"It's not entirely correct to say they are black shadows. In fact, these are degraded blackened heroic spirits that cannot use Noble Phantasms. However, as long as the black mud is still there, they can be resurrected unlimited times."

While Mo Yi was explaining, the already sparse black shadow army became dense again under the infinite output of black mud.

Everyone saw that Grandpa Mo Yi could kill nine out of ten people with one shot of his magic cannon, and they just breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't expect that the opponent also had the ability to infinitely resurrect such fouls.

"How can we fight like this!"

Xiao Hei, who had been fighting for a long time and was very tired, gritted his teeth and complained:

"Isn't this cheating?!"


Darius Einsworth, who felt that he was finally stable, laughed loudly, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and others from a distance, and said:


"This is a disaster for mankind. As long as the concept of mankind still exists, it will be impossible to kill the blackened heroic spirits!"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Before he cheated, the other party took the lead in setting the flag of flying dragon rider, and he didn't know how to complain.

"You are too confident, African Chief!"

The most famous African chief in the moon world is Darius III. Especially in a scenario like Mahou Shaojiu, where the upright must win, there is no problem in calling the opponent, the inevitable boss, an African chief.

Grandpa Mo Yi responded loudly:

"As long as the source of Pandora's Box is destroyed, wouldn't it be enough?"

"There is no such thing as invincibility in this world. Even if there is, it is not a villain like you who likes to do things that harm others and benefit yourself under the banner of justice."


After being slapped like this by Grandpa Mo Yi, the confidence that Darius had gained from constantly hypnotizing himself, saying, "How can you lose when a flying dragon rides on your face?" was instantly destroyed.

As Grandpa Mo Yi said, as long as Pandora's Box is destroyed, the Shadow Army will disappear.

Moreover, the Pandora's box at this moment has long been damaged. Erica (Pandora) alone cannot fully open it, otherwise he would not have to capture Miyu. Now it is just a small opening. How long can Erica maintain this small opening? , it’s hard to say.

After all, Erica's face was still full of pain at this moment, and it could be seen that opening Pandora's Box was a very difficult thing for her.

However, Darius is not helpless. Not long ago, with the help of a mysterious man, he found an alternative way to enhance Erica's power. As long as her power is strong enough, she can naturally open Pandora's Box by force.

By then, the Ainsworth family will be able to fully grasp the power of Pandora's Box, and then lead and save this dying world.

However, because of the wariness of the mysterious man, Darius did not use it immediately after getting a new method to open it. Instead, he followed the original plan and used the power of the Holy Grail to assist Erica in opening the magic box.

However, the original plan is no longer possible. The opponent has strong soldiers and horses, and it is hard to say whether they can survive. They are also trying to steal Meiyou?

Forced into a desperate situation, Darius had no choice but to implement Plan B derived from the technology provided by the mysterious man!

Darius took out a class card from his arms, but this class card was different from the common seven knights plus the adjudicator and the avenger!

Tamamo, which can transform into a beast, was Darius's target at first. However, after some experiments, he came to an inappropriate conclusion, so Tamamo was recycled on the spot and sent to Illya's world. coordinate anchor.

The class card in his hand is different from the past. It is a Foreigner, possessing the heroic spirit Abigail Williams who is not integrated into the power essence of the Moon World.

"Erica, use it—"

Darius handed the class card to Erica, who had a face full of pain, and said in a strong tone:

"Ainsworth's thousand-year glory belongs to you!"

"Okay, Father—"

Erica held the class card in the opponent's hand tightly and shouted in pain:

"Dream Summons!!"

An ominous aura filled the entire world, and a bronze gate depicting the Tree of Life in Reverse Kabala appeared, standing between heaven and earth.

The bronze door seems to be slow, but actually opens quickly!

"This feeling--"

Grandpa Mo Yi put away his playful spirit and shouted with a serious expression:

"Turn around and don't look at that door!"

Although I don’t know why Grandpa Mo Yi shouted like this, his stern and irresistible voice that was very different from usual woke up the people who seemed to be possessed. Everyone immediately turned their heads and no longer looked at the strange, ominous and dangerous road. huge bronze door.

Only Grandpa Mo Yi was left at the scene, just staring at the bronze door that gradually opened. The first thing he saw was hundreds of millions of light cannons, followed by a huge amount of information that was comparable to the first time he faced the source vortex, rushing in Grandpa Mo Yi’s brain!

Being hit by this flow of information that was even more terrifying than the Source Vortex, Mo Yi felt dizzy after a long absence, but he still kept looking straight at what was outside the door.

When Mo Yi looked directly at the world outside the door, the world outside the door seemed to have a great, indescribable and incomprehensible will, staring at Mo Yi with millions of eyes.

Such a plot appeared in Grandpa Mo Yi's mind - what are you looking at? I'm just looking at you, what do you think, hit me? Humph, boy, you are very arrogant, don’t leave after school if you can!

The final conclusion is that this is a look of confirmation.

All this happened in less than a second. In an instant, both the bronze door and the gaze of the great will behind the door disappeared, as if everything was just an illusion.

"That's it."

Grandpa Mo Yi's tone returned to normal and he said to everyone who turned back.


"What on earth is going on?"

If everyone is not curious about the changes just now, that would be false. Hearing that it was time to turn back, he immediately turned around. At this time, everything returned to its original state. There was no such thing as a bronze door into the sky.

"Hey, gone?"

Gudazi was a little curious and had to ask Grandpa Mo Yi, the only witness:

"What exactly is that door?"


Grandpa Mo Yi didn't know how to explain it for a while. Should he tell them about science? There are other worlds besides the Xingyue world. In the distant world, there live some gods who are governed by the rules of the universe, and these gods and The gods they imagined were completely different, and humans would go crazy even just by looking at them.

Well, that’s hard to explain, and now is not a good time to go into a lengthy explanation.

After thinking for a while, he simply said:

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