless!

The doll Ilia was thrown on a chair by Angelica, so if you want to escape, you need to jump off first.

With her eyes closed, Illya jumped down, subconsciously about to scream.

"Huh? It doesn't hurt at all?"

After landing safely, Illya got up from the ground, looked at the doll body made of cloth and cotton, and thought to herself:

"It seems that the doll's body is not useless. At least it won't hurt."

The body of a doll has no physical body, and does not even have nerves. Unless it is an attack on the soul, how can it possibly feel pain.

After passing a small difficulty, Illya ran towards the door happily.

Angelica was cleaning the house before when she suddenly received news of an intruder. She didn't even have time to close the door. Illya stretched out her lion head to look at the situation outside. After finding no one, she walked along. The wall is full of walking out.

"Okay, everything goes according to plan!"

Illya, who was very happy in her heart, carefully walked to the maze-like corridor.

Although I don’t know the road, I have no other choice but to walk.

Illya walked to a corner and was about to stick out her little head to peek at someone passing by like before. When she turned around, she found two pairs of dull eyes looking at her.

"Hey——, Rin and Luvia!"

When she saw the two people looking at her were Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, Illya's tense mood relaxed. Just when she was about to wave her arms and legs to tell the other person that she was not an ordinary lion doll, she discovered something was wrong with them. .

That's right, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were wearing maid outfits at the moment, and their faces were as cold and numb as robots.

This kind of expression——

Illya suddenly remembered, wasn't that the look on her face when her soul was extracted and her body was manipulated by Angelica?

And because of this incident, Illya remembered that she had read the script of "Magical Girl Illya". In the fourth season, Rin Tosaka and Luvia were hypnotized into becoming the maids of the Eiinsworth family. plot.

Because Dabai said that it happened in another parallel world, so don’t pay too much attention to the specific plot. Illya just ignored it as a joke after seeing it.

At that time, Xiao Hei laughed at how stupid she looked when she turned into a doll, and was so angry that he chased her and beat her!

Unexpectedly, all of this has come true, woohoo~~

"Appraisal, rubbish,——"

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