Even though Illya still pretended to be dead, and she was just a doll that happened to fall in the corridor, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia still stared at her, and after a few seconds they said to themselves:

"Execute, clean up!" "

"Okay, I didn't find myself——"

Illya then remembered that the way Tohsaka Rin and Luvia cleaned up was different from ordinary people, it was the kind of physical cleaning.

Seeing Tohsaka Rin and Luvia raising their hands and pointing at themselves, Illya was still waiting for death. This was obviously because they wanted to use magic bullets to erase the 'trash' of themselves.

While the two were aiming, Illya used the lion doll to react at an unusual speed, and Rin Tohsaka and Luvia ran away under their confused eyes.

"Trash, can it run away?"

Tohsaka Rin looked at Luvia with some confusion, asking for her opinion.

Luvia Machine said: "The garbage must be cleaned up!"

After that, the two ran wildly, chasing Illya in front of them. While chasing, they fired magic bullets, hitting the floors, walls and other things along the way, causing them to burst.

I wonder what Angelica would think when she saw that the two people she captured were such maids?

It's definitely not a good idea.


Illya wanted to shout for help, but it was just a lion doll. Naturally, it was impossible for her to shout out. She could only shout in her heart.

"Calm down, you must calm down, Illya!"

"Hurry up and remember how you escaped in the animation——"


While running for her life and dodging the magic bullets coming from behind, how could Ilya imagine that her mind was blank, just like in the listening test for heroes? She could understand most English words, but she couldn't connect them together. , you will find out what exactly you said!

I still don't care about so much anymore, I just run if there is a road ahead and turn if there is a bend.

At this moment, Illya was a little glad that her body was a lion doll without fatigue. If it were her own body, no matter how good she was at running, she would never be able to outrun the two mad mages behind her who were fighting hand-to-hand every day.


"Oh no."

The moment she turned, Illya realized that there was not a road in front of her, but two legs. Illya couldn't control her body and just hit them.

"Dead, wuwu."

There are chasing soldiers in front and hungry wolves behind, making it impossible to escape.

The person who was hit was Grandpa Mo Yi who had sneaked into Ainsworth Castle. He looked at the doll that hit his leg, the familiar lion doll.

Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to pinch Ilia's neck, put it in front of him, and asked:

"Yi Xiaobai?"


In despair, Ilia opened her eyes and looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with a smile on his face——

"It's actually Baymax!!"

"I am finally saved!"

"No, I love you so much!"

Ilia liked Grandpa Mo Yi like never before, and even ignored the fact that he teased her by calling her 'Yi Xiaobai'.

"Trash, don't run away, clean it up!"

Just when Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to knead Ilia in her lion doll state, the two maids who were chasing after Ilia also rushed to Mo Yi.

Seeing this appearance, without even thinking about it, Grandpa Mo Yi held Illya with one hand and quickly moved out with the other hand. Tohsaka Rin and Luvia instantly fainted when Mo Yi's index finger hit their foreheads.

It is estimated that he will wake up in more than ten seconds.

Then, he placed his right hand on the doll and sent a burst of magic power into it.

"It's a little hot, it feels so strange——"

After feeling the magic power pouring into her body, Illya spoke naturally about her physical sensations.


Illya reacted and said:

"Can I talk now?"

"I blessed you with a little magic so that you can speak -"

Mo Yi looked at the dancing Illya and put it on his shoulder, just like he transformed into Cupid and squatted on the other person's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Don't get excited, these are basic operations."

Of course, Illya doesn't know about the "gay sex, don't be gay" thing.

"Hey, where is this?"

At this time, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who had fallen on the ground, gradually woke up.

After communicating with each other, everyone roughly understood what was going on, and then the two of them followed Grandpa Mo Yi with a doll to save the imprisoned Miyu and the giant Emiya in this world.

Of course, before finding the two of them, they wanted to find Ruby and Sapphire who were hiding.

"It should be here—"

Grandpa Mo Yi got serious and naturally had plenty of ways to find the person he was looking for, and soon arrived at the room where Meiyou was being held.

"who are you!?"

After breaking into the room, before Grandpa Mo Yi could say, "We are the police, raise our hands and surrender," a certain little blond lolita inside who talked to Mei about this made a sound first.

"Onii-chan, and onee-sama, Rin?"

At this time, Miyu was wearing a blue low-cut dress and a long dress, I don't know if it was the bad taste of the Ainsworth family, just like a little public servant.

Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but secretly curse, what kind of garbage taste does Ainsworth's guy have!

What kind of evening dress can a little Lolita like Miyou wear? Can it hold up?

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