The other party was defeated by them in a group before, but now he wants to help them. What kind of trick is this?

"Then I leave it to you, Gilgamesh."

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knew Gilgamesh's purpose. He wanted to regain his strength and challenge himself again.

He nodded to him and said:

"If possible, spare the other person's life."

The great hero Emiya is already in a miserable situation. It would be too cruel to take away the great wife Emiya.

Empty Nest Justice partners need everyone’s love.


Although Youshan didn't know why Mo Yi asked so, he was still very tolerant of people he recognized.

"no problem."

"Then let's go."

Even Ilia and others were very curious about Mo Yi's request, but now was not the time to ask and talk, so they had no choice but to follow Mo Yi.

"Want to leave?"

Angelica will definitely not let them leave. Meyou is the most important prop for whether Ainsworth's thousand-year-old wish can be realized.

"My little prey, how dare you be distracted——"

When Angelica was about to take action and summon the King's Treasure to attack Grandpa Mo Yi and others, she was again summoned by Young Flash with the same amount of treasure, which perfectly resisted her attack.


Although Angelica was unwilling to give in, her ability to control the King's Treasure was naturally countless times more powerful than that of its original owner, Youshan. Her attacks were still blocked by Youshan, and she could only watch Mo Yi helplessly. Wait for the person to walk away calmly.

"hero King!!"

An angry look appeared on Angelica's face for the first time, she stared at Young Flash and said:

"Obviously just a Servant with half the power——"

"so what?"

Young Flash remained unmoved and continued to use the King's Treasure to resist Angelica's Noble Phantasm bombardment.

"You are just a rat who stole my power. You are not even a faker."


Angelica unfolded the King's Treasure with all her strength, and countless doors appeared behind her. She seemed not to care whether it would destroy the illusion around her and attacked.

"You only have half of the power, but I have it all. In terms of the number of Noble Phantasms, I have twice as many as you!!"

Because he has lost half of his power, when Young Shan uses the King's Treasure, his authority is not as good as Angelica's. When Angelica uses her full strength, the number of Noble Phantasms output at the same time is far greater than that of Young Shan. Several times more.

In terms of technique, Xiaofeng is stronger than Angelica, but in the situation of Noble Phantasm confrontation, she has gradually shown her disadvantage due to the opponent's numerical suppression.

However, Youshan didn't show the slightest hint of panic. Instead, he flipped up his golden bangs with his right hand, showed a crazy smile that was no different from his adult state, and laughed loudly:

"No amount of power can hide the essence of being a mouse!"

"Does this king's power make you arrogantly think that you are the real hero king, mouse?"

Immediately, a golden chain shot out from outside the door. The golden chain quickly moved and changed in the air, knocking down Angelica's Noble Phantasms one after another, and the battle situation reversed again.

"Lock of Heaven?"

Angelica, who had used the power of Gilgamesh, naturally recognized that the treasure phantom Young Flash was using to turn the tables was the Lock of Heaven.

But it was after she recognized the Heaven's Lock that she became even more confused. Isn't the Heaven's Lock a gold chain that is no different from an ordinary hard iron chain in other situations?

Why can such power be exerted? !

Chapter 423 updated yesterday was locked up in a small dark room. If it is not released tonight, I will revise it again and repost it.

Plot description of the missing ‘Chapter 423’

In order for everyone not to get confused, here is a rough description of the plot of this chapter:

After successfully rescuing Illya, Miyu, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, Mo Yi and others went to the dungeon to rescue the imprisoned Emiya Giant.

After rescuing the other party and treating the other party's injuries, they continued to escape from Ainsworth Castle, and met Angelica (mother) who was blocking her on a section of the stone bridge that she must pass through.

Because it was posted twice, there are two chapters. 423 is locked in a small dark room. I don’t know when it will be released. If it is released, please subscribe to one of the chapters and do not subscribe repeatedly.

Chapter 425: Matthew: This is my Noble Phantasm!

As the oldest king, Gilgamesh possesses the original books of all the Noble Phantasms in this world, which is equivalent to owning all the Noble Phantasms.

Among the many Noble Phantasms, there are naturally some that Gilgamesh loves, and some that he ignores. Among them, the Noble Phantasm that Gilgamesh loves and cherishes the most is not the most powerful Sword of Deviation, but the Lock of Heaven.

The essence of the Sky Lock is the incarnation of Enkidu, Jin Shining's only close friend. For him, the Sky Lock is Enkidu himself.

From this we can see why Gilgamesh loves the Locks of Heaven.

"How can a mouse like you understand the Lock of Heaven? No, you are not even qualified to understand -"

Youshan could naturally see the puzzled look on Angelica's face and said disdainfully.

At this time, seemingly endless heavenly locks shot out from countless golden ripples, sealing off the already narrow space, enveloping Angelica and Young Flash in a space where they faced each other and could not retreat or dodge.


Angelica, who was just a doll and not even considered alive, was not affected by Young Flash's words. In her heart, she, who had full strength, was still at odds with the opponent who had only half the power of the treasure.

"Then I will use the most noble treasure among the king's treasures to defeat you, faker!"

Youshan: "..."

Someone actually said faker to me?

Well, that’s why it’s so unpleasant!

"Do you think there is still a chance?"

When Angelica was about to pull out the Sword of Oblivion from the golden ripples around her, countless golden chains shot out from different angles, tying up Angelica who was unable to react.

"You should be lucky that Mo Yi is interested in you, otherwise I wouldn't even be interested in taking a look at a worthless faker like you."

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