What can Grandpa Mo Yi say? He has traveled to countless planes and universes, and has seen many creatures of the Crusu God System. However, there was no opportunity or necessity for communication before, but now, aren't there intersections?

"It's better to figure out the capabilities in this field first-"

After Mo Yi finished thinking, he stepped back while using his physical strength to use his magic power and abilities.

More than ten seconds later, I found that I was still in the black field, but to the naked eye, the other party's field had not increased in scope, and was still a circular plane with a diameter of tens of meters.

Manipulate the realm within time and space?

Not only that, when running his own magic power, Mo Yi also found that the operation of the magic power became laggy, just like using a mobile phone from a few years ago to run a new large-scale mobile game, and even the screen became laggy. , or in other words, if you put a freshwater fish into the sea, whoever it is will die because of the unsuitable water environment.

In this way, this field also has the ability to change the laws of the world and change the space in the field into a law that is completely different from the current world and belongs to a different world.

"You can't escape!"

Pandora stretched out her right hand and grabbed it in the direction of Grandpa Mo Yi. The dark ground of Belle was as quiet as a mirror. At this moment, it became restless. Countless dark, indescribable arms and legs stretched out from the ground. came out and launched a powerful slap attack on Grandpa Mo Yi.

Mo Yi did not choose to fight the attacks of these arms and legs on the spot, because it was pointless.

These arms and legs are part of the pitch-black realm at first glance. Even if they are cut off, new arms and legs will stretch out from the ground to attack. Unless this pitch-black realm is destroyed, it is impossible to eliminate them.

Relying on the movement skills of a little gymnast prince, Grandpa Mo Yi managed to avoid the slaps of his wrists and feet with a gap of one centimeter every time, and it seemed that he was quite able to do so with ease.

Pandora, who didn't need to take action herself, naturally couldn't stand still the whole time, watching Mo Yiluo stay up late and do gymnastics. Countless energy condensed on the keyhole on her forehead again. After sufficient strength, a missile was shot out of the keyhole covering a wide range. Light cannon.


Looking at the huge explosion, Pandora felt that it was impossible for the opponent to dodge such a powerful attack under the constraints of the domain.


Pandora looked down and found a hand piercing through her chest, and forcibly grabbing and pulling out the class card that was the source of the evil god's power.

When Grandpa Mo Yi's hand was withdrawn, Pandora could no longer maintain the dreamy summoning state and directly changed back to Erica and fell to the ground.


Erica turned over with great difficulty, looked at the gradually clearing sky, and said softly with a relaxed smile:

"Thank you--"

"Don't say such weird things, okay?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Erica who was lying on the ground, looking like a girl, and how could she feel that she had done something bad? He complained:

"I deliberately reserved my hand. How could a physical injury like this kill a doll created by the gods?"

"Don't talk like you're going to be on a leash any time soon."

Pandora, who fell to the ground, smiled in confusion:

"I just simply thank you. Is there anything wrong?"

Mo Yi: "No——"

Pandora's attack is certainly very strong. Using the domain to limit the space for Mo Yi to dodge, and then firing a positive ion cannon, this battle is very simple, but also very effective.

Many times, the simpler the tactics, the easier it is to succeed.

Doing all the bells and whistles will lead to failure and a waste of energy.

If Grandpa Mo Yi was a native creature of the Xingyue World and had never been exposed to the laws of another world, the opponent's tactics would naturally be successful.

But after all, he has seen big scenes and traveled to various universes. Mo Yi has never tried the laws of the universe. Even if the world is upside down, with the earth on top and the ocean below, it is not that he has never encountered it.

While dodging the arm-foot attack, Mo Yi was already trying to figure out how to adapt to the rules of the different world, keeping this hidden and looking for opportunities to kill with one strike.

When the opponent launches a decisive blow, it is the last chance.

Although in this field, time and space are distorted, and it is impossible to try out space transfer. After all, Pao Pao is also a master in controlling time and space. Even if he can remotely possess others and control others, it is not possible. A layman can compare.

But didn’t the great Lu Shuren say that as long as I run fast enough, faster than light, the little tail of youth cannot catch up with me.

In the same way, as long as you run fast enough, neither space nor time can catch up with the boy chasing the wind.

Grandpa Mo Yi used the above-mentioned principles to burst out with the final speed, transcend the limitations of time and space, sneak into Pandora's back, give the opponent a big snake secret "soul removal", find the right position, and move Abigail's back. Class withdrawal.

Why do we have to fight Bubble head-on to the end when we can save effort?

Defeating the opponent will not lead to the explosion of artifacts and materials, which is a waste of effort and will not please you.


Illya, who was chopping melons and vegetables with a big sword in her hand, saw the blackened servant in front of her suddenly turn into a burst of black smoke and dispersed in the wind, and said in surprise:

"Is it over?"

After that, he looked towards the distance, where Grandpa Mo Yi and Pandora were fighting, to confirm that the battle was really over.

"we won!"

The somewhat embarrassed Xiao Hei jumped on Illya, pressed heavily on her, and said happily:

"Illya, let's celebrate our victory with a long-awaited magic replenishment!"


Illya threw Xiao Hei down hard, and some unharmonious pictures appeared in her mind, and she refused:

"Xiaohei, you hentai!"

"Ha ha--"

After getting the body, Xiao Hei naturally does not need to mend the demon. She said this because she just thought it was fun to tease Ilia and expressed her happiness.

"It's the most fun to play tricks on sister Illya and so on!"

Illya shouted angrily:

"I am the sister!"

"It's over, Miyu——"

Looking at the badly destroyed environment around him and the craters caused by various explosions, the giant Emiya gave Miyu next to him a slap on the head with emotion. He couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing and said to himself:

"You have a great group of friends."

"Yeah, brother."

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