The purple-haired girl who was pulled out obviously hadn't reacted yet. She tilted her head cutely and observed the surrounding environment until she saw the giant Emiya with an unbelievable expression not far away.

The face that was as emotionless as a doll revealed a strangely gentle smile and muttered:


"Long time no see, senior——"

"Sakura misses her senior so much. This time she will definitely turn her senior into Sakura's thing!"

After saying that, she was about to rush towards the Emiya Giant not far away. The sharp blade on her body also floated under her magic power and stood facing the Emiya Giant.

Obviously, she didn't rush up to give Hero Emiya a hug after a long absence——

Naturally, Grandpa Mo Yi would not let Sakura Matou, whose soul was taken out by Julian to create an Ainsworth doll, be harmed. The shocked Emiya giant only grabbed the opponent's shoulder with his left hand, suppressing her with magic power. She was frozen in place, unable to move.

Judging from the appearance of Emiya Giant at the moment, no matter how you look at it, you can't avoid the attack of Matou Sakura who has transformed into a black Lance Luoyang.

Chapter 430: You are all my wings

No matter which parallel world it is, it seems that Sakura Matou's life is not very good, except for a certain fantasy world called "The Rice of the Emiya Family".

Of course, it can't be said to be a perfect ending. After all, in the world of "The Emiya Family's Meal", the real heroine is King Dumao. From Arturia, she lives in the Emiya family, while Matou Sakura only eats at the Emiya family. Wherever you go to help cook, you can see who is the real heroine of the new world!

Needless to say, if you switch to the ordinary fate stay night world line, you will know that life is not good from the fact that you can turn on adult mode or not.

After enduring all kinds of physical and mental torture from Lord Chong and Shinji Matou every day, he finally met someone he cared about, Shirou Emiya, but he could only watch him from the sidelines.

Even Sakurazaki, after being successfully rescued, just sold the Matou family's inheritance, bought the Emiya family's old house, and waited for Emiya Shirou who had long since disappeared and would never come back.

I have to say that such a perfect ending seems a little more cruel than the so-called tragic ending.

Switching to the world of Hero Emiya, Sakura Matou was also favored by the author and became a sacrifice for the awakening of Hero Emiya. She was taken away by her brother Shinji Matou in front of the Hero Emiya.

After being taken away by the dog, his soul was extracted by Julian, a very evil-minded guy, and made into a puppet under his control.

Of course, he couldn't be so kind. There were so many people who didn't choose, but they chose Matou Sakura.

All this is naturally to take revenge on the Emiya giant who ruined his plan!

In order to control Matou Sakura, Julian did not know what method to use to turn the other party into a yandere. Matou Sakura lost her mind. The only thing she remembered was her concern for the Emiya giant during her lifetime.

Therefore, Julian ordered Matou Sakura by pretending to be the giant Emiya.

No need to think about it, he must have the intention to let Matou Sakura deal with the Emiya Giant himself in the end to take revenge on the Emiya Giant.

However, because of Grandpa Mo Yi's action, Julian didn't even have a chance to summon Matou Sakura who was hiding in the shadow, and was directly beaten and disabled.

Fortunately, Grandpa Mo Yi still remembers this. Although the Matou Sakura in this world has nothing to do with him, he still hopes that she will get the happy ending that every kind person deserves.


Sakura Matou, who was subdued by Grandpa Mo Yi, still did not give up. She looked in vain at the giant Emiya not far away, hoping to rush over and make the opponent her own.

Well, isn't turning Sakura into a black person a basic operation?

"Let me go, I want senior—"


Seeing Sakura Matou, who was obviously mentally ill, Hero Emiya was shocked, and then felt unspeakably sad.

The reason why the other party became like this is all his fault!

Facing others who didn't know the situation, Grandpa Mo Yi simply explained:

"This is Sakura Matou, a good friend of Shirou Emiya. She was sacrificed because she was involved in the Ainsworth incident. Later, Julian extracted her soul and made it into a battle doll."

Of course, there are still many people who know Matou Sakura.

For example, when I watched "Magical Girl Illya" before, Illya, Oguro and Miyu cried several packs of tissues because of the plot of Matou Sakura.

Well, after watching the ending of Sakura Matou in other scenes, the three of Illya were all depressed.

Illya also asked Mo Yi before if there was another Matou Sakura in her world.

If possible, Illya hopes that the Matou Sakura in her world will have a happy ending and no more tragedies.

Grandpa Mo Yi told the other party the real situation. There was another Matou Sakura in her world and it was similar to other parallel worlds. Matou Sakura was his brother Emiya Shirou's school girl, um, she had a crush on his brother.

Knowing this fact, Illya was still struggling for a while, should she bless the other person or not?

In addition to knowing Matou Sakura because the Mahou Shochu trio had read the script, Matou Sakura, as the other person's biological sister, also recognized the other person instantly, but they were confused at first and couldn't speak.

After Mo Yi explained clearly, Tohsaka Rin felt like he was about to explode.

Although this Matou Sakura is not his biological sister, there is no difference. Doesn't it mean that girls don't need a reason to be angry?

Ainsworth and these guys are causing trouble everywhere, and they even caught her and turned her into a maid. Now they actually dare to touch her reverse scales?

As a sister control, Tohsaka Rin is very unhappy now!

Whoever makes her unhappy, she will naturally not make the other person happy.

When no one was paying attention, someone rushed to Julian's side and hit him with a set of Bajiquan.

"For a guy like you, don't think that it will be okay if you go crazy."

"Magicians never talk about human rights!"

After Angelica found out, she wanted to stop the rampaging Tohsaka Rin, but was unfortunately held back by Luvia.

Luvia also knows Matou Sakura, but her relationship with Tohsaka Rin is different. Luvia likes Matou Sakura very much and treats her as her own sister.

The poor relationship between her and Tohsaka Rin is also related to Matou Sakura, because she feels that she is qualified to be Matou Sakura's sister, not the rude, rude and contrived poor eldest daughter Tosaka Rin.

As for the others, they looked helpless, or they were secretly happy to help Tohsaka Rin cheer up.

A lunatic doesn’t have to take responsibility for the wrong things he does?

How could such a good thing happen!

Even the giant Emiya didn't come out to stop him. Now, he had no time to pay attention to his good friend Julian, who had broken his heart. Instead, he looked guiltily at Matou Sakura, who was subdued by Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Sakura, I'm sorry-"

The Emiya giant's right hand gently fell on Matou Sakura's face, like wiping fragile blue and white porcelain. He regretted it but did not dare to use force, fearing that he would accidentally cause some flaws to the most beautiful and precious thing in front of him.

As he spoke, the eyes of the iron man Emiya Juxia were already filled with tears.

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