However, Darius has always been wary. After all, as someone who has lived for hundreds of years, he knows that there can be no selfless people in this world.

The more the other party behaves like this, the more wary Darius becomes. He has always been unwilling to use the things and power the other party has given him, but now, there is no other way.


Near Ainsworth Castle, Darius could use displacement magic at will. At this moment, he transferred Erica, who was still crying in Ainsworth Castle, into his nominal daughter's space.

"It's time to open the box."


Erica, who was suddenly transported by space, didn't know what was going on. She even wanted to run over when she saw Miyu in the distance. However, after being called by Darius, she obediently stopped where she was and waited. Darius' orders.

A Rubik's Cube exuding a strong ominous aura appeared in Darius's hand, and he handed it to Erica.


As a result, Erica, who was holding the Rubik's Cube, didn't know what was happening and screamed in pain, while the Rubik's Cube in her hand also rotated violently and irregularly, grew larger, and lifted into the air.

Erica's Gothic skirt also turned into a pitch-black evening dress under the black mud flowing out of the black Rubik's Cube. After being exposed to the black mud, she herself also grew at an abnormal speed. In just over ten seconds, she grew from about ten years old to a sixteen or seventeen year old girl.

The huge black Rubik's Cube rotated irregularly in the high air, and in the process, black sludge continued to flow out.

Even if they haven't come into contact with the black mud, everyone can feel that it is not a good thing.

When such a change occurred, everyone had already pushed to a suitable position. Among them, Red A also launched a sneak attack, but it was easily blocked by the walls made of black mud.

Gudazi, who has crossed countless special points, has never seen anything. It can be seen that when he sees the black mud, he still feels extremely dangerous.

"What on earth is going on?"

When you are in doubt about something, you naturally have to ask Grandpa Mo Yi.

Tohsaka Rin, Illya and others, who knew about Grandpa Mo Yi's magic, all looked at Mo Yi and waited for Mo Baidu's popular science.

"Everyone should have heard of the myth about Pandora in Greek mythology, right?"

In Greek mythology, Prometheus, the son of the Titans, stole fire from the sky and gave it to humans. Humans learned to use fire. Zeus, the supreme ruler, was very angry. In order to offset the huge benefits that fire brought to humans, Zeus decided to let Disasters also come to the world.

So, he asked the god of fire Hephaestus to make the first woman from clay as a punishment for Prometheus stealing fire and give it to the first woman of mankind.

Pandora has all the beauty and goodness, but these are not the point. The point is that the gods also gave Pandora a beautiful box as a gift for marrying Pandora.

People in Greek mythology never do good deeds, so this box is no surprise.

This box, known as Pandora's Box by later generations, contains scourges, disasters, plagues, etc., and all disasters will fly out when the box is opened.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, also secretly put hope in it in order to save mankind. However, after the box was opened and the disaster occurred, Pandora immediately closed the box, resulting in the last hope not being released.

"What does it matter?"

Gudazi looked at the Rubik's Cube that was constantly flowing out of black mud in the sky, and boldly guessed:

"Could it be that the black Rubik's Cube in the sky is Pandora's Box in the mythology of the series?"

"That's right——"

Grandpa Mo Yi continued to explain:

"Unlike other parallel worlds, Pandora's Box in this world was stolen by Darius before it was opened. After obtaining Pandora's Box, Darius fled from the series to the far east and established Starting from the Ainsworth family.”

"You who have been saving humanity should also understand that when a certain important historical event is changed, humanity and the world will be seriously affected. If it is serious, it will cause the world to be cut off."

"The world became like this, and the stolen Pandora's Box was the original cause."

"And the blond girl Erica's true identity is the first woman given to mankind by the Greek gods, Pandora, also known as the Doll of Disaster."

"Over the years, the Ainsworth family has made a lot of fruitful results through research on Pandora's Box. However, due to these studies and the loss of time, Pandora's Box has been damaged and has become difficult to open."

"In order to open Pandora's Box, the Ainsworth family constructed a magic ritual called the 'Holy Grail War', using the power of the Holy Grail to open the box."

"However, it's hard to say whether the other party's purpose in opening the box is really to save the dying world as the other party said, or whether it is to further develop and master the power of Pandora's Box."

Having said this, Mo Yi showed a sneer, looked at Darius in the distance, and said:

"In order to save the world, it sounds reasonable to open Pandora's box and perfect historical events. But when it was opened in the Age of Gods, and now, has history really not changed? Besides, the world is already so bad, and it still needs to be opened. Even if Pandora’s Box releases the disasters of the gods, we are not afraid that the world will not be able to hold on and will be destroyed directly.”

"Compared to a righteous partner who saves the world, I prefer to believe that the other party is just a shameless person who has gained more power."

The reason why this world will be destroyed is Darius's fault, but now the other party is using the slogan of saving the world to do evil wantonly.

First, there was the natural gas explosion that destroyed the center of Fuyuki ten years ago, killing an unknown number of people.

Now we have to capture Miyu again and sacrifice the opponent to open the box.

With such bad behavior, who would believe that the other party is really a righteous partner.

In order to become a righteous partner, Lord Chong only sacrificed one or two people occasionally, but Darius sacrificed tens of thousands of people at once. In essence, Darius was more hateful than Lord Chong.

Chapter 426: Abigail Williams

From Pandora's box spinning in the air, the black mud flows out faster and faster. At first it was flowing out, but now it can be said to be tilting down.

The black mud, which was so dark that it could absorb even light, formed a small lake in just one minute.

Immediately, the mutation reappeared.

A humanoid creature with a body of black mud climbed out of the black mud lake.

With the first one, there was the second one, and then there was the third one. Like a honeycomb, countless black shadows emerged from the black mud lake.

Originally, more than ten people from Chaldea and the Horse-Monkey Soju Alliance were beating up two people on the opposite side. However, with the appearance of the Black Shadow Legion, the situation suddenly reversed and turned into a gang fight between the Ainsworth Legion and the protagonists. What they saw was another scene. The plot of October Siege (a movie about ten folk heroes saving a great man).

Although all of her troops were talented, capable of resisting and dealing damage, and were all heroic units, she still couldn't help but tremble in her heart when facing an army of thousands.

This has nothing to do with personal ability, but a matter of momentum, or a kind of uncontrollable psychology of people, just like when most people face bees and look down from the rooftop of a ten-story high-rise building, even though they know there is no danger, But he still couldn't help but tremble with fear.

When an individual faces an organized legion, the fear he feels is far greater than the two common fears of trypophobia and acrophobia.

Of course, this is limited to ordinary people. Soldiers like Grandpa Mo Yi, Red A, and Arthur who have seen big scenes, participated in wars, and are psychologically out of touch with normal people will naturally not be afraid of facing the Black Shadow Army.

"What the hell is it this time?"

Luvia asked Illya and others the doubts in their hearts when they saw such a big scene for the first time.

Grandpa Mo Yi raised his hand and fired an ordinary magic cannon, instantly evaporating most of the black shadows walking in front into ashes, and then explained:

"Pandora's Box is a conceptual disaster, and these shadows are the Ainsworth family's use of its power."

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