"it's all my fault."

However, Kuroka Sakura seemed unable to understand the feelings and words of Hero Emiya. Like a pet cat, she moved her face to let the other person's gentle hands caress her face more, and said with great satisfaction and joy:

"Senior's hands are so warm..."

"Sakura likes it very much."


After hearing what the other party said, Hero Emiya couldn't hold on any longer and cried loudly like a helpless child.

After feeling that they had almost communicated, Grandpa Mo Yi said:

"You guys get out of the way, I'm going to extract her soul, help her remove the magic that restricts her spirit, and then use the third method to help her reshape her body."

Emiya Giant: "What? You mean, Sakura can still be saved?"

Now, not only the giant Emiya, but also Chaldea and others who had been trying to gather the number of people were also shocked by Grandpa Mo Yi's words.

"The third method, Mr. Mo Yi, are you talking about the third method of soul materialization?"

Born and raised as a magician since childhood, Mashu, who is full of knowledge, naturally knows what the third method is.

"The third method, what is it?"

On the contrary, Gudazi, who was half-experienced, didn't know much about the legendary plug-in such as magic, so he asked curiously:

"Is it great?"

"Something very powerful——"

Matthew could only explain simply:

"Magic is something beyond miracles. The Holy Grail system and Chaldea's heroic spirit summoning system are both part of the third method."

"People who manipulate magic are called magicians, and each one has the ability to destroy the world."

In the world of Xingyue, magic is the biggest cheat besides the source vortex and the two major inhibitory forces.

Because magic is unreasonable, the internal laws of the world are stable, water should flow downward, and there is no way to resurrect people after death. In this way, a stable world is constructed by iron and steel.

Magic, on the other hand, ignores the laws of the world and changes the world forcefully and violently to achieve the results the magician wants.

This will lead to the collapse of the laws of the world, so magicians are also called enemies of the world.

It sounds powerful, but a little boring.

Taking an orange, Gaetia burns the human body and uses the energy gained to travel through time, preparing to return to the beginning of the world and create its own creation.

Such an unclear and serious thing is just part of the fifth method of "Qing". In other words, if Aozaki Aoko wants to, she can use the fifth method to do the same thing, and she doesn't need to use the Holy Grail to create Siege Special Click to cut off such a complicated operation in human history.

Poor Mr. Gai works overtime day and night, and what he wants to do is just something that the mushroom wife Aozaki Aoko can easily do.

It can be seen from this that there are many bugs in the magician.

Regarding other people's surprise, Grandpa Mo Yi has long passed the age of gaining a sense of vanity from it, otherwise he would not have to do anything else all day long and would just be happy.

He grabbed the opponent's left hand and pulled it tightly. A transparent and colorless but still visible pale soul was pulled out by Grandpa Mo Yi's left hand.


Seeing this, Wei Gongju couldn't help but exclaimed. Even though he knew that Grandpa Mo Yi was not simple, as he could tell from the previous battles, there were some things that you wouldn't worry about if you didn't know about Miyu's problem.

For example, even though I know that the person in the mirror is just an optical and physical imagination, I still feel scared when I look in the mirror in the middle of the night. I wonder if the person in the mirror is actually me, and whether the other person will stare at me like a monkey when I am not looking at the other person. For another example, you know that it is impossible for the goddess you have had a crush on for a long time to contact you, but you still learn the bad habit of not turning off your phone at night and putting the other person's phone number that you have never called once at the top of the list, because you are deeply afraid that the other person will call you. Sometimes, you will miss it by accident.

In short, it means that you know there is no need, but you can't control yourself to worry. This is precisely because you care, which leads to this strange mentality.

And Hero Emiya cares about Matou Sakura. After all, only by losing someone can you know how important your loved one is!

Being able to endure the pain of loss is not maturity, but helplessness. Knowing how to cherish and take care of everything that is truly important is true wisdom.


After her soul was extracted, Matou Sakura's body naturally turned into a simple puppet, with the class card stuck on it - Berserker Lancelot, while Matou Sakura's soul had her eyes closed. Like a peaceful and beautiful sleeping princess.

"Soul fixed——"

Along with the white light emerging from Grandpa Mo Yi's left hand, Matou Sakura, who should have been ethereal, gradually solidified. After more than ten seconds, she became undoubtedly like an ordinary person.


After saying that, he handed Matou Sakura into the arms of the great hero Emiya who had found her again and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"She should wake up after a while."

"Is this the end?"

Gudazi was looking forward to it after hearing what Matthew said so powerfully, but now it's over without any special effects.

This is simply a 50-cent special effect. How come there needs to be a violent storm, lightning and thunder to be worthy of the so-called power to destroy the world!

"Matthew, is this what you call magic?"

Matthew: "..."

"Senior, this is also the first time I have seen magic with my own eyes——"

"Moreover, you can even make clothes by reshaping your soul. Isn't this amazing?"

When Gudazi heard it, he thought it made sense.

"How about letting Mr. Mo Yi perform again?!"

Ma Xiu quickly pulled Gudazi, who was very imaginative, to dissuade him from the urge to cause trouble.


Less than half a minute passed. Sakura Matou's eyelashes in the arms of Hero Emiya fluttered, and then her purple eyes gradually opened. In the blur, she saw the face of Hero Emiya with light and shadow special effects.

"Senior, am I not dead?"

When I came into contact with Ainsworth before and controlled Matou Sakura's magic, he also deleted the controlled memory of the opponent. This is probably what Grandpa Mo Yi can do for this girl who always has the misfortune to knock on the door. One last thing.

Therefore, after regaining consciousness, Matou Sakura's last memory was the scene when she was attacked by her brother in order to save the Emiya Giant on that snowy night.

"Very good···"

Obviously, the giant Emiya was a little too happy now and started to answer questions inappropriately.

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