
As a good child, Illya naturally followed the rules and took out Saber's class card from the card box tied to her thigh and pressed it on the ground.

"Dream Summon—saber Siegfried!"

Under the protection of Holy Light and Dark Priest, Illya quickly transformed completely for the second time, turning into a girl knight holding a big sword.

"The evil dragon will eventually fall"

"Light and shadow that cut everything off"

"The world has now reached sunset"

"Shoot you down-——Fantasy Great Sword·The Demon Lost!!

As she chanted the true name of the Noble Phantasm, Illya held the big sword high and a burst of cyan magic came out. When it accumulated to the extreme, it swept away the blackened servants who had long since made space for everyone and used it like a tide.

In an instant, the great sword reflected into a lightsaber hundreds of meters away, turning all the blackened servants within the range into ashes.

Fei Ge's Fantasy Great Sword: Fallen Demon is a typical AOE slashing move. Due to the lack of cohesion, the damage to a single target may not be high, but its effect on clearing troops in situations that require AOE is far from curry. This pure linear high-concentration energy light cannon can be compared to my father's rebellion.

Because it was a strafing strike, Illya's "Imagine sorry, the demon kneels down" instantly cleared a large space, wiping out 800,000 or not a million of the blackened servants.

Of course, it is still too few for the Blackened Servant Legion whose measurement unit is measured in tens of millions.

Although the Blackened Servant cannot release the Noble Phantasm, the basic fighting instinct of a Servant is still there. In addition to the Crazy Buff of being brave and not afraid of death, and acting on disobedience, there is also the Servant's own fighting instincts and skills. If It's okay to suppress it with long-range firepower like Illya. If a large number of blackened servants get close to him, even Lancelot, who has the peak martial arts of "infinite martial arts", will be blackened like a swarm of bees. The followers flooded the past.

The empty space cleared by Illya was quickly filled by the blackened servants who were shouting "Aoao" and swarmed towards everyone again.

"The Great Sword of Fantasy, the Demon Lost..."

Seeing this, Illya was about to use Feige's Noble Phantasm again, but Miyu grabbed her raised hand and stopped her.

"Using such a powerful Noble Phantasm in a short period of time is too taxing on the body."

Meiyou also took out a class card and said:

"This is a battle where you don't even know how long it will take, so you have to conserve your strength appropriately."

"Next, leave it to me for the time being. Archer's class card ability is just right for this situation."

After that, Miyu also put Gilgamesh's class card on his body, summoned the power of Holy Light and Dark Priest, and transformed.

"Dream summons, Archer Gilgamesh."

Miyu, who transformed into a mother-in-law, used Shining's signature move - King's Treasure, countless noble phantoms, and shot them at the blackened servants coming from all directions like no money.

It has to be said that King's Treasure has such a low mana consumption, can output single target, and can also damage the whole group. It is really IMBA. At this moment, enemies are coming from all directions, just like the 'Guardian of Athena', the guardian of "Plants vs. Zombies". It is most suitable for city scenes.

Gilgamesh can be called the strongest heroic spirit in theory. The test is not about the deviant sword that is powerful enough to split the world, nor is it the Heavenly Lock that is available to most powerful heroic spirits. After all, the divine lock can become a heroic spirit. They are all great heroic spirits or demons who are remembered and chanted by humans. They don't have one or two unique skills, and they are embarrassed to say that they were in the Hall of Valor.

Fighting against the five-scum heroic spirits like Afu, there are also invincible treasures. The powerful heroic spirits enter Karna and have golden armor that can weaken the enemy's attack damage, control, interference, and curse by 90%.

Facing the heroic spirits who possess various unique skills, Gilgamesh will definitely not be able to survive just by relying on the Sword of Oblivion and the Lock of Heaven. There will always be a chance of overturning.

But with the addition of the King's Treasure, it's different. As long as the King's Treasure, which theoretically possesses the original scriptures of all Noble Phantasms, is properly used, Jin Shining Shining can calmly target the opponent no matter what abilities he possesses.

As Miyu unfolded at full strength, there were hundreds of doors with golden ripples opened in the sky. Hundreds of doors sprayed out Noble Phantasms quickly and continuously at the same time. Because the blackened heroic spirits stood so densely packed, even with their special skills, Without space to dodge, you can only face various Noble Phantasms.

In the end, the effect of Miyu's harvesting of blackened servants is not much worse than that of Illya's Phineas ultimate move just now. If it lasts longer, the number of enemies killed will soon catch up with and surpass Illya. elegant.

If it were a Chinese online game at this moment, there would definitely be experience value prompts like +999 popping up above Meiyu's head.

"It's really too much -"

Xiaoshan, who was hiding in a certain high ground and using the Noble Phantasm to conceal his aura, looked helplessly at Miyu, who was constantly bombarding the blackened heroic spirit with the King's Treasure.

The essence of the blackened heroic spirit is the embodiment of "human disaster", which can be said to be the most filthy thing.

Fortunately, the young Flash appears now with a good temper. If it were an adult Golden Pika, seeing Miyu using his Noble Phantasm to bomb these disgusting blackened servants, he would definitely jump out and attack Miyu, punishing those who dare to be dirty and dirty. A thief who steals his own treasure without permission.

"Girl, you should be glad that I'm not the version of myself that even I hate."

What is growth?

For most people, the so-called growth means unknowingly becoming the person they hated most before. Even Gilgamesh, the oldest king, cannot escape this vicious circle.

"We can't fall behind—"

Gudazi looked at Mahou Shaojiu, who had been silent but suddenly showed off his power. He sighed and said to his followers:

"The juniors are working so hard, how can we seniors be lazy?"

"As commanded by the Command Seal, let's all attack the duck together!"

The strengthened servants burst out with powerful fighting power. Not to mention close combat experts such as Red A and Arthur, they rushed into the blackened servants and started chopping melons and vegetables. Even the name Martha looked like The saint, who seemed weak and weak, also showed her warlike nature. She stuck the cross in her hand on the ground and rushed forward on her dragon turtle, Tarasque, with all kinds of bull attacks, which were more violent than a steamroller.

Of course, there are also teammates whose abilities are not suitable to cope with the current situation.

For example, because the magic resistance of the servants is too high, the magic of ordinary magicians is basically ineffective. Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who can only fight hand-to-hand, and Mashu, who is good at late stage and defense, also hold giant shields as if they are door panels. Send someone, squat on the spot and keep shooting, wondering whether to hold on to the strengthened hero Arash who explodes in a wave.

Chapter 429: Stop torturing me Sakura!

I don't know when, a keyhole appeared on Pandora's forehead. When Grandpa Mo Yi was about to go up and give her a friendly fist, the keyhole emitted a light cannon that was comparable to the Sword of Victory.

Although he is very fast, Grandpa Mo Yi, who has long understood Abilgai's fighting style, has always been paying attention to the opponent's changes, so when the opponent is in the animal power stage, he takes all precautions and still easily avoids this luminous cannon. .

Abigail in the game has two main attack methods. One is a light-emitting cannon on her forehead, and she summons indescribable arms and legs to carry out violent physical attacks.

And Pandora, who gained Abigail's power, also used this kind of attack method.

After Grandpa Mo Yi quickly avoided the light cannon, he discovered that the ground under his feet, or the underground within a few dozen meters in diameter with Pandora as the center, had turned into a black shadow.


Seeing this, based on his own combat experience, Mo Yi guessed that this was a domain ability similar to an inherent barrier, which was nothing more than the ability to restrain and restrict the enemy, and enhance or weaken certain aspects of the enemy's abilities.

As for what kind of ability it is, you will know it after a good experiment. There is no rush to attack now.

Grandpa Mo Yi had to admit that if he was not careful, he might actually overturn the car.

No matter what the other party said, it is also one of the most powerful existences in another world. In other words, Yog Bubble itself is the embodiment of some of the rules of the universe, and the bubble represents the sum of all time and space in the universe. , is called the omniscient and omnipotent one who unites all things.

Under its remote control, Pandora's combat effectiveness and energy level may be far inferior to the combined energy of Grandpa Mo Yi's servant clone. But how can the abilities and laws of another world be used with simple energy? How many, or how much combat power can be compared?

If fighting were that simple, there would be no need to fight when others are fighting, just see who has the highest energy total, and whoever is the winner would be the winner.

He didn't look nervous on the outside, no different from usual, but he was tense on the inside. He hadn't been so serious in I don't know how many years. Although he was just a magic clone at the moment, he was just trying to save face when he came out to hang out. The question is, if you lose the fight, how can you come out to hang out in the future?

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