Sanwu lolita should wear age-appropriate clothing such as gymnastics clothes, white stockings or dead stockings.

You actually forced Miyu to wear an evening dress. Such an inhumane act. Did you know that children can catch cold easily, and it’s still snowing heavily outside? How could you be wrong in calling you villains?

Illya, who was ignored, shouted loudly:

"Miyu, and I-"

"I'm Illya!"


Miyou looked at the lion doll dancing on Mo Yi's shoulder with some disbelief. With her clever little mind, she quickly figured it out.

No wonder Illya, who followed Erica, has always been like a puppet, even speaking coldly.

Miyu turned to look at Erica and Ilia who stood behind her like a wooden board, and asked:

"Erica, you did this?"

Erica, who has always liked and admired Miyu, saw the negative emotions of disgust, anger and doubt in Miyu's eyes for the first time.

Like a frightened bird, he backed away, shook his head and said:

"Erica didn't do this, and I don't know what happened, onee-sama!"

"I didn't let Angelica extract Illya's soul..."

"I just asked Illya to be my friend."

Tohsaka Rin asked in a low voice with some curiosity:

"Who is this girl?"

Grandpa Mo Yi whispered:

"Erica Einsworth, the biological sister of the head of the Einsworth family."

After hearing the answer they wanted, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia gave each other a knowing look. They had so much fun catching us before, so it's time for us to carry out a wave of righteous kidnappings.

Mo Yi didn't watch the love-hate drama between Erica and Miyu. He walked directly to Illya's body, put the lion on Illya's shoulder, and then tapped Illya's forehead. Illya's consciousness was spinning.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that everything was back to normal and he was finally back in his physical body.

"Thank you, Baymax!"

Ilia was very happy, jumped on Grandpa Mo Yi, hugged him and kissed him.

Chapter 424: An unexpected helping hand, Xiao Shan appears on the scene

The thought of turning around and running away was just a thought.

The real Angelica has died long ago, and now, like other members of the Ainsworth family, she has transferred her soul to a doll, and is not a human being with flesh and blood.

The purpose of the dolls' existence is naturally to obey the orders of the Ainsworth family who created them.

In the entire Ainsworth family, except for Julian, the heir, who is a living person, and Erica, who has lived from the age of Gods to the present day and is not a real human being, the rest of the members have used their souls to replace themselves on dolls. A self-disciplined doll created.

Even Julian, the heir, had his soul personality replaced by Darius Ainsworth, the original head of the Eiinsworth family.

It has to be said that the Ainsworth family is just a complete tragedy, a tool used to realize Darius Ainsworth's ambition.

"Not only Emiya Shirou, but also Princess Miyu was rescued by you——"

Angelica felt very heavy in her heart, but this was her responsibility. To put it simply, it was unavoidable.

"It seems that I can only stop you here."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

‘Are you sure you can really do it? ’

"This is the meaning of my existence——"

Countless golden ripples appeared behind Angelica, which was obviously another harbinger of the activation of the shining golden treasure of the king.

Countless golden treasures were shot out from outside the door, towards Mo Yi and others on the other side of the stone bridge.

What surprised Illya and others was that not only were countless Noble Phantasms shot out from behind, but also Noble Phantasms were shot out from behind them. Noble Phantasms in opposite directions offset each other and fell away.

Everyone: "???"

Angelica was also confused. Although she guessed that her attack was unlikely to be effective, the opponent was Mo Yi, who could instantly kill Beatrice, who had stronger head-on combat ability than herself. She didn't expect to be attacked by Mo Yi. People block in this way.

What is going on?

Isn't this the unique ability of Hero King Gilgamesh?

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

Mo Yi had already noticed it and looked to the left of his team and said:

"There is no point in hiding now, Gilgamesh."


Illya and others were immediately confused. How could we have such a person here? And wasn’t the blackened heroic spirit named Gilgamesh beaten away by us and turned into a class card?

"You really have keen observation skills, and you are worthy of being the opponent I want to challenge."

A black cloak appeared from the space beside Miyu, and as the cloak opened, Young Flash appeared in front of everyone.

"This, who are you?"

For a moment, both her teammates and Angelica, who had borrowed Jin Shining's power, were frightened by Young Shin's appearance.

Even though Young Shen is only a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, everyone who has fought with him can still recognize the opponent's identity from his skilled appearance.

Tohsaka Rin: "Gilgamesh? Weren't you defeated by us?"


Young Shen didn't look unhappy because of Tohsaka Rin's offensive-sounding words. As an adult, he wouldn't be so good-tempered.

Youshan smiled disapprovingly and said:

"Didn't I already give you a class card with half my power? That is a reward for defeating me." "I think you are in a hurry, why not give it to the woman opposite who dares to steal my power? Let me solve it?"

Everyone couldn't understand Youshan's thoughts for a while.

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